Strongest Villain System

Chapter 253: To say

ps: Thanks to the bookmate for donating bamboo shoots for ten thousand yuan, and the bookmate lawliethc (Su Sumei paper) also rewarded the helm master, plus even continued to owe ... the author Jun strives to pay it back next week.

With the intercession of several chiefs of the state capital, the arrest of those who committed crimes suddenly showed their future wings.

The so-called law does not blame the public. The heads of these state capitals are now the mainstay of the six doors. Even if Su Xin wants to kill them, why should the courts of these heads of state capitals open their nets?

But unfortunately, they ignored Su Xin's determination. This time it was Su Xin that he wanted to use them to kill chickens and tamarins. Even Li Li and Huang Bingcheng were useless.

For controlling their subordinates, many people like to slap a sweet date.

But Su Xin is just the opposite. He likes to give the other party sweet dates first, so that the other party can wake them up with a slap and tell them that if they want to continue to eat this sweet date, they must keep it. My rules, otherwise, the next welcome will not be a slap.

For these catching heads, no matter the treatment given to them by Su Xin after joining the Six Doors and the reward given to them by the destruction of the Sword of the Swords, they are very satisfied.

But after being satisfied, Su Xin will set a rule for them.

Eat me, take me, and of course listen to us, or else, what can I do for you?

Su Xin looked coldly at the chief executives who stood up and said, and said lightly, "Are they now yours, will you stand up and speak for them?"

It seems that you miss the days when you were the King of the Mountain. That's good. I'll do it for you and take off this clothes. I let them go back to the mountain and build a cottage with you, okay?

The so-called brothers are united, and their profits are broken. You have so many good brothers and bosses who live and die with you. You can definitely make a name for yourself in Jiangnan Road. Then I will fulfill you now, okay? "

Su Xin's words made those chief executives who stood up to speak regret, and quickly shook his head with cold sweat: "Master, forgive me! I didn't mean this!"

Su Xin looked at them coldly: "That doesn't mean it? What do you mean?"

Pay attention to the next time you speak, first figure out what you are and then say this. The opportunity is only given once by each person. The second time, it is not that simple. "

The heads nodded again and again and stood back.

"Go ahead," Su Xin said lightly.

As soon as Liu Hao waved his hand, twenty-three captives of his men stood up directly, holding large ring knives, and beheaded with a single knife. Those culprits had no time to mourn, and the corpses separated.

The executions of these arrests were also from the gangsters. So many gangsters joined the six doors. Liu Hao and others took the lead in relying on their own arresters, and of course his staff increased greatly.

Liu Hao is still clever, and the people who arranged the executions are all robbers. This also prevents those who are also from the bandits from catching fast.

If the beheading is the arrest of a bandit, and the executioner is the arrest of a six gate, this will undoubtedly divide the current six gates of Jiangnan Road into two classes. This is for the six gates. Integration is very bad.

More than twenty people fell to the ground in an instant, which made many of the arrests at the scene fast.

It's really worthless to land on the ground just for that 10% of the cultivation resources.

Although those cultivation resources are precious, at least you have to have a life to enjoy first. If the life is gone, then nothing will be left. Warsong of All Realms

The end of a chicken killing tamarin monkey, Su Xin asked people to clean up the martial arts ground, and pulled the corpse to bury it, but then three loud ears came suddenly.

"Jiu Xuan Jianzong Sungan!

There is no time in the season of Luoyu Villa!

Quzhou rams don't count!

See the head of Gangnam-do! "

These three sounds are louder than each other. When the last sentence is spoken, it sounds like thunder, and the faces of all the people in the scene suddenly change, and even some of the acquired realms can't bear the volume, directly holding the ear pain Lamented.

Su Xin's face sank. This is also called Seeking? That's too arrogant!

"Let's go out with me to meet these three people!" Su Xin said lightly.

Li Gang and others have nothing to do, but the complexion of others has changed a bit, and some fear is hidden in it.

In addition to the famous Jiangnan Xiaos in Jiangnan Road, these three are the most powerful. Each of them is a powerful force that has been passed down for hundreds of years. There are powerful men in the family who sit in the town.

The three great families have been prestigious for a long time. Of course, these warriors who have grown up in Jiangnan Province have heard of their prestige, and now they can't help but feel a little afraid.

Su Xin led people out of the gate, and three martial arts masters who turned into the gods were blocked at the gates of the six gates. Many warriors from the Jiangnan government watched in the distance.

Of course they knew why Jiuxuan Jianzong and others came. Just after Su Xin's side wiped out the Fengfeng Sword School, they came, of course, to find Su Xin for an explanation.

Seeing the three people outside, Su Xin's face showed a bright smile, arching hand in hand: "What are the three seniors to come to my six doors? What are you doing standing at the door, go ahead and have a cup of tea."

The most angered ram among the three did not sneer: "It is not necessary to drink tea. I will come here today to just want to talk about Su's arrest."

