Strongest Villain System

Chapter 883: fury

ps: Thanks to the bookmate for the reward of 10,000 yuan from the chat room.m

The power of the acacia sword is powerful. Strictly speaking, a warrior who transforms into the realm can kill in a single shot.

But Xin'er's experience is still too small, even if she holds the acacia sword, she can't use it to the highest level.

She only knows how to capture the thief and the king, but in fact she should kill the warrior who transformed the gods first. Only by killing him first can he kill the son of Jiang.

Jiang Gongzi's face still had a stunned look. After all, the power of the acacia sword was too shocking. For the first time, he felt that death was so close to himself.

Jiang Gongzi's face showed a tinge of embarrassment: "Catch it! The man killed, all the women took me back, especially the lead one, I want her to die!"

The congenital warriors just wanted to do it, but the person who deified himself immediately stopped them and shouted, "Stop! Give me a stop!"

Although the warrior who transformed the gods was powerful, in the eyes of the innate warriors there seemed to be no deterrent, and the group still wanted to do something.

"Asshole! Did I stop you and didn't you hear?"

The warrior who turned into a god-like state looked stunned and banged out directly. When a warrior from an innate state was blasted off, his blood was spit out during the period.

"Zhang Xianguang! Are you going to rebel?"

Jiang Gongzi couldn't help anger and yelled, "Don't forget who taught you martial arts. If you don't have my Jiang family, you can now cultivate in a godlike state? Can you have the treatment of master martial arts level? I am afraid in a few Ten years ago you had frozen to the street! "

Zhang Xianguang insisted: "My son, I am not trying to rebel, but for the sake of the Jiang family!

You don't know what Yi Jianmen represents, so you must not move these people, you must report to your ancestors! "

Jiang Gong snorted coldly: "The ancestor has closed the death barrier. He must wait for seven days before his birthday party will be released. Who do you report to?"

Zhang Xianguang said directly: "Then wait until the day when the ancestors leave the customs! Anyway, you must not want to move these sons!"

Imprisoning these disciples of Yi Jianmen and killing those disciples of Yi Jianmen are two different things. Although Yi Jianmen is strong, the backing behind their Jiang family is not weak. It is a thing of the past to ask someone to talk about this matter .

However, if they really killed these disciples of Yi Jianmen, they would endure endless hatred with Yi Jianmen.

Think about how Yi Jianmen used to die with the Zombie faction in the past. Yi Jianmen can absolutely do both.

Jiang Gong sneered coldly: "Okay, you wait, I'll ask my ancestor what to say after leaving the customs!"

Although this Xianguang is an outsider, even to say something bad, his identity is the slave of their Zhang family.

However, after all, he has the power to transform the state of God. Right now he doesn't listen to orders, and Jiang Gongzi doesn't want him. He can only sue him after the ancestor leaves the customs.

Jiang Gongzi's heart was a pity that the child's eyes were beautiful.

The leading woman originally wanted to keep it for herself, and once he got to the ancestor, he was expected to be taken away by the ancestor to make up for it.

"Take them all away!" Jiang Gongzi snorted and left.

Zhang Xianguang arched in front of Xiner, "You guys, please follow me obediently. I can guarantee your safety. If you have to resist, the result will only be worse."

Xin'er said nothing in silence. At present, this situation is artificially stabbing me as fish. Even resistance is useless.

But Xiner had no fear in his heart, he just revealed the light: "You will regret it."

I do n’t know why, Zhang Xianguang was a bit hairy by Xin'er, but he still shook his head and said, "If I let you go, I would regret it even more."

After all, he is from the Jiang family. They kept Xiner for the sake of the Jiang family, but they really offended Jiang Gongzi by letting them go, so he would not do the same thing.

When Xiner waited for Yi Jianmen's disciples to be taken away, Tang Tang, who had fled, escaped from the area of ​​Dongping Road with tears, took Xiner to her dragon, and wrote briefly Things went through and then immediately flew.

The dragon struggling for thousands of miles disappeared almost instantly. Tang Tang wiped away his tears, and his face showed a firm look. "Uncle Little Master, rest assured, I will save you out!"

At this time in the Flying Dragon City, Su Xin was entertaining Xie Yanyan from afar.

Xie Yanyan brought news of Xiner's travels to the rivers and lakes with him, and Su Xin was going to spy on the six-door detective and let them help take pictures of Xiner.

The disciples of all disciplines will not send a bunch of strong men behind them, otherwise they will not be called training, but nanny.

Therefore, Su Xin naturally would not send someone to follow them. He would only let some people along the way take pictures.

Just when Su Xin was chatting with Xie Yanyan, a small pocket dragon appeared in front of Su Xin.

