Strongest Villain System

Chapter 895: Phantom Request

Just when Su Xin wanted to continue walking around these two lanes, a charming voice sounded behind Su Xin. ??

"Master Su, haven't you been preparing to see the deceased for such a long time since you came to Gangnam-do? Or do you say that you are now a strong man in Yang Shenjing, and don't look down on our little characters in the past?"

When Su Xin turned back, a woman with a charming appearance and a trace of evil spirits was smiling at him.

This acquaintance who really is Su Xin is Yin Xixue, the ‘Thousand Faced Witch’ who was on the same list as Su Xin.

Now that so many years have passed, Yin Xixue naturally is not a cultivation of the innate realm, but has been promoted to the state of transformation.

It's just that she doesn't have such a metamorphosis as Su Xin. She spent several years in the divine realm, but she still hasn't touched the edge of the divine realm.

Among the generations of their generation, Su Xin is already far ahead, and directly tossed others to nowhere.

Even the most talented Lin Changhe and He Xiu have just broken through the fusion of the gods, and they have not touched the edge of the sun **** state.

Su Xin turned back and said lightly, "Why are you in Jiangnan Road?"

"As a sage of the magical demon road, people now sit in Jiangnan on behalf of the magical demon road. Don't you know that, Master Su?"

Said Yin Xixue also showed a very sad and grieved expression: "Master Su is really a noble person who forgets things so much. In your current state, shouldn't you have cared about the situation of our little characters?"

Although Yin Xixue said these words in a joking tone, what she said was really good. With Su Xin's current strength, it really didn't need to pay attention to the affairs of the gods of war.

Even though Yin Xixue is the sage of the magical demon, but in the eyes of Su Xin today, she is still a small person.

Su Xin looked at Yin Xixue and said indifferently, "Okay, there is no need to act anymore. Nothing will go to the Three Treasure Hall. What's the matter with you when you come to me?"

At the time, Su Xin in Jiangnan Province did have a relationship with Yin Xixue, which was a bit of friendship.

It's just that friendship is back to friendship, but Su Xin has nothing to do with Phantom Magic, and he believes that Yin Xixue certainly doesn't want to see himself too.

Even though Yin Xixue's performance is no longer important, but she is now face to face with Su Xin, she must be uncomfortable.

After all, she was also a martial artist, looking down at the countless handsome figures of that generation.

As a result, Su Xin's accomplishments similar to her in the past are far beyond her, even to the extent that Su Xin can slap her with a slap. This feeling is definitely uncomfortable. Only those who are full will come here to talk to Su Xin.

Sure enough, when Su Xin asked such a question, Yin Xixue's complexion suddenly disappeared, she said in a deep voice: "Actually, I came here to ask for help from Master Su, to be more precise, I'm here to ask you Help out.

I ca n’t say for certain what the specific conditions and conditions are right now. The strong man of my magical demon road is waiting for you in Jiangnan Road, so he sent me to ask Master Su to go there. "

Sue moved in confidence, Phantom Tao asked to help himself?

Although the magic road among the nine prison demons has been hit fiercely, but their strength is not weak, where can I help myself?

However, looking at this posture today, it is clear that the magical magic road is still very hearty, and specially asked Yin Xixue, who has a relationship with himself, to invite him.

In the past, they also had some friendship, so Su Xin didn't ask much, and nodded directly: "Yes, let's lead the way."

Yin Xixue let out a sigh of relief, and patted her toweringly.

She hasn't seen Su Xin for almost a decade, but she can hear a rumor about Su Xin almost every once in a while.

In the past, the young people who entered the Jiangnan Province have grown up to become a giant river and lake with amazing momentum.

Yin Xixue talked with Su Xin as a magical demon. Even if they had dealt with it before, Yin Xixue still felt a strong momentum coming to her, and she was almost out of breath.

She knew that this was not deliberately done by Su Xin, it was just a kind of momentum formed by perennial high-ranking orders.

Compared with the right way martial arts, the Jiulun Demon is still in a state of decline. Even if it is much better than before, it does not dare to be too public in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

So at present, the sub-helm of the Magic Road in Jiangnan Road is just hidden in a mountain village outside the city.

