Strongest Villain System

Chapter 284: Yin Ji's Unwillingness

Those who dare to jump out and stand on the side of Yin Ji are almost all greedy.

If they are not greedy enough, can they dare to oppose Su Xin because of Yin Ji's promises and some dissatisfaction with Su Xin?

A greedy person, there is no need to doubt whether they have any small movements on weekdays, which is almost 100%.

At the moment, few of them are clean behind their buttocks.

The head of the state capital is also the same as the emperor. The head of the major capitals of the entire Jiangnan Province will secretly intercept some of the cultivation resources sent down above, but most of them are relatively small, as long as you Without public outrage, Su Xin would not care.

There is no fish when the water is clear. For such a trivial matter, Su Xin has always opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

But if you think Su Xin is really deliberately indulging, then you are wrong.

Just like it is now, in just one night, Su Xin prepared all the evidence of these people.

And other martial artists who didn't stand up were also lucky.

Su Xin did not know who would rely on Yin Ji before, so of course he cannot be the evidence collected now. The only explanation is that the evidence was originally in Su Xin's hands, and who will jump out to do things, these things. It's time to put it on the stage!

"Evidence of witnesses and physical evidence are in place, and in accordance with the rules of the six doors, blame is on you!"

Su Xin's voice fell, and Li Bad shot directly, and severed Zheng Tianhe's throat with a sword, letting him fall to the ground with unwilling eyes.

Later, other people also shot. Eight people who wanted to follow Yin Ji to seize power were immediately beheaded by Su Xin.

Later, Su Xin chose eight people directly from those Jing Jing Jing Wu who were beside him, and recognized them on the spot as the total capture.

This scene saw everyone's heart cold.

Originally they still thought how important their status was, but now they know that there are no shortage of six gates on Gangnam-do like them. One died, and they could get another one at any time.

Su Xin ordered that the entire Jiangnan Provincial Assembly hall bleed more than once. Yin Ji pointed at Su Xin and said in a cold voice: "Every head of the eight prefectures in Jingu state catches the kill and kills. There are no six fans in your eyes. Is the law of law? "

Su Xin sneered: "The law discipline? The witnesses and physical evidence are all available. According to the rules of the six doors, I can kill them without notifying the headquarters and follow up directly with the above record. Why, do you have any comments? "

Yin Ji's complexion seems to be able to drip water. You killed people. What else can I say?

Yin Ji has only now understood that in Jiangnan Road, he and Su Xin couldn't tell the rules at all. The set of things he used to play at Liufanmen Headquarters is now put on Su Xin, which is also useless.

Su Xin looked at Yin Ji with a sneer and said, "Master, don't you want to send someone to the major martial arts in Jiangnan Province to carry out your mission? Well, I'll give you this opportunity. There are so many prefectures in the presence, as long as someone is there. Promise you, he and his men will immediately rely on you, Master Yin. "

Upon hearing Su Xin's remarks, the heads of the many state capitals who were present shook their heads quickly: "Sorry, Lord Yin, the affairs in Xiazhou Prefecture have not been completed yet. I am afraid that you cannot perform the task with you, Lord Yin."

Su Xin has just finished killing people. As long as they have no convulsions in their minds, they will never stand with Yin Ji. Maoshan Ghostbusters

Su Xin spread his hand and said, "It seems that no one can take the time to help you, Lord Yin, but this is troublesome, otherwise, I will send my two of my subordinates to catch you, Master Yin, by the way Protect Master Yin for your safety. "

Su Xin clapped his hands and said, "Li Li, Liu Hao, you two can follow Master Yin from now on."

Yin Ji's complexion suddenly changed, angrily: "Su Xin, what do you mean? Send someone to monitor me?"

Both Li Bad and Liu Hao are Su Xin's confidants. Su Xin told the two to follow him at all times. Yin Ji could know what Su Xin wanted to do with his buttocks.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Don't say it is so bad, it's not surveillance, it's just protection.

The current Jiangnan Road is not safe, and Wu Guoyu Yin may come and go sometime, so be careful. "

Yin Ji snorted and turned away.

While Li Gang and Liu Hao looked at each other closely, they followed Yin Ji tightly, allowing Yin Ji to grit his teeth, and he could not wait to act with them on the spot, but in the end Yin Ji had to bear it.

After people had cleared the hall full of blood, Su Xin was not paying attention to this Yin Ji.

Some people at the Six Doors Headquarters took it for granted that they thought they would just pick a peach and want to pick peaches, but they didn't know that some hands could not be stretched out casually.

Under the control of Su Xin, although the foundation of the six doors is still unstable, it is not a Yin Ji who can pry. Just when Yin Ji came this time, Su Xin took the unstable factors in the six doors. Tick ​​them out so they don't bother themselves later.

