Strongest Villain System

Chapter 320: Regretful Shen Family

Su Xin Yi Rong became Meng Qingze and wanted to help the Shen family, but what happened after the help of the Shen family was only Su Xin himself. [..]

Anyway, he gave Xie Yanyan a promise, and within a month he would definitely solve this small family to Xie Yanyan.

At this time, the Shen family in Moling Prefecture was a cloud, for no reason, they clashed with the Zhou family again in the morning, and directly used three warriors in the Jinggu state, but they suffered a big loss and died directly One of the two major families that seriously injured two people in Moling Prefecture, their Shen family was supposed to be weak last week, but after this time, they were more than weak.

That week, the family had eleven soldiers in the Jingjing Realm, but their Shen family had only nine.

Among these nine people, one Shen family is to be removed.

Although the Shen family is also a warrior in the Jinggu realm, he is more than 120 years old this year. His own strength and physical blood have fallen to the extreme. It is impossible to do anything with other people.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the Shen family is only eight.

After so many days, two Shen family warriors in the second generation of the Shen family seriously injured two people. Today, two wounded and one died. Now the Shen family intact Jing family warriors only have two families and one followed Shen. Decades of foreign stewardship.

At this time in the conference hall, a doctor carefully treated the two seriously wounded people of the Shen family after careful treatment: "Father Shen, the two veins of Mr. Shen were severely wounded. Mr. Er's injury was the most serious, and one arm was completely destroyed. "

The people in the hall couldn't help but sank, their arms abolished, wouldn't it mean that even if they were cured, people would be abolished at all?

The boss of the Shen family, that is, Shen Xijun's father, was furious because of the original incident. The second child of the Shen family, Shen Congxiao, was the strongest person in the Shen family and the candidate for the future family of the Shen family. As a result, Shen Congxiao became a direct one. Waste.

Feeling the murderous gaze in the hall, the doctor suddenly smiled bitterly.

He is just an ordinary doctor of the rivers and lakes, and is not the legendary doctor who can cure the dead. It is useless to look at me like this.

In the end, Father Shen waved his hand and let the doctor leave, which made him take a breath and left Shen's house quickly.

At this time, in the hall of the Shen family, Shen Chongren, the oldest member of the Shen family, suddenly whispered, "It would have been nice to know that we had accepted Yi Jianmen's mediation at that time. If we accepted the mediation at that time, the Zhou family would compensate us for a sum of training resources. It ’s better than it is now. ”

When Xie Yanyan first came to mediate, some people in the Shen family did move.

After all, it is most unwise for two evenly-closed families to start a war. Either they are both defeated, or one family is destroyed by another.

But even a victory is a disastrous victory, so many people in the Shen family actually don't want to play this game.

However, at that time, the Zhou family had killed their own family disciples. Whether it was for the sake of face or for others, the Shen family had to fight a battle.

As a result, they later regretted it. The strength of the Zhou family exceeded their imagination. In this fight, the Shen family lost more than half of their strength.

But now it is too late to regret it. At the beginning, the Zhou family did not agree with the mediation. Now they have the advantage over the Zhou family. Of course, they are even more unwilling to intervene in Yijianmen.

But at this time, Shen Congwu, the oldest member of the Shen family, suddenly said, "Laowu, what do you mean? Are you afraid? If his Zhou family wants to completely exterminate our Shen family, let him come!

These days our Shen family has suffered serious losses. Isn't their Zhou family intact? Even if his Zhou family wants to destroy my Shen family, then we will have them fall out! "

The reason why the Shen family fought with the Zhou family was because the Zhou family suddenly killed a disciple of their Shen family, and that disciple was the son of the third child, Shen Congwu, and of course he hated the Zhou family.

As soon as Shen Congwu said this, Shen Congren was unwilling at once: "What do you mean, Brother San? What I said seems to be greedy for life and fear of death.

I want to talk about the incense that is also to save my Shen family, otherwise how can we go down to explain to the ancestors? "

You and I quarreled with each other. The others didn't dare to blend in. The remaining Jingcang warrior Chen Cang followed the whole life of Mr. Shen, and later became the steward of the Shen family. Is loyal.

But both were from the Shen family, and it was inappropriate for him to persuade him, but he opened his mouth and looked at it.

In the end, Mr. Shen's family watched them become more and more uncomfortable, so he clicked a few crutches fiercely, scolding: "Shut up! What's the noise?"

As soon as Mr. Shen's family spoke, the crowd at the scene suddenly dared not speak more.

No one in the Shen family's authority in the Shen family can provoke, even if he is now dying of blood and dying, the same is true of the old and the declining.

The history of the Shen family is very short. The grandfather of the Shen family is the pioneer of the first generation. He has cultivated the sons of these gods by his own efforts.

