Strongest Villain System

Chapter 878: Countermeasure

PS: This chapter is for book friends 160501105545319 for 10,000 starting coins.

On the top of the Big Snow Mountain, Yantai Mingming looked at the scenery below for a long time, and Su Xin also stood behind him without speaking.

After a while, Mingtai Mingming started to say, "Su Xiaoyou, today's thing is a hundred miles in the sky. They are calculating you, do you know?"

Su Xin nodded: "Of course I can see it, but their small actions actually harmed Daxueshan's interests."

Huantai Mingming turned around and said, "In the past, the owners of the Daxue Mountain in the past were all from the Northwest tribe. They were strong and prestigious, so they were able to lead many Northwest tribes against foreign enemies.

When the empire of the first dynasty was destroyed, the emperor disappeared, and the dynasties of the subsequent generations did not reach the strength of the empire of the first dynasty, so they no longer threatened my northwest.

Since then, the Daxueshan has changed its taste. From a place where martial arts inheritance has become a place for power and gain, which tribe can control the Daxueshan, which tribe can rise.

Therefore, after such generations, a warrior from a small tribe finally reached the real martial realm and took over the Daxue Mountain. From then on, the masters of the Daxue Mountains in the past wanted to completely break away from the Northwest tribe and become a truly independent martial arts holy land. "

Su Xin did not speak behind Mingtai Mingming. Da Xueshan's choice was right. Although the Northwest tribe was named Alliance, they also had internal contradictions. Like this Murong incident, once there is something that can ignite this contradiction, Things, the whole northwest will explode.

If Daxue Mountain does not want to be affected, and wants to truly inherit it, then it must be separated from the Northwest tribe and become an independent existence.

The Murong incident reduced Daxueshan's strength by nearly half, but the half who left did not consider themselves to be the real Daxueshan, so now Daxueshan just took this opportunity to clean up those people. Go to the Snowy Mountains.

So Su Xin said, "The idea is that Daxueshan has now been reached."

Huantai Mingming shook his head and said, "It hasn't been reached yet. If Daxue Mountain truly gets rid of those northwest tribes, then things like today will not happen."

Speaking of which, Mingtai Mingming looked directly at Su Xin: "Today they challenge Si Kongming to attack you. If you should not fight, or deliberately give way, it will affect your reputation.

On the contrary, you are fighting now, showing your own invincible resources, but it also makes me faceless.

So now I leave this question to you, saying that you believe that Su Xin is resourceful and good at thinking. Can you come up with a two-pronged approach to this matter, to keep the two sides' faces, and to make those Northwest tribes not Come and affect Daxue Mountain. "

Su Ming's words made Su Xin suddenly hesitate. Obviously Hu Ming's meaning was one. If you can find a way to solve this problem, if you can't solve it, then I can only protect Daxueshan's face.

Everyone in the world says that Huantai Miming has a master's character, but now, at a glance, this Huantai Miming is also very cunning, and who can cultivate to this level, which is not the old fox and the old churros?

But now that the situation is stronger than others, Su Xin has never thought of going against Da Xueshan completely, so this strategy still requires him to think.

After being silent for a while, Su Xin said: "Seniors in Taiwan, in fact, what you worry about is not a problem at all outside the Northwest Road. It is just because of your inertia, and you just want to find a way from your side. And did not expect to find a way from the outside. "

Huantai Miming made a gesture to Su Xin that he had a specialization in the art industry. Huantai Miming was not good at calculating things in this respect.

As the master of the Daxue Mountain, as long as he has no problems in the overall situation and knows how to use people, the people below will naturally consider everything for him.

As it is now, he is not good at this aspect, but he knows that Su Xin is good at it, that's all.

Su Xin continued: "It is actually very simple to change the influence of those tribes in the Northwest in Daxueshan, that is to expand the strength of Daxueshan and dilute their influence in Daxueshan."

Su Xin pointed to himself and said, "If I am willing to join Daxue Mountain and become an honorary elder of Daxue Mountain, then the only test is just my internal study of Daxue Mountain. Although it is a cover-up, but at least it is enough.

And other northwestern road martial arts warriors are also willing to join the Daxue Mountain and become the guest or elder of the Daxue Mountain, and change the warriors from the northwest tribe in the Daxue Mountain from the majority to the minority. In this way, as long as the time is sufficient, these northwestern Warriors of tribal origin will have the lowest speaking power in Daxue Mountain. "

Things like Hakka are very common in Wulin, Central Plains, but neither the Daxue Mountain nor the Northwest tribes have the habit on the Northwest Road.

The formal Daxueshan disciples have to spend the whole day in Daxueshan to practice and go deep into the bitter cold north to hone their strength. Although this is a good practice, many people are affected. I ca n’t live this boring life, so I chose to leave Daxue Mountain, just like Cai Sanyuan.