After Yin Ji returned to his residence at this time, Li Bad and Liu Hao had been firmly behind him.

Fortunately, however, the two men left Yin Ji a few faces, and did not enter his house, but just watched his actions outside.

Su Xin was telling Yin Ji plainly. In Jiangnan Province, you'd better be honest, or maybe sometime those "Wu Guoyu Yin" will appear and do something bad.

But having said that, Yin Ji still didn't want to give up.

Liu Fengwu is one of the four gods. Of course, his disciples are not only Yin Ji, but even his strength is not inferior to him, there are many people.

He tried hard to recommend himself in front of Liu Fengwu, and tried his best to grab the spot of the inspector. Of course, it was beneficial.

Liu Fengwu had promised him that after the position of the inspector was given to him, how many rights he could take from Su Xin's mouth, those rights are yours.

Even if you can kick Su Xin down, then you are the general leader of Gangnam-do.

His previous position was a six-door chase, just like Su Xin.

Although the whole six people know that the status of chasing the wind is high, but what about the high status? Of course, there are not many benefits and powers of being an emperor.

Su Xin was able to serve as the chief catcher of six gates in the Jinggu realm. That was the result of several coincidences. He wanted to be released to serve as the chief catcher of other roads. After a few years, it was almost the same that he completely broke through to Yuanshen Realm.

So now there is such a good opportunity, Yin Ji does not want to give up.

Today, he saw the attitude of the heads of the six state capitals. Su Xin ’s methods completely deterred them, which made the heads of the state capitals dare not even have a complaint. This made Yin Ji Scolded those people in their hearts. Han Yuzhi talked loudly

However, although these state capitals can't catch him, it does not mean that Yin Ji has no other way.

In the early morning of the next day, Yin Ji walked out of the courtyard and saw Li Gang and Liu Hao still standing at the door, which made him a little sullen.

Liu Hao even greeted Yin Ji with a smile: "Master Yin, did you sleep well last night?"

Yin Ji sneered and said, "Liu Hao, I heard that you were still the number one person before. You can also be in the top five of the total headhunters in Jiangnan Province. Why are you here as a running dog for Su Xin?"

Liu Hao said with a smile: "Those people in the martial arts often secretly scold us as court eagles. Anyway, they are dogs for people, at least for adults. I can get a lot of things."

Yin Ji snorted and turned away.

He was just a subconscious provocation, but he did not expect that Liu Hao, a guy who had old grudges with Su Xin, was so loyal to Su Xin.

Yin Ji turned and left, instead of heading to the headquarters of Liumengmen, he went directly to the outside of Jiangnan Prefecture, ready to find those local martial forces in Jiangnan Province.

Yin Ji thought for a long time last night. The idea he came up with was to find the help of these martial arts forces.

He could not find allies at the six gates of Gangnam-do, but Wulin in Gangnam-do was different.

Su Xin had slaughtered five ancestors at the beginning, and the ancestors who were hostile to Su Xin in Wulin, Jiangnan Province, or hostile to him.

Working with Wulin Zongmen, Yin Ji did not have half the psychological pressure.

Don't look at the six doors that seem to be incompatible with these martial arts gates, but in fact there are quite a lot of local cooperation between the two sides.

You may rarely see the six doors together, but at the headquarters of the six doors, you can see that there are many sects who cooperate with the six doors.

As for Li Bad and Liu Hao who followed, Yin Ji didn't care.

They want to monitor, let them monitor, want to report to Su Xin and follow their wishes.

As long as Yin Ji can get help from these martial arts gates ~ ~ What if Su Xin knows it? Can he kill these gates just as he had killed those state captains before?

Even if Su Xin wanted to report to him at Liumeng Headquarters, I was afraid he could not find an excuse.

Although the purpose of the six gates is to monitor these martial arts gates, the rules of the six gates will be severely punished without cooperation with the martial arts gates. Otherwise, the first to be severely punished is Su Xin.

After all, in the plan of Gangnam Province, Su Xin was the first Wen family united.

Yin Ji first went to the Mingyue Sword School next to Jiangnan House.

The Mingyue Sword School is also a good second-rate force in Jiangnan Prefecture. The reason why Yin Ji went to the Mingyue Sword School first is because the Mingyue Sword School and the Fengfeng Sword School that was defeated by Su Xin were good.

At that time, the Sword Sect of the Ming Feng Sect was destroyed, and the Sword Sect of the Ming Moon was also the first to succumb to the Sword Sect of the Sword of the Sword, and they wanted to let the ancestral gates such as Luoyu Villa to come out to preside over justice.

However, afterwards, Su Xin directly destroyed several martial arts forces such as Leng Yuetang by thunder, and demonstrated the power possessed by the six gates of Jiangnan Road. The Mingyue Sword School also became honest. (.)

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