Strongest Villain System

Chapter 305: Ready to go to war

After the banquet, the owner of the Du family arranged for Su Xin's new guests to join the family to rest.

Because of his different status, Su Xin was arranged in a large house in the most central place of the Du family, which was treated the same as some old parents of Du.

Of the entire Du family, only Wei Changfeng and Su Xin had this treatment, which made Wei Changfeng even more frustrated.

After a night of rest, when he woke up the next morning, Su Xin saw Du Chen practicing his sword there.

Since he got the broken sword, although he can use the power of the broken sword to crush the same-level warriors, even the warriors who are higher than him are not a matter of concern, but he is still hard-working.

After all, the power of the broken sword is not his power. What you cultivate yourself is your own power.

Du Chen is now practicing a set of simple and simple swordsmanship, the sword looks ordinary, but has a strange charm in it.

Su Xin saw it at a glance. This knife method must be the one inherited from ancient times.

There are a lot of exercises in the six gates, and the six gates in Jiangnan Road naturally have their own Tibetan scripture hall.

However, all the exercises in the six doors are limited, and most of them are suitable for innate martial arts.

Yuanshenjing's exercises are too precious. You must go to the Six Doors Headquarters and have enough post merit to be exchanged.

Although Su Xin is also innate now, he has lost sight of the exercises used by innate martial arts. Therefore, he has only doubled the exercises and did not study them seriously.

Among those collections, there are several ancient books and exercises on martial arts. From there, it is clear that the martial arts in ancient times are quite different from the present.

Since the development of martial arts, it has not been said in ancient times. At that time, martial arts were relatively vague, even relying on personal understanding, and basically there were no books of traditional exercises.

The ancient times 10,000 years ago was when the martial arts really flourished.

At that time, dozens of countries in the Central Plains and even the Western Regions, Nanman, and Beiyuan fought for hegemony. Various schools of martial arts were created. They are the originators of hundreds of martial arts schools today.

However, martial arts in the ancient times may not be stronger than martial arts today. At that time, martial arts techniques were relatively simple. It can be said that it is more appropriate to use the words ‘avenue to simple’ to summarize.

However, this simple martial art also tests the qualifications and perceptions of practitioners. Unlike some martial arts methods and martial arts, even which meridian is taken first, and which meridian is taken last, it takes more to run a week. Clearly written for a long time.

Su Xin stood here and saw Du Chen practicing his knife for a long time. Then he realized that Su Xin was standing beside him, and was shocked.

You must know that his swords are shown to him one by one in a broken sword. The Du family does not have such martial arts, so he usually gets up early in the yard and starts to practice this sword. Once When they saw others coming, they replaced them with Du's own swordsmanship.

But when Du Chen saw that the person was Su Xin, he was relieved. After all, Su Xin was an outsider. He didn't know what the Du family's swordsmanship looked like.

Du Chen put away the broken knife and arched at Su Xin: "I've seen the head of Qing Xuanzi."

Su Xinfu nodded and said, "Yes, the martial arts talent is important, but the more important is perseverance. Depending on your appearance, you should already be used to practicing here a long time, right?"

Du Chen smiled and scratched his head and said, "I have a stupid talent. I can't match other people's talents, so I can only be diligent. Anyway, I believe that diligence can make up for it."

Su Xin nodded and said, "That's right, you can make up for it. You can do a good job, but I think there is something missing."

Du Chen was curious: "What is missing?"

This sword was given to him in a dream by a broken sword. Although he did not know what level the sword was, it should not be weak.

Su Xin pointed to Du Chen himself and said, "Murder and war will not have two kinds of murder and war in your swordsmanship. The problem lies not with your swordsmanship but with you."

"Murder and war?" Du Chen muttered these words.

Su Xin continued: "Why are you practicing martial arts? If it is to keep fit and prolong life, then I didn't say it.

But if you want to become stronger, then you must have two kinds of things, murderousness and war will, otherwise your martial arts will have no soul, just a soft flower shelf.

Martial arts, regardless of righteousness and evil, are the way of killing and attacking, in order to pursue more powerful forces, and to make themselves stronger.

If I'm not wrong, don't say you have n’t killed anyone since practicing Wushu, even if you have n’t participated in a life-fighting battle.

Your strength is better than the younger generation of disciples of the Du family, so you can easily crush them, and the disciples of the Zhang family can't beat you, so you can win so easily.

However, once you encounter a real strong person, your current shortcomings will be magnified infinitely. Even if the opponent's strength is weaker than you, if the opponent has a heart of innocence and unparalleled warfare, the person who died last must be you. . "

Su Xin's words were not flickering, but the truth.

