Strongest Villain System

Chapter 820: Hidden truth

ps: This chapter is for the bookmate Xie Ye's 10,000 starting coins to reward and add more.

The suspicious points mentioned by Su Xin are not really suspicious. Everyone can only say that the Tuoba family is more unwise.

With Zhang Zhongye's personality and timidity, let alone the entire northwestern tribes united, as long as the Tuoba family united several good tribes to send people to put pressure on Zhang Zhongye, they dare to guarantee that Zhang Zhongye will definitely compromise Just go, don't dare to embarrass the Zhang family anymore, and Tupuda Feng will be able to be with that Miss Zhang family.

Everyone looked at Su Xin with a cold look. They didn't know much about Su Xin, but some rumors about this Su Xin Su on the rivers and lakes were not good. This man is known for his deep and vicious mind.

He now serves as the Jiedushi of the Northwest Road, and has been named as a blood prince. The land is the Northwest Road. In doing so, he wants to stir up the relationship between the various tribes of the Northwest Road, so that he can take advantage of the fishermen himself?

If he really thinks so, then he has a wrong idea!

But Su Xin seemed to understand their thoughts at this time, and then said: "Of course, although Tuoba's doing this is justified, Zhang Zhongye's side is also a bit wrong."

Su Xin honestly said, "I don't know about Tuoba's. After all, the six doors have limited penetration into Northwest Road. I don't know what the Tuoba's style of behavior was in the past.

But I do know that the person who can be chosen to be the chief of the march of Northwest Road will not be an idiot.

Zhang Zhongye's strength is indeed very weak. In recent years, he has also become obsessed with wine, lost his spirit, and even lost his qualifications as a warrior.

After all, he is also an old-fashioned warrior who followed Da Zhou to fight the world. He is weak, but he is not stupid.

His son fancyed Zhang's sister-in-law. There was nothing wrong with it. He was a small family, and with Zhang Zhongye's identity and strength, he could be crushed casually.

But after knowing the identity of Tuoba Feng, he turned out to be tit-for-tat, while he knew everyone about the relationship between Tuoba Feng and foreigners, knowing that this would offend Tuoba's family, but he still did. dry.

On the other hand, he intimidated the Zhang family and wanted Zhang Jia's daughter-in-law to marry his son. It was a must-have look. Why? "

Su Xin pointed to himself and said, "I have a habit of always thinking about people in a dark place.

Although Zhang Zhongye was timid but cautious, this time he did something so unwise.

And your response from Tuoba ’s family was also unexpected. It was actually letting Tuoba Feng to kill Zhang Zhongye. This kind of silly behavior on both sides is really interesting and suspicious.

But Zhang Zhongye died, and your Tuoba family was impervious, so I had to secretly let people check this home. I did n’t expect that this investigation made me find something interesting. . "

Su Xin pointed to the pioneering frontier around him: "This rookie of Tuoba's strength and qualifications was very mediocre before he knew Zhang Jiayi's daughter, but after he met her, he was soaring. This kind of thing looks like It's strange.

So boldly imagine that neither Tuoba's nor Zhang Zhongye actually set their goals on the other side, but instead set their eyes on the Zhangjia's niece, which all makes sense! "

Su Xin pointed to Zhang Chuchu, who had been smashed, and said, "According to my guess, there should be a treasure in the hands of this Miss Zhang Jia, a piece that can make people soar into the sky, even Tuoba's. Jealous treasure exists.

As a result, this thing was known by Zhang Zhongye and Tuoba's. It happened that both Tuoba Feng and Zhang Chen were pursuing this Chu, so both parties wanted to own this thing. The prerequisite is to marry Zhang Chuchu. Then, he took over the Zhang family and took it, so that it would not be known to outsiders.

Although Zhang Chen was weak but not a stupid idiot, he had already lost his life, but didn't want his son to continue to waste, so he decided to give it a shot in the end.

This time he did not report to the court at all and was ready to do it himself.

Zhang Chen's strategy is very simple, it is to make this matter known to the whole city, so that your Tuoba can't tell the car and the horse to grab it, otherwise the news of this treasure will be leaked.

And your strategy of Tuoba ’s is even simpler. You will count the plan directly, not to mention any treasures, and turn the original treasure hunt into a motivational drama, giving Tuo Feng the opportunity to let him take Zhang Zhongye and his son Zhang Chen Beheaded and killed, in the end he won the beauty, and your Tuoba family will have the treasure, the patriarch, I am right? "

Su Xin asked Tuoba Cangyi with a smile and smiled, but in his words there was a sense of coldness.

Su Xin felt something wrong after hearing Zhao Zhao ’s mouth, Zhao Lan ’s mouth, but Su Xin was just skeptical.