Long ten thousand miles!

Su Xin suddenly stood up, and the momentum of his whole body suddenly became extremely scary, like a demon, terrifying.

This is exactly the dragon that I gave to Xiner, and now this thing appears in front of my eyes, that Xiner must be something wrong!

Su Xin immediately opened the enclosing frame. After the news, his face was suddenly gloomy. Li Bad and Huang Bingcheng all believed with horror. However, they haven't shown this expression for a long time.

Xie Yanyan said, "Is something wrong?"

Su Xin said coldly, "Xin'er had an accident in Dongping Road, and someone shot at them."

Upon hearing this, Xie Yanyan's complexion changed suddenly.

Xiner is not only Su Xin's sister, but also her teacher and sister. She is a disciple of Meng Jingxian, the master of the Xuanxin Sword. Now someone dares to touch her, that is to challenge the majesty of Yi Jianmen!

Li Bad and Huang Bingcheng are also very tight-looking. They are people who have followed Su Xin from Changning Prefecture. Naturally, they also know what Xiner represents in Su Xin's heart.

Right now Xiner is in trouble, and Su Xin is not surprised if he is not angry.

Xie Yanyan stood up and said, "My disciple of Yi Jianmen is not so active. You can rest assured that I will give you an account of this matter."

Su Xin stretched out his hand with a gloomy face and said, "Xin'er is my sister first, followed by your disciples in Yijianmen. I do n’t need Yijianmen to do this, I will solve it myself. I will also rescue those disciples from Yijianmen. "

This attitude of Xin Xie Yanyan sighed, apparently Su Xin was already furious to the extreme, he could not hear anyone's words.

Standing up, Su Xin said to Li badly: "Take 5,000 Dark Guardian soldiers above the innate realm, and the remaining Dark Guardians above the God Realm bring half of them, and call them Cai Sanyuan and Yue Dongliu. Go to Tung Ping Road now! "

Although Su Xin was being furious at this time, he did not lose his mind.

Some power still needs to be left on the northwest side, so Su Xin, the warrior of the dark guard, only took half of the people.

And among the three warriors of the Yangshen Realm, Su Xin most trusted Ji Wuyue.

He joined His Majesty Su because of Houtu. Instead of trusting Su Xin, it is better to believe in Hou Tu, so now Su Xin will let him stay here.

After commanding these things, Su Xin rushed to Dongping Road with the fastest speed.

And Xie Yanyan can't stay at this time. Although Su Xin said that they do n’t need to intervene in Yi Jianmen, after all, it ’s something that their disciples in Yi Jianmen had something to do. Why did Xie Yan Yan go back to Yi Jianmen to make a report? of.

After five days, in the middle of Linyang House on Dongping Road, Tang Tang smeared his lovely face in the dark, like a little beggar.

In the past few days, she has been searching for the whereabouts of Xiner and others, but it is a pity that the other party is not small. Tang Tang has never dared to reveal her identity, so she spends most of her time in Linyang House. Turned around, except to find out the bottom line of Lin Yantang, she found nothing at all.

But Tang Tang didn't know at this time that she had been followed by three martial artists.

A search without success ~ ~ Tang Tang wanted to go out of the city to hide, but when she was just out of the city, three martial arts soldiers surrounded her in the middle.

All three of them have the strength of weather and sea conditions, and they are threatening. Tang Tang could not help asking, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

One of the fighters sneered, "You are inquiring about my Lin family in this Linyang house, and you still ask who we are? We should come to ask you!"

They were all former Lin family members. At that time, Lin Yantang was still clever. When he knew that he had offended Jiang Gongzi, he took the initiative to disperse his family and fled alone. These three people were the survivors of the former Lin family. When they did, they dared to come up.

When Tang Tang heard the words, he was suddenly astonished, he quickly pulled out the sword in his hand, and stabbed at the three congenital warriors with the whistling sword wind.

She is also a sea of ​​qi, but her experience of confronting the enemy is too little. Even though she has many powerful sword skills of Yi Jianmen, she is directly suppressed by San.

But at this moment, a strong cold and a bit of **** breath suddenly came, making the people present could not help but stop, and stopped.

A figure wearing a black-red six-door official uniform, slowly wearing a black robe outside.

It was said to come slowly, but every step he took, he crossed the distance of hundreds of feet, and almost in a short time, people had already come to them.

They don't know how strong this person is, they only know that the existence in front of him is definitely a master among the masters, and crushing them is as simple as crushing an ant! Announcement: App Android, Apple-specific version, bid farewell to all ads, please pay attention to WeChat public account to download and install: (press and hold for three seconds to copy)

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