If Daxueshan also quotes the system of Keqing, it will not only enhance the strength of Daxueshan, but also dilute the right of Northwest tribes to speak in Daxueshan, killing two birds with one stone.

Huantai Mingming sighed and said, "Some things are hard to understand, but they are easy to understand."

Su Xin shook his head and said, "This trick can only be used now. In the past, warriors of northwest tribe origin in the Daxue Mountain not only occupied the majority, but even the entire Northwest Road was under their control. Snow Mountain opened to invite Ke Qing, it is estimated that few people will come.

But now it ’s different. On the Northwestern Road, I can already fight against the Northwest Tribal Chambers, and even more powerful. As long as I speak and become the Elder Qing of the Daxue Mountain, I believe there will be many people who are willing to join the Daxue Mountain to become the Hakka Qing. Snow Mountain will not be short of this cultivation resource. "

Huantai Mingming nodded, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Anyway, the problem of Daxueshan has been solved now, and I can also guarantee that Daxueshan will only be a place of martial arts heritage, only in this extreme north In the bitter cold place, the Daxue Mountain is the Daxue Mountain. If you change places, it is estimated that the Daxue Mountain will change its taste. "

Su Xin nodded, this was a promise that Huantai Mingming gave him.

Su Xin has decided to use the Northwestern Road as his foundation. Those Northwestern tribes are no longer concerned. According to their system, these people will only become weaker and weaker, not stronger.

Therefore, the entire Northwest can now threaten Su Xin's forces only Daxueshan family.

At the moment, Huantai Miming promised to Su Xin that Daxue Mountain will only be a pure martial arts inheritance. This is also because Su Xin indicated that Da Xueshan had no interest in the struggle for power over Northwest Road.

In fact, this is indeed the case. If Daxue Mountain is just as concerned as the Northwest tribes who are only fighting for power, then now Daxue Mountain will not be partial and can cultivate these strong men.

Huantai Mingming is also doing a good job, which is good for everyone.

At this time the ceremony in the performance martial arts venue has completely ended, and Nalan Ronghai is also arranging a banquet.

Daxueshan's banquet is very special, there is nothing precious and delicious, and some are only a few things that are special in the extreme north. Although the taste is not very good, they all have great benefits for the martial arts practice.

It's just that everyone has no heart to eat these wine and vegetables in front of them, and their hearts are in Su Xin and Huantai Miming.

However, they did not wait too long, after a while Su Xin and Yantai Mingming appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that Su Xin was okay, Li Bad and others under Su Xin were relieved.

Of course, in Qingli's opinion, they are a little bit worried.

At that time, since Mingtai Mingming would not operate against Zhao Wunian, now he will not operate against Su Xin as well.

Looking at the people present, Huantai faintly said: "Su Xiaoyou's age may be a rising star on the rivers and lakes, but in terms of true martial arts cultivation, he is a real master-class figure.

So I decided to invite Su Xiaoyou to be the elder of Qingqing, Daxueshan ~ ~, but he was not in power, but was second only to me in status.

Similarly, Daxueshan will also recruit a large number of Keqingmen from now on. As long as the strength and moral quality pass, you can join my Daxueshan, and Daxueshan will not restrict your freedom and action. "

As soon as this remark was made, all the people present suddenly changed their appearance, especially Baili Changkong and others.

At this time, they did not realize the influence of Da Xueshan's massive solicitation of their guests. They only saw that Su Xin had become the elder of Haqing Qing in Da Xue Shan. Does this not mean that Su Xin has become a family with Da Xue Shan since then? So what else do they calculate?

Even with this heavy relationship in Daxueshan, they dare not shoot at Su Xin.

In the past, Su Xin ’s influence on the Northwestern Road was only an outsider, no matter how strong it was. He was considered to be a Jianglong, but they were earth snakes.

As a result, Su Xin has now become the elder of Daxue Mountain, which is equivalent to Jiang Long and the local dragon united together. If they want to count Su Xin again, they are just trying to die.

There was some reaction from the shocked people, but Huantai Mingming did not give them more opportunities to speak, and waved their hands directly. The ceremony was over and everyone else could leave.

At this time, there was a systematic voice in Su Xin's mind. At the moment of the exit of Minghua in Huantai, the main task that Su Xin had received before was considered complete.

"Congratulations on the completion of the main task: Jiang Hu Giant Cormorant (3)

Mission description: As a giant river and lake, you should be the dominant player, and it will stir up the situation!

Weaken the strength of the major tribes in the Northwest, strengthen their own strength, and become the hegemon of the Northwest Road after the Daxue Mountain, the sacred place for martial arts.

Mission rewards: 5,000 worth of villains, three times of advanced draw. "

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