Strongest Villain System

Chapter 834: grab!

ps: Thanks to the confederates who extinguished the Silver League. The annihilator always felt that I was not able to update, and throwing his hands was a spur of the confederate, pain and happiness ...

In front of Su Xin, Cai Sanyuan and others, the three warriors were using their weapons to cut the bronze chains on the ground. ¤ 八 ¤ 八 ¤Reading ¤,. ☆. ← o

The three warriors were a Yangshen and a Rongshen. Even if they were bombarded with their strength, the bronze chain still cracked only a few scars. It can be imagined how hard this thing is.

Su Xin and Cai Sanyuan looked down the bronze chain, and saw that the end of the chain was bound to a giant snake, with a length of one hundred feet and a black body, except that the head was blue.

"It's the ancient big demon Ba snake!"

Su Xin whispered to Cai Sanyuan.

Cai Sanyuan also nodded, his eyes showing salivation.

The Ba snake's body is not the same as the corpses that they have already consumed. The Ba snake's body is a bit rotten, but the scale armor on it is well preserved.

Ba She is an ancient demon with a noble bloodline and a far more extraordinary demon tribe. Born is a **** of fusion, and adult is already a **** of the sun.

Seeing the powerful breath emanating from the body of Ba Snake in front of him, the opponent may be a demon king that can be compared to the realm of real life!

The existence of this level is full of treasures, but the Yang Shenjing warrior who is shooting is to let Su Xin and Cai Sanyuan not act lightly.

The warrior in the yang **** realm wore a golden Chinese suit, which was expensive, and his body exuded a sharp breath.

He also pointed like a sword, and every sword gas cut on that bronze chain would send out a terror wave.

This person Su Xin and Cai Sanyuan both knew, but it was Murong's elder, ‘Tianlong Yujian’ Murong Zongzheng.

This person's strength can be ranked among the top five in the entire Northwest Road, and is one of the recognized strong men in the Northwest.

In Su Xin's view, even if his strength is not as good as that of Ke Yiyue, it is very difficult.

And the two warriors who melted into the realm of God were also Murong's, and the bones of the Ba snake were obviously also discovered by them first.

Su Xin and Cai Sanyuan want to grab food from Murong Zongzheng, which is not ordinary difficulty.

Cai Sanyuan was cautious, and he first appeared to shrink back.

As a warrior of Yangshen Realm from Northwestern Road, he had confronted Murong Zongzheng, but it was because of this that he knew the horror of Murong Zongzheng.

Moreover, Murong is one of the strongest tribe in Northwestern China. He can not afford to offend, so Cai Sanyuan resigned.

Feeling the actions of Cai Sanyuan, Su Xin said lightly: "Is the owner of Cai Zhuang ready to give up this opportunity?"

Cai Sanyuan shook his head and said, "The chance that has no owner is the chance. Now this chance has been contained in Murong's mouth. If we go to snatch, we will not only offend Murong, we may not be able to grab it."

Su Xin sneered: "Master Cai, as far as I know you are not the kind of indecisive person.

Do you really think that you didn't offend them if you didn't try to **** Murong's chance?

Non-my family, its heart must be different! These Northwest tribes never consider you as their own, so they will exclude you from entering into the battle for the remains of the demon king.

Similarly, you do not consider yourself as a Northwestern person, so the Northwest tribe will not let you compete, and you will join forces to persecute.

None of these things were mentioned before, so you all put on a pair of people who are all from the Northwest, and they should be like one another, but when you encounter something that involves your own interests, you are completely exposed.

It can be said that this time you stood up and persecuted those northwestern aliens, and you have already been on their blacklist.

It ’s just that you are all masters of martial arts in Yang Shen Realm, so they do n’t want you for a while and a half, but as long as you are on the Northwest Road for one day, they will be obstructed by the other party. What will happen in that time? Think about it yourself. Got it. "

Cai Sanyuan's face is a bit ugly. He didn't know these things before, but these things were the default hidden rules before.

Those smaller Northwest tribes are okay to say, but big tribes like Zhong Li and Murong are truly exclusive. Even though Cai Sanyuan and others are also warriors trained in Daxueshan, they are still just for them. Just outsiders.

Of course, Cai Sanyuan can choose to go to Central Plains Wulin or other places, but unfortunately, no one will make this choice.

Although they are all martial arts practitioners, no one is alone. They also have disciples and children. They also need to earn some cultivation resources for themselves, so their foundation is in the northwest.

Moreover, the Central Plains martial arts are not so good. Take a look at the various roads in the Central Plains martial arts. Although these places are not as big as the Northwestern Road, how can there be a few strong men in the Yang Shen Realm, one or two, and many. That ’s not necessarily the case. Take Henan Road where Shaolin Temple is located as an example. There are several Yang Shenjings on the bright surface of the Shaolin Temple family alone. Taking into account the old warriors who have been rehabilitated, the strong men in Yang Shenjing are estimated to exceed ten. People, and each is not easy to deal with.