The Fengfeng Sword sent a thousand-level second-class ancestral gate, and your six doors were destroyed when you said that it was destroyed, and the door was still full of people. The killed Fengfeng Sword sent the corpse across the wild. This is not the case! "

The smile on Su Xin's face disappeared instantly, and his face changed like a book turning, with a gloomy face saying, "If you say something nice, please call your predecessor. If it's not good, what kind of thing do you have, and it comes with six doors I want to say?

The Fengfeng Sword School colluded with Wu Guoyu Yin, and it was against the law. Of course, the door would be overwhelmed. You have to say for them. Do the three of you have a collusion with Wu Guoyu Yin? "

Hearing Su Xin's words was not bad, the rams blew up at that time. The breath on his body skyrocketed, a horrible breath emerged, but was suppressed by Sun Gan of Jiuxuan Jianzong next to him.

Sun Qian came out and looked at Su Channel with cold eyes: "You said that the Fengfeng Sword School colluded with Wu Guoyu, what is the evidence?"

Su Xin chuckled: "Of course the evidence was sent to the Six Gates headquarters in Shengjing City.

Moreover, even if there is evidence, why should I let you check it again? What do you think you are qualified to point at my six doors?

Do you want to establish Chu Jun in the Great Zhou Dynasty in Japan, and also ask the attitudes of your three factions to decide? "

As soon as this word came out, even a very good-tempered Sun Gan couldn't help it.

Su Xin obviously was unreasonable. At first, he used Lei Yuan to clear up his dissidents and used them to collude with Wu Guoyu Nie. Now he destroys the Fengfeng Sect and still colludes with Wu Guoyu Nie. Hunting Rome

If Wu Guoyu is so bullish, can he collude with so many people, and let Iron War and others directly defeat the plot at the Jiangnan meeting? When they directly raised their arms, they called Jiangnan Province to stand on their own, okay?

One of Sun Qian stepped out, and the quaint long sword on his back uttered a sound of an angry sword.

The majestic momentum was pressed towards Su Xin and others, Li Bad and others couldn't resist, and in order not to be ugly, they could only step back.

Su Xin, however, remained motionless, and after the Shan Zi was running, the layers of light and shadow spread out, offsetting Sun Qian's momentum.

"Why, you want to kill me?"

Su Xin showed a scornful smile, and took a step forward: "Three martial art masters who transformed into the **** realm wanted to kill me. Of course, my juniors in the **** realm could not be beaten.

But I want to ask the three of you. Today I am here to let you kill. Do you dare to kill? "

Su Xin stepped into the three people step by step. Although it was in the state of the palace, the momentum on his body was not in the slightest.

Su Xin pointed to the ground saying: "On strength by generation, I am indeed not as good as you, but as the chief of Jiangnan Road, the imperial court, in Jiangnan Road, I represent the imperial court!"

The faces of Sun Qian and others were extremely ugly. Su Xin was right. They did not dare to kill Su Xin.

As long as the court and the major martial arts forces did not tear their faces, even if they did, it was still in the dark, and it wasn't for them to dare to move.

Su Xin, as the chief catcher of Jiangnan Province, represents the face of the Da Zhou Dynasty on Jiangnan Road. If they dare to kill Su Xin, the Da Zhou Dynasty will never give up.

The ram hummed without a word: "Su Xin, don't be too arrogant. Do you really think the court can protect you forever?"

Su Xin looked at the three with a cold smile on his face: "There are many martial arts gates in Jiangnan Province who want to kill me, but you better understand the consequences of killing me.

I Su Xin walked from Xiangnan to Jiangnan, from Heibang to the top 20 of the list. Which battle was not an escape? You should believe that I, Su Xin, are not afraid of death!

If you want to bet your life, I will take my life with you! I am dead, your ancestors will be completely history.

Don't expect the Xiao family to come to help you. The Xiao family does have the strength to fight against the Zhou Dynasty, but unfortunately you don't.

Of course, if you think I am a bluff, then you can try it, and use my life to replace several centuries of your business ~ ~ I think it is worth it anyway. "

Su Xin's words almost vomited blood to the three people, and some words directly forced the three to the corner. What made them say?

Although they believe that Su Xin is just a bluff, who dares to do it? The anger of the court was not so easy to bear.

Although the strength of these three companies is strong, each one has a martial arts master who is immersed in the realm of God. However, in this Jiangnan Road, there is no need to send people to the court. Only the Gangnam-do march chief, Gu Donglai, can take them. It's gone.

The same is the realm of merging the gods, and Gutung Lai, who is on the list, is not comparable to the three warriors of the merging gods.

Moreover, now that Jiangnan Province is in an extraordinary period, the Xiaos in the Jiangnan Province have annoyed the Da Zhou Dynasty this time, and specifically sent Gu Donglai to stare at the Xiao family's door, which made the Xiao family choose to tolerate this time and stay behind closed doors. .

The reason why the martial arts forces in Gangnam Province are in the same spirit is because they have the top martial arts force in the Xiao family.

Without the support of the Xiao family, the confidence of the three of them is really lacking. (To be continued.)

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