Strongest Villain System

Chapter 274: Fierce

: Thanks to the bookmate Fanxiang Xiangpeng for the reward of 20,000 starting coins, add more notes, and make up later.

Ji Lin stared at Su Xin deadly. This time, he ran out of Luoyu Villa without permission.

After all, he is the strongest person in the list. He saw that Su Xin had already competed with the strongest person in the previous generation to take the lead, and his heart was inevitably unbalanced.

But unfortunately, he wanted to compete with Su Xin, but Su Xin had no intention of making trouble with him.

Su Xin's eyes showed a touch of coldness, and his mouth said lightly: "You don't let it matter, but everyone around you can listen well. Anyone who dares to go to Chifeng Pavilion to buy elixir may be Wu Guoyu, who dares Enter this gate, then go back to the six doors and explain things clearly, prove that you are innocent, and let you out naturally. "

The soldiers around him suddenly smiled bitterly.

Your six doors and two behemoths in Luoyu Mountain Villa are here and there, what is it about us?

The mortals were struck by the immortals, and they immediately wanted to leave as soon as they were unhappy.

But at this time, Ji Lin dragged an onlooker warrior into the store and stuffed him a bottle of elixir, which immediately made the warrior cry.

"Send him back to Luoyu Villa, my client of Luoyu Villa, I see who dares to move." Ji Lin gave a provocative glance at Su Xin.

Although he was impulsive but not an idiot, he didn't even want to be hard with Su Xin.

Didn't you say that everyone who bought my medicine in Luoyu Village would be brought back to the six doors? OK, I'll protect them all the way to Luoyu Mountain Villa, and see how you can take them!

At that time, you, the head of Jiangnan Road, will talk like you fart, but you still do n’t dare to come to my Luoyu Villa to get people.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Little clever, useless."

Su Xin, a martial artist, has seen a lot of people, such as Pei Yanjun and Xiao Huang.

There are those who are impulsive and mindless, such as Li Chenfeng.

And this season Lin obviously belongs to the middle of the two. Little clever may have it, but his vision and experience are not enough. In short, it needs a little more training to barely be able to stand alone.

Unfortunately, this is something that the elders of Luoyu Villa should consider, and has nothing to do with him.

"Do it! Everyone, take it all for me!" Su Xin drank sharply, and Li Bad and others behind him rushed towards Luoyu Villa and others.

Ji Lin froze, he didn't seem to think that Su Xin dared to do something to the people in Luoyu Villa.

"I suspect that this person is Wu Guoyu Yin, what do you mean to protect him? Collusion with Wu Guoyu Yin, be punished for sin!"

A small Ji Lin couldn't stop Su Xin. He said that if he wanted to give a big gift to Luoyu Villa, he had to give them a big gift. As for Ji Lin, it was a gift.

Since Luoyu Villa dares to solicit someone to assassinate him, it must be prepared to be retaliated afterwards.

Su Xin swayed with five fingers and five swords out of his hands. Several disciples who stopped in front of him were as fragile as ragdolls, and they were easily torn apart.

Li Bad and others also rushed up and started to fight with other disciples in Luoyu Mountain Villa, suppressing it in an instant.

Ji Lin is just a disciple of the younger generation of Luoyu Mountain Villa, and he has no actual rights. The person he brings is naturally not the elite of Luoyu Mountain Villa. This strength can be imagined.

When Ji Lin saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help yelling, "Su Xin! How dare you kill me in Luoyu Villa? Do you really want to die with me in Luoyu Villa?"

He misestimated Su Xin's determination. He was also inadequate in intelligence. He didn't know that Ji Wukong had put Su Xin together before. This incident was only spread among the top people in Luoyu Villa.

If Ji Lin knew this, he would not appear here to call Su Xin so confident.

Seeing that there was no retreat, even people on the side of Luoyu Villa were almost killed by Su Xin. He had to rush out with his teeth.

A red-red slender lancet slipped from Ji Lin's sleeves, beheaded at Su Xin, and the blade of the sword was raining for a moment.

Su Xin didn't make a sword, he used the finger to refer to the sword, but there was the pure sword gas blasting out, smashing Ji Lin's sword, snapping a finger, Su Xin was like walking in a courtroom, instantly invisible Xiang Jian's sword spirit forced Ji Lin into the corner, making him retreat!

It was not until this moment that Ji Lin realized the gap between himself and Su Xin.

The original Ji Lin has always been very proud, thinking that even the top big disciples can't compare themselves.

As a result, now facing Su Xin, he seemed to be forced to the corner in an instant as if he had no slight resistance.

At this moment, Li Li suddenly heard from behind Su Xin, Ji Wukong was like a wind, almost like shrinking into an inch, and came to Su Xin a few times.

Ji Wukong didn't expect Ji Lin to start a fight with Su Xin so quickly, and it seemed that Su Xin wanted to kill!

It doesn't matter if Ji Lin suffers, but his death is a big deal.

Ji Lin is not only one of the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation of Luoyu Villa, but also the son of his elder brother Ji Wucheng.

This incident was originally caused by him. If Ji Lin died because of this, then he would not just be condemned and imprisoned in Luoyu Villa.