The Central Plains Martial Arts has been a place of brilliance since ancient times. If they are honest in Wulin in the Central Plains, once they are in conflict with the local forces, even if they are in the same state of Yang Shen, they will be ashamed.

Of course, the Central Plains also have weaker strengths. For example, the southern Hunan Province where Su Xin was born is very weak. Even the entire Southern Hunan Province can't find a yang **** realm. .

However, as early as when Ji Haodian moved the capital, Shonan Road had been ransacked. Now it is even more barren. For Cai Sanyuan, they might as well stay in Northwest Road.

Seeing Cai Sanyuan's expression on his face, Su Xin said lightly: "Cai Zhuangzhu, I do n’t know your way of doing things, but my traditional code of conduct is that you must not offend the other party, as long as you offend, Might as well offend the other person directly to the death, or you will continue to suffer and suffer from chaos instead!

The question of strength, you don't have to worry about Cai Zhuangzhu. Although Murong Zongzheng is strong, he is not strong enough to be invincible among the warriors in the Yangshen Realm.

We shot and attacked, and we had 80% certainty to fight it back. Besides, we didn't want to defeat him. All we had to do was **** the remains of his Napa snake. "

Cai Sanyuan touched his chin and pondered the strength of the two sides, not to mention, if it was just grabbing things, then the two sides still had a fight.

The strength of Su Xin does not say anything else, simply speaking of explosive power, he is not inferior to some warriors in the Yang Shen state.

In the past, in the past, he took the three-step trick of He Wushan, to know that it was He Wushan, the owner of the famous sword mountain village, "Swords and Eight Wilds," and the character of the epicenter.

Although Murong Zongzheng is strong, he is even worse than He Wushan.

In addition, Su Xin had a tie with Zhong Liyan before. This record is enough to prove that Su Xin is qualified to fight against Yang Shenjing.

Cai Sanyuan is not so easy to be agitated, so he thought about it for half a quarter of an hour before he bit his teeth and said, "Yes! But I have all the scales on the Ba snake!"

Ba snake swallows the sky, his own defense is even more powerful and amazing, and the scales on it are naturally the best material for refining the body armor.

Su Xin said without thinking, "No problem, but I want the two teeth on Ba She, and the other things are divided in half."

For Su Xin, he really didn't use the scales on Ba snake.

After all, his current dragon-like Prajna Gong is close to Dacheng, and the King Kong is not bad. His physical defense is amazing. Such things as bodyguards are a bit of a rib to Su Xin now.

Therefore, this Ba snake scale can be given to Cai Sanyuan.

The two snakes of this Ba snake are non-toxic, but they are extremely hard and sharp. Su Xin is going to incorporate them into his flying blood sword to enhance its power.

After discussing the two, they continued to lurk in the dark, waiting for Murong Zongzheng and others to cut off the bronze chain completely.

Until half an hour later, the bronze chain was finally cut off. Su Xin and Cai Sanyuan shot at almost the same time. The violent anger burst suddenly and the momentum rushed into the sky.

The blood-stained sword in Su Xin's hand came out of the sheath, and the boundless sword's intentions struck overwhelmingly. Wanjian returned to the Yuan, and instantly condensed into a sword domain covered by Murong Zongzheng.

Long sword stabbed, destroying immortals and gods. Facing Murong Zongzheng, who has a great reputation in the Northwestern Road, Su Xin used his strongest killing trick as soon as he came up.

The same is true of Cai Sanyuan over there. There is a yin and a yang between his hands, and a strange handprint is formed. Life and death are transformed, and an amazing power erupts in an instant.

This is Cai Sanyuan's most powerful killing move, and it is the big yin and yang hand he is famous for.

Feeling that two powerful forces came from behind, Murong Zongzheng's face remained unchanged, and a magnificent long sword wrapped around Jinlong in his hand had appeared in his hand.

In such a place, let alone Murong Zongzheng's existence as Yang Shenjing, even if he is just a congenital warrior, he will not relax his vigilance.

The two warrior warriors around him immediately looked bad ~ ~ Withdrew immediately and retreated. For them, although they can intervene in this level of battle, the result of the intervention will be miserable.

Murong Zongzheng's long sword was pointed out, and the endless golden light bloomed, Tianlong roared, gorgeous.

In the olden days, Murong was the strongest among many small countries, and the exercises he used also contained the true dragon weather.

The endless Tianlong growls, and as Murong Zongzheng's sword is constantly changing, he instantly tears Su Xin's sword twenty-three.

The sword is turned upside down, the dragon is swinging its tail, and in the moment of the dragon and the world, Cai Sanyuan's big yin and yang hands can hang and kill a dragon, but they cannot hang the countless dragons born of the sword light differentiation!

Murong Zongzheng's powerful strength was undoubtedly revealed.

When it comes to swordsmanship, Murong Zongzheng's swordsmanship is no more than Su Xinjian's twenty-three magical swords, and no more than the fiendish sword that kills fifteen swords.

However, his swordsmanship is majestic, with the power of the dragon, and it is crushed by the upright front in order to convince people and show the emperor's weather.

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