Strongest Villain System

Chapter 308: return

Seeing this broken sword even dared to resist, Su Xin's five-finger sword slammed / shooted out, the invisible sword gas instantly shattered the sword, making the broken knife scream.

Su Xin reached out to **** the broken knife, but found that Du Chen's hand clenched the broken knife tightly and did not let go, and stared at Su Xin with redness in his eyes.

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Why bother? Forget it, I'll send you to meet the Du family."

Blood River God pointed out that the blood line directly penetrated Du Chen's head, making his hands weak, and the broken knife was taken by Su Xin.

There was an angry mood within the broken knife. The gray mang on the blade skyrocketed, but Su Xin grunted, and the blue ice in his hand broke out. In an instant, the broken knife was completely frozen. , Was thrown into the mustard bag by Su Xin.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Su Xin was used to it, or he went along with the killing along the way, the difference was just killing more and killing less.

This has been the case since ancient times. In Su Xin's view, it doesn't matter whether it is good or evil, but only interests.

Even as a Shaolin Temple of mercy, the blood in their hands may not be less than those in the magical way, the difference is only the blood in their hands, most of them are in the people of the magical way.

The husband is guilty and guilty of guilt. If the Du family is to blame, they can only blame them for taking things they should not, and they have no strength to guard.

Sooner or later I will have to pay it back, and Su Xin agrees with it.

Today, he can destroy the door for two second-class forces calculated by the wreckage of the Heavenly Soldier. In the coming days, maybe there is something in his body that has attracted the attention of other strong forces and forces.

So Su Xin felt that his strength was not enough, he had to become stronger, so strong that everyone began to tremble when he heard his name, so strong that no one dared to fight his idea!

In the dark night, Su Xin hides himself and walks out of the door of Zhang family.

At this time, the situation of the Zhang family in Jiangning Prefecture was still unclear. They did not want to participate in it, so they were watching from afar, waiting until tomorrow morning to know the results.

But after the early morning of the next day, everyone found that the Zhang family's courtyard was still quiet, dead and silent, no sound came.

People from other forces can't help but look at each other. What is the situation?

If the Du family wins this battle, it should be directly started to scrape the Zhang family's collection and resources directly.

And if the Zhang family won, they should also be dispatched directly, go to the Du family, and go directly to the Du family to completely wipe out the old and weak women and children of the Du family.

Anyway, no matter which family wins, it shouldn't look like this quiet.

After a while, three martial arts warriors came to the front door of the Zhang family. They were all the biggest talkers in Jiangning House.

After the three came here, they frowned suddenly.

The perception of Yuanshen Realm is different from the innate realm. In his perception, there is almost no vitality in this house, and it is completely silent.

"Open the door," a warrior who commanded the gods commanded.

Several warriors walked over, pushed the door open, and suddenly a strong blood flew towards the face, making the two faces suddenly pale, and a warrior who had only the acquired state even vomited on the spot.

When everyone entered the Zhang family, almost everyone was pale.

Everything in front of him is like Shura hell, all the bodies are in the whole courtyard, and some are even layered on top of each other. Both the Zhang family and the Du family have died here!

The three martial arts warriors glanced at each other, and they were a little confused.

If it is said that the two died together, but this is a battle of thousands of people, have you ever seen one of the two who just died?

Although they knew something was wrong, they had nothing to do with the Du family and the Zhang family, and they were naturally too lazy to investigate everything.

After they sent someone to bury the body, they directly announced that the Zhang family had used the evil way of blood and the evil sword formation and caused a problem. The two people finally got together and advised everyone not to take the evil path. and many more.

As for none of these corpses, who cares about them? They are discussing how to divide up the resources and sites left by the Du and Zhang families.

At this time, Su Xin was already on his way to Gangnam-do.

The Shaolin Temple Da Duan Dan that the Du family paid to Su Xin in return has now been served.

Shaolin Temple's main role is to improve internal strength. In fact, Su Xin waited until he was promoted to become a **** before taking the effect is the biggest, after all, he is already at the peak of the shrine.

This is equivalent to itself being a water bottle filled with water. Now that the water is full, if you pour water into it, you won't be able to fill much, there will definitely be overflowing parts.

It's better to wait until the transformation of the divine realm, let yourself become a bucket, and then take this big Dan.

However, Su Xin hasn't touched the side of Huashen Realm yet. When is the time to break through Huashen Realm? It is still unknown, so it is better to take it now, the effect is immediate.

In addition, it still takes a year to carefully refine those medicinal powers before taking Dahuandan in order to fully exert the effects of Dahuandan.