But today, seeing the performance of the Tuobas, Su Xin turned his doubts into convictions. The Tuobas really had problems.

With these words out of the air, everyone at the scene immediately set their sights on the Tuoba people.

Is it really like Su Xin said, this Tuoba family is using them at all?

"It's just nonsense!"

Tuoba Cangyi sneered directly: "It's a shame that Master Su didn't write a book so much so that he could write a story!"

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Am I writing a story? Just ask the parties to know."

Speaking of which, Su Xin turned his attention to Tuoba Feng and said lightly, "Are you not ready to tell the truth of the matter?"

Tuoba Cangyi and Tuoba Yu's complexion suddenly became tense. Only a few people in the Tuoba family knew about this matter. These people are the top of the Tuoba family and it is absolutely impossible to betray them.

Knowing this already, they should have killed the top of the front directly!

Tuoba Feng looked at the people in front of him, especially Tuoba Yi and Tuoba Yu, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

He always thought that the people of Tuoba's didn't know the secrets of him, and thought that he had such strength only by accumulation.

It's just that at first glance it wasn't the case at all. The patriarch and elder knew the secrets of him long ago. In this case, the patriarch and elder had lied to him before? This truth made Tuoba Feng unacceptable.

His early parents died early, and he was bullied by other disciples in the clan because of poor talents, but it is undeniable that at least the top leaders of Tuoba's family were good to him.

The number of Tuoba's was originally small, so as long as Tuoba's disciples, as long as their strength is slightly passable, Tuoba's will never treat them.

After the former Tuoba Feng demonstrated his strength, the elder and the patriarch also enlightened him to take revenge. It was not their intention to kill Zhang Zhongye, but it was what Tuba Feng himself thought. The elder and the patriarch later On the other hand, he deliberately modified the rules in his clan to allow him to marry Zhang Chuchu. Are these things fake and are they deceiving him?

Tuoba Feng was unwilling to believe, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know what you are talking about!

My own strength has been cultivated day and night, what is the relationship with treasures? "

Both Tuoba Cangyi and Tuoba Yu were secretly relieved, but Su Xin shook his head at the moment and said, "Hey, you don't think it was just that Tuoba Cangyi shot you to kill you. Was Bo's dignity damaged? He actually wanted to kill people!

If you are dead, you will complete the Tuoba family. I believe that every superior will count.

Moreover, I think that some of Tuoba ’s people today are also expected. Once the court came to the door, they made a look of grievance and killed you, and finally gave the court an account and allowed themselves to be attacked. The other Northwest tribes sympathize. "

Tuoba Feng gritted his teeth, but still said nothing, Su Xin sighed: "Don't say yes? It doesn't matter if you don't say that, the things that can make you stronger are not your own strength at all. , Incompatible with the exercises you are practicing.

You may not know that the internal strength of the warrior will change the physical body and meridians of the warrior, so as long as I kill you, ask someone to dissect your body, and the other party can even study the specific time when you are promoted to each realm. , The error will not exceed a month.

Of course, there is a specialty in surgery. I do n’t have this ability, but I ’m not bad with Sun Daomen ’s “Poison Hand Pill King” Sun. He often practice poison with living people, and he is good at dissecting the human body. He must be fine. "

Tuoba Feng's face suddenly turned white, but he still clenched his teeth tightly.

Su Xin shook his head, but at this moment, Zhang Chuchu, who had not spoken there, suddenly cried and shouted, "Don't kill Brother Tuoba! I know! I know everything!"

Tuoba Cangyi and Tuoba Yu's complexions suddenly changed. Two people shot at the same time and attacked Zhang Chuchu with one palm.

When the two shot, Tuoba Feng's eyes darkened, and his heart was suddenly ashamed.

Right now, the two of them want to kill Zhang Chuchu and kill their mouths ~ ~ This means that they really know these things. All this is exactly what Su Xin said, they are all calculated in advance!

However, this time the two men did not block Su Xin, because someone would do it.

The patriarchs of the major tribes shot together and directly stopped in front of Zhang Chuchu. More than ten warriors who blended in the divine realm shot together. Even if they were able to expand Yu's strength in the divine realm, they could not pass them to kill Zhang Chuchu.

The patriarch of Murong cried with a sneer: "If you have the benefit, you will swallow it alone, but if something goes wrong, you want our other tribe in the northwest to carry you the pot. How can it be so easy?

Tuoba, today ’s things are definitely not over. In the future, I will go to Daxueshan to tell you about Tuoba ’s status, so that no disciples in Tuoba ’s century can enter Daxueshan to practice martial arts! "

Tuoba Cangyi and Tuoba Yu's faces were gloomy for a while. This time the incident was revealed. Their Tuoba can be said to have lost his wife and defeated the soldiers. All tribes of the Tao.

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