Strongest Villain System

Chapter 323: Fall of the Blade

ps: the tanabata is here, but i won't wish you a happy tanabata, and a single dog should be enough for the dignity of a single dog ~!

The only news that Su Xin received from the prefecture was the news that the prefecture-level soldiers were in the hands of the Zhou and Shen families, even in the hands of neither of them. [..]

However, after Su Xin came to the Moling Mansion and knew the details of the Zhou family and the Shen family, he guessed that the prefecture-level soldier blade should be in the hands of the Shen family.

The Zhou family ’s move was too abnormal. The only explanation was that there was something in the Shen family ’s hands that attracted the Zhou family ’s concubine, so that Zhou ’s willingness to deal with vitality would also destroy the Shen family and take that thing away.

But now that Su Xin looked at it, it seemed that the Shen family really didn't know that they had something worthy of Zhou Jiayi.

Since Su Xin could not be found for the time being, he was not ready to find it. When the strength of the Zhou family and the Shen family was weakened to a certain extent, it would not be too late to find it again.

After leaving Xin's house, Su Xin came directly to the store where Zhou's house was located according to the address given by Shen Congren.

The Zhou family and the Shen family each hold half of the yuan magnetic concentrate.

Although the output of the meta-magnetic fine iron is paid to Yijianmen Bacheng, the remaining meta-magnetic fine irons, coupled with some common meta-magnets, are also very popular.

So whether it is the Zhou family or the Shen family, they only have one business, and that is to open a weapon shop.

Due to the pressure from the Zhou family, the Shen family had to withdraw all the people from the weapon shop, but the Zhou family was still here.

Immediately after Su Xin stepped into the weapon shop, a small second greeted him and said, "What does this boy want to buy? Our Zhou family has weapons, swords, swords, axes, axe, hooks, and forks."

If you want to buy specially customized weapons, boy, we can meet your requirements, but this price is so expensive. "

Su Xin smiled gently: "I'm looking for Zhou Guanglin from your Zhou family, and come to him to talk about a big business."

When he heard it was a big business, there was a smile in the eyes of Xiao Er.

When they came to the Zhoujia Weapon Shop, not only those ordinary casual martial arts soldiers came to buy weapons, but also some small forces in the local area needed some weapons, etc. They would also come to their Zhoujia Weapon Store to purchase a large amount.

So when he heard that Su Xin was talking about a big business, the second child thought that Su Xin was the kind of people from other forces who wanted to buy a large number of blades. He immediately brought Su Xin to Zhou Guanglin.

On the second floor of the weapon shop, the second kid knocked on a door and said, "Master Three, somebody wants to talk to our Zhou family about a big business, and ask you to decide."

When Zhou Guanglin heard it, the big business was very excited, but when he went out, he saw such a young Su Xin standing at the door.

What is the big business that can make such a young person come forward? A dozen weapons or something like that is a big business?

"I don't know what big business this boy has to do with my Zhou family?" Zhou Guanglin said indifferently.

Su Xin laughed: "Enough to buy your business?"

Zhou Guanglin's complexion suddenly changed, and the momentum in front of this young man suddenly soared, and he jumped to the peak of the Jinggu realm, the ice-blue sword edge emerged, and the cold chill erupted in an instant, freezing everything!

Out of the scabbard and sword, Su Xin left immediately after this one action added up.

Only the second person who almost screamed and screamed, and Zhou Guanglin's body that had no head!

It is too easy to deal with these ordinary shrine warriors with Su Xin's current strength. You can kill them directly if you are unexpected.

It took only half a day for Su Xin to kill one of the three Jing Palace warriors of the Zhou family directly, one sword at a time, but at this time the Zhou family had just received news.

In the deepest courtyard of the Zhou family, the ancestors of the Zhou family, about the same age as Father Shen, kneeled respectfully on the ground, crying to the one hidden in the dark.

"Master, it's not that we don't want to completely destroy the Shen family. It is really that Meng Qingze who suddenly jumped out is too strong. He absolutely has the top 30 strength in the list. He has almost no room for resistance. "

"No need to say more, I just want the result!" The man in the dark whispered coldly, the chill in his tone made the ancestors of the Zhou family shudder.

"It's an adult, I know." The ancestors of the Zhou family had no choice but to clenched their teeth and agreed to resign from the courtyard respectfully.

At this time in the hall of the Zhou family, many soldiers of the Zhou family were waiting for the instructions of the Zhou family ancestors.

After the ancestors of the Zhou family came out, the disciples of the remaining Zhou family were anxious and said, "Father, the sudden emergence of Meng Qingze killed my three Zhou family warriors, and there was no one at all.

Let's quickly shrink all the disciples outside to start defense at home, otherwise Shen's family will come to the door. "

The ancestor of the Zhou family sneered coldly: "What kind of defense? I don't believe that the Shen family can stand up by relying on one person!

This life and death battle does not have to wait until three days later, now I will gather all the strength of my Zhou family to attack the Shen family! "

Many disciples of the Zhou family looked at their ancestors with horrified eyes, wondering why their ancestors gave such an order.

