Strongest Villain System

Chapter 299: Fraud

Chen Xian's complexion was a bit unsightly. He just said that the other party could not come for a while, but it turned out that the other party was here now.

"Let them all come in." Chen Xianliang snorted.

After a while, someone brought them to the entrance of the hall. When they saw Chu Lin's miserable look, their eyes suddenly turned red.

Telus pointed at Chen Xiannu and said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Xian shrugged, "It's none of my business. He made it out."

Because Chu Lin wanted to commit suicide without dragging them down, but used a lot of methods, he made himself extremely miserable. Chen Xian did not torture him torture, of course, it was not necessary.

"Okay, don't stop talking nonsense, I ask you, did you bring the wreckage of the soldiers?" Chen Xian asked with a hum.

Tellus shook his head and said, "No."

Chen Xian's complexion suddenly changed, and he said coldly, "You play with me? Believe me or not, I can't make you all out of this orchid hall!"

Chen Xian's words fell, and more than ten innate martial soldiers came out and surrounded the three of them.

In the Orchid Hall, there are seven or eight warriors in the Jinggu state, and there are more than ten other warriors in the Qihai and Lingqiao state. They are not able to resist at all.

"What a big breath, who said you can't get out of this orchid hall?" A low, husky voice came. Su Xin was wearing a black gold suit and wearing the mask of King Chu Jiang. As he entered the lobby, a The cold, cold and cold breath came along.

Orchid Hall, as the entrance of Jinyu Tower, has strict grades, and it is impossible for people to come in without the disciples' report.

But weirdly, those disciples who watched the door saw Su Xin come in, and looked at Su Xin stupidly, not even an opening to stop them.

This is the power of Su Xin's spirit of changing the ground * In the same level, he may not be so easy to exert the spirit of changing the ground * In the same level, it is easy to face the warriors in the nautical realm or the weather and sea conditions. It's very.

"Dare to ask who your Excellency is?" Chen Xian asked cautiously.

Although he didn't feel the slightest breath in Su Xin's body, looking at his momentum and style, it is likely that the existence of Yuanshen Realm exists!

Although he is the master of Jinyulou, and the warrior in Yuanshen Realm has not seen it on weekdays, the breath on the other side still scares him.

"Who am I? You who arrested me and wanted to grab my stuff, now do you know who I am?" Su Xin said coldly.

Chen Xian suddenly looked at Telusi them. The warrior in Yuanyuan Realm has something to do with them?

But in a moment, Chen Xian denied this idea.

He has always been cautious, and he had already investigated when he was ready to deal with Telusi. They were all born in Sanshou and had no amazing background.

The only one who came up was Chu Lin's master. He was a master who turned the pinnacle of the state of God into the earth, but unfortunately he had already entered the soil.

Now suddenly a mysterious man came and said that Telusi had a relationship with them, which made Chen Xian feel something wrong.

As an old river and lake, Chen Xian immediately jumped out of a possibility.

That is, the other party has nothing to do with Telusi. They just accidentally learned the news of the Heavenly Corps Wreckage, so they thought of it, and wanted to use this as an excuse to coerce him into handing over the Heavenly Corpse Wreckage! Shicheng

After all, the wreckage of the heavenly soldiers is also very attractive to the warriors in the Yuanshen Realm, regardless of whether the opponent is a deified or a fused divine realm.

Having figured it all out, Chen Xiangong hand-arched: "This senior, rivers and lakes have their own rivers and lakes rules, and the soldiers' wreckage has been owned by my Jinyu Tower. Do you want to **** it, is it inappropriate?

Su Xin heard a sneer and said: "It belongs to you Jinyulou? You are so good!"

Now the wreckage of the soldiers is in my hands, and this is what I asked Telussi to find. Otherwise, you think that the warriors in the four temple palaces have such a great chance to find an ancient refiner. The remains of the Grand Master?

Now I give you a chance, let Chu Lin, I will not blame this time, otherwise, don't blame this seat for bullying. "

Chen Xian's face sank, but he was not scared by Su Xin.

As the host of Jinyulou, what kind of storm has he never seen?

Although he is not in Yuanshen Realm, there are quite a lot of warriors in Yuanshen Realm. Besides, standing behind him is the Jinyu Tower among the seven gangs in the world. Even if the ordinary second-class forces of Yuanshen Realm see him, they are also welcome. You're kind.

"Senior, you can do it, but consider the consequences!"

Chen Xianshen said: "We will get the remains of Heavenly Soldiers Jinyulou, as long as you give us the remains of Heavenly Soldiers, Chu Lin will naturally release them, and we will personally prepare a generous gift for you as an apology.

If you have to do anything, none of us are your opponents, but from now on, Jinyulou will never die with you! You have to think about this. "

The original Chen Xian's intention was indeed, as Su Xin had guessed, after the Telussi had handed over the remnants of the Heavenly Soldiers, they would let the people directly kill and kill them all.