He can even proudly say that his sons don't have any waste, so his prestige in Shen's house is unmatched.

In this stillness, the daughter of the eighth daughter of the Shen family, a woman in her 20s, suddenly whispered: "It would be nice if the older sister married Zong Haoyang, and our Shen family has a warrior in the Yuan Dynasty Now, definitely don't worry about their Zhou family. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the room looked different, but the Shen Family and others looked ugly.

This is the most stupid thing their Shen family has done for so many years.

At first, because Zong Haoyang was a casual martial artist and his strength was mediocre, he wanted to marry Shen Xijun to a second-class family Situ family with a warrior in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the end, I did n’t expect that the last marriage was yellow. I did n’t say that the samurai martial artist they looked down on broke into the Yuanshen Realm and broke into the prestige of “Four Extremes” in the Central Plains, which made the Shen family not be laughed at by other families. They looked at each other and waited.

You need to know that if they were able to fully cherish Jun and Zong Haoyang, what they would gain is a martial art master who blends in the realm of gods.

That Stuart ’s Yuanshen Realm warrior is only a divine realm, which is incomparable with Zong Haoyang who is a divine realm.

And that was just a marriage, and if the Shen family could marry Shen Xijun to Zong Haoyang, that Zong Haoyang would be their own, much stronger than the marriage between the family.

In fact, just after Zong Haoyang broke through the divine realm, the people of the Shen family had already regretted it and wanted to restore it all.

However, because of the events of that year, Shen Xijun ’s parents were furious, and Shen Xijun was completely heartbroken into the empty door. It is no longer possible for two people to be together again. Shen Xijun even had to die with ambition. The Shen family had to let go and let Shen Xijun perennially. In the backyard of the Shen family, there is an ancient Buddha with blue lanterns.

The three generations of disciples of the Shen family looked at the Shen family and other people with strange eyes.

After all, the decision was made by them at that time. At that time, the third generation of the Shen family was already an adult except Shen Xijun, but everyone else was still young.

Feeling the eyes of the other juniors, Shen Congwu looked red and scolded: "What are you looking at? The Shen family has now reached the most critical time. You juniors do n’t want to think about how to save the Shen family. Whatever?"

The daughter of the eighth member of the Shen family muttered, "I'm not thinking, Zong Haoyang can't be my brother-in-law, but how can it be a little incense with us?"

You said that if Zong Haoyang knew the current situation of our Shen family, would he help us because he remembered this incense? "

As soon as the eighth daughter's words were spoken, the crowd at the scene were taken aback. They didn't expect it.

It is impossible for Zong Haoyang to join their Shen family, but after all, Shen Xijun was his love.

If the Shen family perishes, Shen Xijun will naturally be in danger. Just rush to this point. Zong Haoyang will also help them with the Shen family through this difficult time, maybe they will help them destroy the Zhou family by the way.

However, it didn't take long for everyone to think about it. Even if they knew this, it was useless. Where did they go to find Zong Haoyang?

Zong Haoyang has not appeared in the Central Plains Martial Arts for more than two decades. I heard that he went overseas in order to shock the realm of Yang Shen. Where did you let the Shen family go?

Everyone sighed helplessly, but at this time a subordinate was hurriedly pushing the door and shouting, "It's not good, Master, the people of the Zhou family have called us!"

The faces of the Shen family suddenly sank. This week, the family could have deceived them too much, even dare to come to the door. He really thought that he could destroy his Shen family now?

The people of the Shen family hurried out of the door, and saw three warriors from the Jing Dynasty palace with people standing at the door with an arrogant look. The rest of the warriors in Moling House were watching the lively side ~ ~ When Father Shen came out, the head of the Jing family warrior led by the Zhou family stood up and sneered: "A group of shrinking turtles finally agreed to come out? At the beginning, weren't your Shen family clamoring for a fight with my Zhou family? Are you here with our Zhou family now? Don't pretend to be a turtle. "

The old housekeeper of the Shen family, Chen Cang, was immediately angry, and immediately rushed out to anger and yelled, "The people of the Zhou family, you are too arrogant. Even if your Zhou family is stronger than my Shen family, but you want to destroy my Shen family, Your Zhou family ca n’t please me either! "

The surrounding people showed their doubts. The strong attitude of the Zhou family was exactly where they were puzzled.

It seems that the strength of the Zhou family is indeed better than that of the Shen family, but the strength is strong, but it is far from extinct the Shen family.

And even if the Zhou family can destroy the Shen family in the end, it will be a losing game. The Zhou family will lose more than it pays.

But now the Zhou family seems to have some deep hatred with the Shen family, and it is bound to exterminate the Shen family. (To be continued.)



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