You know that before they attacked the Shen family, they ordered the Zhou family because they had an absolute advantage.

But now the other party has the help of Meng Qingze, and his family is obviously not dominant now. Isn't this a shot to death?

However, the authority of the Zhou family ancestors in the Zhou family is also very great. He gave an order, and even if the remaining disciples of the Zhou family objected, it was useless.

As a result, the disciples of the Zhou family can only start to convene their own staff and prepare to attack the Shen family with all their strength.

At this time, Su Xin returned directly to the Shen family after killing the three Jingjing warriors in the Zhou family. This made the people in the Shen family excited, and immediately set up a banquet to entertain Su Xin, but He refused.

Su Xinke was not interested in eating and drinking here at the Shen family. By the time the Shen family was discussing how to counterattack the Zhou family, Su Xin had secretly turned the Shen family upside down, and had not found any prefecture-level blades. The clue.

Su Xin also suspected that the Shen family did not even know that something he had brought back was a prefecture-level weapon, so he used the spirit of changing the world to explore both the disciples of the Zhou family and the mind of the Shen family.

The disciples of the Zhou family only knew that the order to attack the Shen family was given by their ancestors of the Zhou family, and the disciples of the Shen family did not remember in their heads what the Shen family had brought from the outside.

Unsuccessful exploration, Su Xin was going to go back to rest first, and let the Shen family and the Zhou family fight for a while before talking.

When the strength of both of them was almost exhausted, Su Xin's commitment to Xie Yanyan was almost completed, at that time he was slowly rummaging.

Anyway, Judge Cui said that the things should be within the two of them. The two second-class families of the Zhou family and the Shen family are so big, there is no reason to find that thing.

At this time, Su Xin just passed by the living room and listened to Shen Congwu. "This time, if we can really destroy the Zhou family, we will hold the yuan magnetite concentrate belonging to the Zhou family in our hands, and we need to pay the share Is it still the same as before? "

Hearing this, Su Xin shook his head, this Shen family was really greedy.

Yi Jianmen did not go to seize the Yuan magnetic concentrate of the two of you because Yi Jianmen was the gate of the right path, and they would not take the initiative to do the matter of winning.

But if you think this is Yi Jianmen's kindness and weakness, then you are totally wrong.

Yi Jianmen will not come to seize your metamagnetic iron ore, but other ancestors will come to seize it.

At that time, naturally, there will be something that will come, and automatically pay the due share to Yi Jianmen, in exchange for Yi Jianmen's shelter.

Yi Jianmen will not participate in these things. As soon as it is instructed, naturally there are countless second-rate forces or even first-rate forces.

Su Xin shook his head and walked to his room. The Shen family thought so beautifully. According to Su Xin's plan, his Shen family would not even say that it owns this magnetite concentrate. Home is even divided into five.

But at this time, Su Xin suddenly remembered something ordinary, and he patted his head.

Su Xin has always been in the Shen family and the Zhou family. The judge Cui also said that the prefecture-level soldiers were also in one of the Shen family and the Zhou family.

However, Su Xin ignored it. That is, that piece of metamagnetic iron ore belongs to two sites. Is it possible that this ground-level weapon blade is buried in this metamagnetic iron ore?

If this makes sense, the Zhou family should know that Shen's metamagnetite concentrate has buried ground-level blades.

Therefore, for this ground-level soldier blade and the Yuan magnetic concentrate of the Shen family, the Zhou family disregarded the Shen family regardless of their casualties, and won the mine belonging to them.

Having figured this out, Su Xin walked directly into the lobby.

At this time, the Shen family and others already knew the news of the Zhou family gathering all their disciples to attack them. When seeing Su Xin's arrival, Shen Congren quickly said: "The son of Mencius is just here. Son, you can help us to take the lead and kill their spirit. "

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of Su Xin's mouth: "Do n’t forget, Mr. Shen, at first I just promised your Shen family not to be overthrown by the Zhou family, but did not say that I would help you destroy the Zhou family."

The faces of everyone in the Shen family suddenly became embarrassed ~ ~ Meng Qingze did seem to have said this.

Su Channel: "Now there should be only two shrines and warriors in the Zhou family who can fight. Can you not beat these people?"

Shen Congwu smiled embarrassingly. The enemy's victory was the enemy's victory, but the loss of their Shen family was not small. If Meng Qingze came forward, their loss of the Shen family would be almost zero.

However, Su Xin suddenly said, "Father Shen, please borrow a few of my staff, and I will dig some of your yuan magnetite iron ore."

"What to dig?" Shen Congwu asked in confusion.

"Digging a treasure, one for it, the Zhou family will exterminate the treasures of your Shen family." Su Xin said lightly.

ps: I recommend a book, "Rebirth's Feet", which is very creative in urban entertainment. The protagonist enters the entertainment circle as a model. There is no excessive golden finger. The writing is humorous and fresh. Both are ordered more than 3,000. Urban boutique, everyone can go and see, the author Erbao Angel is still cute girl ~ (To be continued.)



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