But now there is a mysterious soldier in Yuanyuan Realm in front of him. Naturally he can't do this, so he is going to give Su Xin a step down, let him let go, but he must take away the wreckage of the heavenly soldier.

He is the confidant of Li Wancheng, the deputy owner of the Jinyu Tower, "Seven Star Begonia". If he can dedicate this wreckage to Li Wancheng this time, it can be said that his future in the Jinyu Tower is very promising.

But at this moment, Su Xin in front of him gave a strange laugh, and the icy breath slowly released, leaving everyone in the hall to snore.

"So you are threatening me?"

Su Xin's whole body suddenly burst into a cold cold, and the endless frost radiated from his feet. In an instant, the whole hall became a frosty hell!

Seeing this momentum, Chen Xian was suddenly shocked, he quickly said: "I didn't mean this to seniors ..."

But his words weren't finished yet. Su Xin reached out with one hand, and the pounding qi condensed into a huge frost giant hand, holding Chen Xian directly in it, as if he was going to crush it directly in the next moment!

"It's been a long time since no one dared to talk to me like this, you little congenital warrior, ant-like figure, dare to talk to me like this?"

Su Xin's eyes do not have the slightest feeling, as if the gods and gods above nine days looked down at the ants in the lower world, relentless but terrifying!

The silent and silent manifestation of the spirit of changing the world *, the weak spiritual power penetrated into Chen Xian's mind, and he implanted a kind of emotion called horror, which made him not even dare to move easily and fear Su Xin killed him on the spot. Clouds rising from the sky: Don't be arrogant

"Even if your deputy landlord 'Seven Star Begonia' Li Wancheng of Jinyu Tower did not dare to talk to me like this, where did you have the courage to dare to do this? Believe me or not I killed you now, Li Wancheng respectfully respects Apologize to me! "

Chen Xian's eyes flashed a horror. Didn't the other person transform the divine realm but integrate the divine realm?

Moreover, at his tone, he still knew his own boss. If he died this time, he would die in vain, maybe Li Wancheng would scold him for trouble.

And whether Su Xin's words are false, Chen Xian really has no doubts. After all, in Chen Xian's mind, Su Xin is already a strong person who blends in the realm of God. Does such a strong person need to lie to him? ?

At this time, Liu Ye, who had not spoken at all, suddenly cautioned carefully: "Is the predecessor a person in the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth?"

Su Xin let go of Chen Xian, his cold eyes glanced at Liu Ye, and he said lightly, "Do you know the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth?"

Liu Ye quickly said: "I heard my father mention it once. This time, it was my Jinyulou's mistake. I also ask the senior to forgive me. The younger brother immediately let it go, and I immediately prepared a generous gift to the senior for your reparation."

The existence of the Second Palace of Heaven and Earth can only be known by some big men on the rivers and lakes, at least the existence above the deified state, and even some of the second-class forces or the samurai warriors who came out of the monk also did not know.

However, as the son of Liu Qianfang, the master of the Jinyu Tower, Liu Ye did not know the details of the Second Palace of the Heaven and Earth, but he must have heard Liu Qianfang said that this was already considered by Su Xin.

Su Xin took back the giant hand that he had evolved into, and kept Chen Xian on the ground. The frost in the hall was cleared, so that the warriors in Lanhuatang were relieved.

"You don't need to pay the gift. I have a little friendship with the people in Jinyulou. This time it's the same thing, but next time you brighten your eyes, don't move people who shouldn't move." Su Xin said lightly.

Liu Ye and Chen Xian nodded quickly and immediately let Chu Lin loose.

After Chu Lin on the side was loosened, he walked to Telusi's side, revealing hatred to Lin Yueming.

Su Xin looked at it for a moment, pointed to Lin Yueming and said, "Kill me."

He didn't say a reason, but does a strong man in a divine realm need a reason to kill? After hearing this, Chen Xian drew a knife and rushed towards Lin Yueming.

He also hated Lin Yueming at this time ~ ~ If there was no such **** to inspire himself, how could there be so many things happening?

Now, not only is the Tianbing wreckage not caught, but it also offends a mysterious strongman.

Although he didn't know what the Heaven and Earth Second Palace existed, it was obvious that the other party's origin was unreasonable. Just look at Liu Ye's attitude.

Moreover, the other party seems to know his own boss, Li Wancheng, this time is good, the reward is needless to say, he will not be punished by Li Wancheng in the future.

Lin Yueming screamed: "Qing Lian save me!"

What he learned was complicated, and his own strength was sparse and ordinary. He was not Chen Xian's opponent at all. After a few moves, Chen Xian was forced to the corner.

Zhai Qinglian's eyes showed disgust, and he turned his head directly. Under the sword of Chen Xianyu, Lin Yueming was directly killed by Chen Xian in less than ten strokes.

Su Xin nodded with satisfaction and took Telusi and others away, while Chen Xian and Liu Ye were relieved. (.)

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