He had not only seen this in Du Chen, but Wen Qinghe of the Wen family had done the same at the beginning.

Wen Mingyu, the owner of the Wen family, protected Wen Qinghe so well that he was already a congenital spirit. He didn't have much actual combat experience, and even death and death battles were even missing.

However, he was later killed by Wu Xinyun by Su Xin, which seemed to completely break a shackle, making Wen Qinghe's character completely radical and addictive.

When the Battle of the Sword Sect was defeated, Wen Qinghe slaughtered more than ten disciples of the Sword Sect.

Later, the Wen family followed Su Xin and slaughtered four ancestors in blood. All these battles Wen Qinghe took part in, so that once he fights his life, he is like a madman, endlessly, making some of the disciples of the Wen family Dare to discuss with this young master.

Although Wen Qinghe's strength has improved greatly in this way, Wen Mingyu doesn't know if he should cry or laugh like this.

The problem on Du Chen now is obviously the same as that of Wen Qinghe.

After hearing Su Xin's explanation, Du Chen's eyes suddenly flashed, and he saluted to Su Xin quickly: "Thank you, Minister Tao for your confusion."

But at this time, the broken knife in his hand came to warn him again, which made Du Chen a little bit confused about what it meant.

The Taoist man in front of him is really good. He praised himself at the banquet yesterday and accepted himself as a disciple.

And he rejected him, and he was not angry. He was still pointing here, Du Chen didn't understand why the broken sword was always vigilant to the Taoist leader.

Although he did n’t understand, Du Chen still decided to believe the judgment of the broken sword. He arched Su Xin, and just wanted to leave, when he saw the owner of the Du family came in and laughed, "The Minister of Xuan Xuanzi said right. Martial arts is the way of attacking. How can there be no warfare and murderous power?

But don't worry about this. After the Du family and Zhang family battle this time, the Du family disciples who can survive must be the best among the best! "

The owner of the Du family told Su Dao: "Mr. Qing Xuanzi, my Du family is ready to fight with the Zhang family, so he also asked Mr. Qing Xuanzi to move and discuss with me how to deal with the Zhang family."

Su Xin nodded, and the owner of the Du family thought about Du Chen and said, "Chener, come here, too."

Originally, such events had always been qualified for the Du family ’s heirs, but now among the young disciples of the Du family, there are eight of them who have the qualification of heirs. Among them, Du Chen ’s strongest should have some preferential treatment.

After Du Chen heard it, he looked very happy, and immediately followed Su Xin and the Du family head to the Chamber.

At this time in the hall, all the elders of the Jing Palace of the Du family were here. In addition to the elders of the Du Family, there was also a Jing Jing Jing Wu who was recruited from behind Su Xin, a total of eleven.

But even if there are eleven Jinggong Jingwu soldiers, their strength is worse than Zhangjia.

Although the Du family has the existence of the Du family owner, a half-step Yuanshen state, and there is also a strong person who understands the sword meaning like Su Xin, but the strength of Zhang Jiaming's face is twelve congenital warriors, hidden in the dark How much power is there?

The owner of the Du family can be sure that while he was here to solicit fans, the Zhang family was not idle. They might have any means.

The owner of the Du family coughed and said, "Dear everyone, now is the crucial time for our family to live and die. How should we deal with the Zhang family? Let's all talk about it, brainstorm and come up with a best way."

Many Du parents are always frowning. The Du family has fought with the Zhang family for a few years. From the beginning of their resentment, they have been suppressed by the Zhang family.

The gap in strength is not so easy to fill. Apart from waiting for the Zhang family to attack, they can't think of any good way.

At this time, Wei Changfeng said, "Homeowner ~ ~ I have a plan here."

Du Jiajia said: "Elder Wei, please tell me what you have to do."

Wei Changfeng said: "The gap between our Du family and the Zhang family is not so easy to bridge, so it is unwise to rashly attack, and it should be changed constantly."

Many of the Du families present were skeptical. This is not nonsense. This so-called strategy is personally imaginable and needs you to say?

However, Wei Changfeng went on to say, "Of course, we cannot just wait for the Zhang family to attack.

Therefore, we sent spies to inquire about the Zhang family ’s movements to see what their strength was, what conspiracy they were playing, and internally we arranged the traps and other things throughout the Du family.

If there are channels, it is better to purchase a large number of Mohist institutions and arrange them around the trap. It is better to get some hidden devices of Tangmen and give them to the younger disciples to sneak them.

After the foolproof arrangement in this way, Baozhun let the Zhang family's people come and go! "(To be continued.) To find this site please search for" "or enter the URL:

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