Strongest Villain System

Chapter 271: Ass decides head

PS: This chapter is for the book friend Fuji Mt.

Shen Tianyao saw that she always cared for her at all times, and even the second brother Yuan Yuan who couldn't even say a word to her suddenly spoke to her with such a heavy voice, and immediately made her feel wronged, tears flowing involuntarily.

She also knew the seriousness of the matter. Anyway, it is estimated that it is impossible to take Lian Yuehai away today.

So she stared at Su Xin with a vicious eye, and said coldly, "Su Xin! Even the first brother put you here, if he gets hurt a little bit again, I will definitely leave you with six chickens and dogs on Jiangnan Road!" Brother lost a hair, I will kill you one of the six doors of Gangnam-do! "

The hatred of women is terrible. Lu Chen and the three of them saw Shen Tianyao's resentful appearance now and could not help fighting a chill. Is this still the lovely and cute Shen Tianyao before?

Su Xin shook his head. I don't know why. Yuan Dongtian and others all uttered something in their hearts, as if they felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Brother Yuan, it's best to bring a message to Shen Tianwang when you go back. Even if you have a daughter, you can't raise it as an idiot. Your mind is a good thing. I really hope everyone can have it."

Su Xin's hand was placed on Lian Yuehai's head, and a blood line was radiated / shot out. A light sound of '噗' instantly opened a blood hole in Lian Yuehai's head, a red and white slurry. It trickles, but it doesn't splash a little to the side.

Su Xin looked at Shen Tianyao and said faintly, "Remember, leave next time. It ’s very easy to anger the enemy when you leave. It happens that what Su Xin hates most is that someone threatens me."

"Su Xin I killed you!"

Shen Tianyao's eyes suddenly turned red, but she just wanted to pounce towards Su Xin, but Yuan Dongtian knocked her **** the neck and knocked her out.


Taking a deep look at Su Xin, Yuan Dongtian took Landing Chen and others to leave directly.

Ji Wukong looked at Su Xin with a smile and said, "Sir, you really dare to start, and the disciples of the Seven Heroes Association say kill and kill. This time you have offended the Seven Heroes Society."

Su Xin said indifferently: "Isn't this what you want? Without you, then Lian Yuehai would appear on Jiangnan Road?"

Ji Wukong was surprised. What he did should be seamless. Where did Su Xin know that he had provoked Lian Yuehai?

"Three Tianshu swordsmanships are expensive, right? You just need to get them back for a fight, maybe you can still use them."

Su Xin made people throw those fragmented Tianshu swordsmen in front of Ji Wukong, no matter how ugly he looked, and turned back to the six gates.

Behind Huang Bingcheng whispered to Su Channel: "Boss, what shall we do next?"

"Of course, continue to select some elite catchers to cultivate, and then send a big gift to Luoyu Villa, which is the so-called come without indecent assault. They all gave me three Tianshu swords, and I ca n’t help but not return gifts. "Sue channel.

Huang Bingcheng hesitated: "Let's not have to guard against the Seven Heroes? I look at the little girls' eyes before they leave, as if they wished to swallow us."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "The Seven Heroes Association is indeed guarded, but not now, at least I am still in Jiangnan Road for a day, and his Seven Heroes Association would not dare to move me, and they would not even send someone to find a place?" [Rebirth Entertainment] Choice disorders

"Why?" Huang Bingcheng asked.

One after another also looked at Su Xin, apparently they were also curious why Su Xin was so confident that Qixiong would come to trouble him.

You should know that this time, Su Xin has offended Qixiong quite severely. If the other party has a chance, he will definitely vent Su Xin's indignation.

And I heard that there are few Shen Mingming's 'Pingtian Wang' children. Shen Tianyao is also one of his favorite. Maybe he will come to Su Xin for justice for his daughter.

Su Xin pointed to his head and said: "The **** determines the head. The Seven Heroes Association is not the woman who has no chest and no head. As one of the seven gangs in the world, they want to have more action than others. many.

The current Jiangnan Road is a big vortex. The rebellion of Wu Guoyu's self-reliance has stimulated the weak nerve of the court, so this time the court was really angry. Although it seemed quiet on the surface, it was staring at all times. It's Gangnam-do.

Otherwise, why do you think the Xiao family is so honest, and those who are at ease are retreating? It was because they knew that the court was really angry this time, and they did not want to touch the mold of the court, so it was so long.

Otherwise, if the Xiao family really needs to make small moves, an ancient Donglai can't stand it. There can be more than one Xiaojia Rong Divine Realm, and the owner of their yang divine realm, even the Xiao family in the legend has reached Old monster in Zhenwu Realm.

The Xiao family are so low-key, not to mention the Seven Heroes Association that is far from Runan Road. If they dare to blend into the great vortex of Jiangnan Road at this time, then it is the real brain blow. "

Huang Bingcheng and others nodded their heads, but everyone didn't think about it, just as Su Xin said, buttocks determine their heads. Since they are not sitting in this position, what are they thinking about? Just do your thing honestly.