But now Su Xin doesn't have so many worries, and it only took a few days to roughly refining Da Huan Dan's medicine.

Although in this way, at least 30% of the medicinal power was wasted, but the remaining 70% was completely absorbed by Su Xin.

Su Xin originally had a very strong internal force and increased Dan ’s amazing medical power, so that Su Xin ’s true spirit had become ambitious to a horrible level. Even facing ordinary fighters of the same rank, he could not even use martial arts skills directly. It's enough to overpower people.

It took nearly ten days for Su Xin to return to Gangnam-do, but as soon as he arrived in Gangnam-do, he felt the rumbling of the whole Jiangnan-do, and many warriors were at risk.

Su Xin stayed in the restaurant for a while, and then pretended that outsiders casually inquired, and knew why Jiangnan Road was like this now. The reason was also caused by Yin Ji.

After learning about the situation, Su Xin was stunned. He didn't know how to describe this Yin Ji. He couldn't be said to be stupid, but could only say that he was too eager for quick success and too inflated.

Not long ago, Yin Ji issued a new rule that even all the ancestral gates of Jiangnan Province paid taxes to the imperial court, and they still paid by cultivation resources.

As soon as this rule came out, all the ancestors were angry.

It's okay to control the Zongmen of Yunyun like the Niangang, after all, they also earned silver from the Great Zhou Dynasty.

And like some Taoist monks who live in the old forest in the mountains, they have to pay taxes. Why? Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there has never been this rule.

This was how it used to be when the Jin Dynasty was the strongest. What happened? Now it is not nearly destroyed, it has become a lingering Eastern Jin Dynasty.

So as soon as this rule came out, there was no objection to the entire Jiangnan Road, and there were scolds everywhere.

However, this matter is what Yin Ji must do, and the reason is also related to Su Xin.

The achievements of Su Xin in Jiangnan Road are obvious to all. They strengthened the power of the six gates of Jiangnan Road and regained the prestige of Jiangnan Road. Even if the seniors of the six gates, such as Liu Fengwu, did not admit it, others could see it Already.

Now it's Yin Ji as the chief catcher of this Jiangnan Road. In fact, the most secure way is not to ask for meritorious service, but to fail, and just stabilize the six doors of the entire Jiangnan Road.

Su Xin's rules were set, and those Zongmen in Jiangnan Province would not be full, and then they would expel the six gates outside Zongmen who were responsible for monitoring.

However, Yin Ji didn't want to do this because he didn't want to be continued by Su Xinbi, so he had to make some achievements.

So he planned to collect taxes from all martial arts forces across Gangnam-do, and that's what he did.

As long as his plan is successful, let alone Jiangnan Road, even if the six doors were all in the entire Zhou Dynasty, it can be said that the entire six doors followed the prestige together, so of course this credit End of Super Letter.

However, Yin Ji might not have thought that the resistance in Wulin, Jiangnan Province would be so fierce, which also made Yin Ji curse. When Su Xin blood slaughtered your five ancestors in Jiangnan Province, you did not resist so fiercely.

But I do not know that the original Su Xin was indeed the five ancestors of the blood slaughter, but this is a prerequisite.

One is because every time Su Xin destroys one force, he will find another one to cooperate. With the winner, this argument is naturally small.

The second reason is that even if Su Xin had slaughtered five forces, they had nothing to do with them, and it was not them who were destroyed anyway.

Most people are selfish. Anyway, it ’s not their turn. Why do you go up to Su Xin?

These people are just some of the sadness of the dead rabbits ~ ~ But with the termination of Su Xin, they even have no sense of the sadness of the rabbits.

But now Yin Ji can do something different from what Su Xin did at first. Yin Ji is simply robbing them of their own interests, cutting the meat with a blunt knife, and having to come once every month, which is unbearable.

Therefore, many martial arts forces directly protested jointly.

Yin Ji also wanted to learn from Su Xin to kill chickens and tamarins and slaughter a few martial arts gates to show them, but then he almost made a mistake.

Under the management of Su Xin, the influence of Jiangnan Road is indeed not bad. It is easy to at least destroy a second-rate sect.

At present, although the elaborate arrests of the six doors have been held in their hands by Huang Bingcheng and others, most of the state ’s chief arresters have compromised under the pressure of Yin Ji. Although they are angry, they only Able to obey his orders.

Relying on the catching heads of these state capitals, hundreds of innate warriors swarmed up, and the sea tactics were enough to destroy a second-rate force. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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