"It turned out to be Ji Ji, I said I would give you a big gift, and now the most important gift is in front of you. How can you not accept it?"

Su Xin said lightly, pointing to the left hand Blood River God, the three blood lines attacked Ji Lin with strange twisted arcs.

However, his right hand grabbed the air, and five sword qi burst out instantly, invisible and phaseless, tearing the void. This sheer incomparable sword qi suddenly surprised Ji Wukong.

There is no sword in his hand, but he can reach the state of Jianqi broken body, as he wants, how can his Kendo cultivation be so profound? This is not even the second swordsman of the list, He Xiu.

You know that the sword is the sword, and the Qi is the Qi.

The combination of the sword and your own qi is called qi qi, and the qi released without a sword can be called qi or qi. Anyway, it cannot be called qi.

But now the messenger from Su is the purest sword spirit.

As if his body was a scabbard, as his body danced, hundreds of sword qi burst out in an instant, invisible and phaseless, but it stirred a sound in the surrounding void, and the sword qi was in mid-air. The bursting broke out, making the land of more than ten feet square, and becoming a sword field!

The martial arts on the sidelines have been stunned. Su Xinqiang has already heard of it, but hearing is false and seeing is believing. There is no legend that Su Xin is now the first to use the power of Jingu Realm to fight against Yuan Shen Realm. The warrior was shocked.

The sky's sword air was waving, and Su Xin's moves seemed to be beating with a certain rhythm, except that every time he danced, a sword air with a murderous blast erupted.

But after all, Hua Shen Jing is Hua Shen Jing. Although Su Xin's congenital broken body invisible sword energy is amazing, his strength is only Jingu.

The temptation of the cat's gracious cat


Ji Wukong sighed loudly, replaced the sword with a palm, and the flying feathers drifted down and down, tearing the sky with a slash, directly cutting the sky with the sword.

However, Su Xin and Ji Wukong did not fight against each other, of course, he did not have this illusion.

After one move, temporarily held Ji Wukong for a moment. With this moment, Su Xin left his sword in his left hand, and a round of blood moon rose from behind him. The blood waves were soaring and went straight to Ji Lin!

Before that time, Ji Lin saw Ji Wu coming, and he was relieved that there was a strong Yuanyuan Realm in his house, and Su Xin could not kill him.

However, he did not expect that Su Xin's fierce might be so prosperous that he would kill him in the presence of the powerful Yuan Shenjing.

The thought of Ji Lin couldn't help showing a little anger here.

My Ji Lin is really no match for you, Su Xin, but it is not enough for you.

As long as he can block Su Xin's move, Ji Wukong will come to save him.

The lancet in Ji Lin's hand was cut out wildly, and the red blade fell down, but it disappeared under the erosion of the **** sky.

A fierce infuriating rumour came, and Ji Lin's yellow lancet broke in his hands. He also spit out blood and flew out.

Ji Wukong's expression sank. Su Xin's sword was very powerful, and Ji Wukong was probably injured.

But it doesn't matter. Ji Wukong's strength, he knows, this sword can let him suffer some minor injuries, and he can't die.

So after Ji Wukong cut off Su Xin ’s sword, he immediately jumped in front of Ji Wukong and just wanted to say something, but his face suddenly changed, because he felt that the vitality of Ji Wukong was actually Quickly disappeared!

Ji Wukong looked back, Ji Lin was red, and a demon-colored flower like a qi composed of qi bloomed on his body, quickly swallowing the vitality in his body.

Ji Wukong quickly took a shot every other time. The blood-colored flower was scattered, but it did not dissipate into the air, but instantly melted into Ji Lin's body, causing him to spit out blood directly and die on the spot!

Like poison but not poison, like qi and non-qi, this is actually a kind of power revealed by Su Xin's rose scabbard combined with the three-character scripture plus the Blood River Excalibur.

The scabbard of the rose sword is dyed red with rose flower juice irrigated by five kinds of poisonous blood, so the sword can kill people with the sword wind without the sheath.

The five poisons are the blood of a seven-inch-yin snake, a hundred knots, a millennium greeting, a red fire poison, and a villain.

However, although the poison of this rose sword is powerful ~ ~, the five poisons are much smaller for the warriors in this world.

He has seen the poisonous effects of the poisonous boy. The poison on the rose sword is much stronger, but he is still far behind in the face of the warriors of the same level.

Therefore, Su Xin could not give up the sharpness of the rose sword and chose to use the rose poison on the scabbard to kill, so he had never used this ability.

However, later, when Su Xin researched the Shan Zi Jing, he found that the authenticity of the Shan Zi Jing could be incorporated into the toxin, and evolved into a poisonous but non-poisonous Qi hidden in the Blood River Excalibur. It was very powerful. powerful.

Just as just now, Ji Lin himself cannot suppress the scarlet flower, and can only be swallowed up by it, and an outsider's shot will catalyze this process more quickly.

Rivers and lakes rumored that Rose Sword would resurrect when it met the Blood Rose Flower Soul on the scabbard of the traitor, but this is only a lie by Yan Nanfei, the owner of Rose Sword.

But now Su Xin is combining the scripture of the mountain and the sword of the blood river, almost repeating the scene of the resurrection of the blood rose flower soul, but this is not a lie, but a killer that can kill people! .

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