In the next ten days or so, Su Xin took Huang Bingcheng and they ran all the capitals of Jiangnan Road. Only one hundred people met Su Xin's requirements.

Do not look at this small number, but these people are Su Xinzhen ready to cultivate as a confidant.

The eagle gang has a poor foundation for those people. In the gang wing, only Li Bad and Li Qing are worth training on martial arts. It can be said that it is almost difficult and difficult to break through the innate talents of others.

Now, the arrests in the six gates of Jiangnan Road are not the same. No matter whether they are born of bandits or the original catchers of the six gates, no matter which of these two entry gates requires certain talents.

So Su Xin was able to pick out this one-tenth of his heart and talent among thousands of people.

Among the martial arts, there are divergent opinions on whether martial arts forces should pursue quality or quantity.

But from now on, the quality is better than the quantity. The lotus temple, which is one of the three temples of Buddhism, does not have more than three disciples per generation, but it still ranks among the three temples of Buddhism.

At that time, the guards of the 100-strong team of the ancient Donglai were all innate realms, from Qihai to Jingu, but they were able to exist as one enemy three or even enemy four. What Su Xin wanted to cultivate was also such an elite. .

After finalizing these things, Su Xin was ready to give a gift to the Luoyu Villa.

Since the last discussion, I heard that the three of them seemed to go to the Xiao family, but the Xiao family ignored them, resulting in the three families returning empty-handed. Gaming I am king

Jiuxuan Jianzong and Gongyang's were more honest afterwards, but Luoyu Villa suddenly jumped out and shouted, which was a bit disgusting.

The three first-class forces have a martial arts warrior who sits in the town. Su Xin really does not want to be the other party for the time being, but Luoxin Villa is disgusting with Su Xin. Su Xin will definitely make him disgusting 10,000 times.

"Lao Huang, find me the location of all the shops under the Luoyu Villa." Su Channel.

Huang Bingcheng hesitated, "Boss, but how many are there, all of them?"

Su Channel: "Who asked you to count those ordinary shops? I only want those shops that sell the specialty cultivation resources of Luoyu Villa."

Every first-class power has its own business, or else what do they rely on to earn cultivation resources?

As the first-class strength of Jiangnan Province, Luoyu Villa has a lot of business under it, of which some are specially prepared for the warriors.

The specialty of Luoyu Villa is a strange tree called Jiuye Hongfeng. Each tree only produces nine red and red maple leaves each year. Direct swallowing can stimulate the meridian movement in the body and accelerate the cultivation speed. For the day after tomorrow, Innate martial arts are useful.

Therefore, the ancestors of Luoyu Villa invited several alchemists to study this nine-leaf red maple prescription, and finally developed a mysterious elixir called "Chi Ling Dan".

This kind of mysterious elixir Su Xin has seen that the efficacy is much weaker than that of Shaolin Temple. According to a systematic evaluation, there are only two stars.

However, the chicken thief in Luoyu Villa is very small in refining this red spirit. They have a large area of ​​this nine-leaf red maple in the range of Luoyu Villa, with thousands of trees. Nine red maple leaves, there are also nearly ten thousand.

When refining this red spirit, if a piece of nine-leaf red maple is added to each bottle of elixir, the potency can definitely be improved by one grade.

However, Luoyu Villa itself used this normal version of Chi Ling Dan, and they sold it, but it was a castrated version. A bottle of nine-leaf red maple was used to make five bottles. The efficacy was much lower.

With this kind of elixir, Luoyu Villa opened a lot of branches in the whole Jiangnan Province, but made a lot of money ~ ~ some of those pharmacies are relatively inferior and in the refining process There were some problems. Chilingdan, which caused the weakening of the effect, was also sold. It can be bought with silver. As long as 12,000 silver bottles, but how much of the effect is left depends on your own luck. Already.

The normal medicine of the top quality must be exchanged for training resources of equal value.

In the huge Jiangnan Road, various training materials have emerged endlessly. Luoyu Villa can only exchange the elixir by selling this kind of elixir. They can not only fish for the training resources they need each year, but the remaining ones still have a large part.

Anyway, in Su Xin's opinion, the potential of this adulterer in Luoyu Villa is still very deep. The price of these red spirits is lower than that of normal xuan-class medicine. Although the efficacy is lower than others, but because of this low price, Luoyu Villa seized the market of Gangnam Province.

After all, there is not much money for casual martial arts, and some of the cultivation resources that can be exchanged are even less. Compared to those elixir that are too expensive and often out of stock, this is still an infinite supply, cheaper and cheaper red. The panacea is more in line with their consumption habits.

And Su Xin's sight this time is precisely these pharmacies opened in Luoyu Villa. (.)

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