Yin Xixue walked into it with Su Xin, but the whole interior of the villa was different, and a considerable space was excavated underground.

At this time, a woman with a bumpy body and a charming appearance came out and addressed Su Xin and said, "Thank you, Lord Su, for coming with the face of the magical demon for me."

Although this woman looks glamorous and attractive, the breath radiating from her body is not simple, this is also the existence of Yang Shenjing.

Yin Xixue introduced, "This is Yan Ziqing, the elder of my magic road."

Su Xin nodded and smiled: "It turned out to be the" Thousand Fantasy Fairy "of the Magic Demon Road. It seems that there is a bit of thinness underneath, and you can make Elder Yan wait here for you.

In front of him, Yan Ziqing, who looked beautiful and harmless, was not a simple figure.

She came from a magical path, but her nickname is fairy, not because she acted like a fairy, but when she appeared on the rivers and lakes, she concealed her identity, pretending to be a fairy, and set off on the rivers and lakes. The big storm was called Xiao Chuo of the Xiao family and was one of the four beauties of that generation. In fact, her identity was the sage of the generation of fantasy magic.

Her sage of a magical demon appeared on the rivers and lakes pretending to be a fairy.

At the time, Yan Ziqing was a young disciple of the generation of Wang Xie County and Langya Zhuge who were known for their ingenuity with the power of one person. They turned their faces and killed you.

She even caused Tai Yimen's most outstanding disciple of the generation to flood, and she was willing to betray the teacher and follow her.

Of course, in the end of this world, the disciples who dared to betray the teacher were directly killed by Tai Yimen, and Yan Ziqing's identity was also exposed. The Tai Yimen who was so angry that he had not been born for a long time sent out the strength of Yang Shenjing. Came to hunt her down.

Compared to his new generation of disciple disciples, Yin Xixue and Bai Ling, this one is actually a demon girl who really troubles rivers and lakes.

Anyway, the major factions she had appeared on the rivers and lakes for more than ten years were quite unsettled. Even if the people of Xie County Wang and Langya Zhuge knew that this was the provocation of the magic demon road girl, later they were back However, the trance in my heart has been buried, and the previous cooperation is no longer close.

Yan Ziqing smiled. Although she was no longer as young and beautiful as Yin Xixue, the smile was charming and charming, and she had a different mature charm in it.

"Master Su, please come in. Some things need to be discussed in detail in the room."

Yan Ziqing invited Su Xin to a reception room in the underground palace, and even invited Yin Xixue out. This is to Su Channel: "Master Su, shouldn't you forget the resentment against Bailian religion?"

Su Xin's eyes narrowed, and Yan Ziqing came up to see the mountain. Is this what she wanted to provoke?

Su Xin shook his head and said, "Elder Yan, it is not me and Bai Lianjia who have resentment, but Bai Lianjiao has resentment against me.

I have never suffered a loss in Bailianism. It was the Bailianism that suffered in the Nine-time Sword Pavilion last time. "

Yan Ziqing said: "Of course I know this, but does Mr. Su want to defend in such a passive way? As the so-called start is strong, I invite Mr. Su this time to come to discuss the matter of dealing with the White Lotus. . "

Su Xin heard that he immediately shook his head and said, "If Elder Yan has the idea, then Elder Yan has found the wrong person.

Bai Lianjiao lost a lot in the Nine Dragons Sword Pavilion last time, and they offended Heaven again. I heard that many sub-helms have been swept away by the people in Heaven. Now they have not solved a lot of mess. Is it possible to come to my trouble? "

Yan Ziqing smiled and said, "Master Su, you are wrong. The problems of Bailianism can be said to have been resolved temporarily.

We have been staring at Bailianism all the time. I don't know why during this time, the court has removed the strong ones ~ ~ This also relieved the people of Bailianism.

They've all slowed down now, does Master Su think he is safe? "

When Su Xin's heart moved, he knew why the people in the heavenly courts would withdraw. Apparently, the heavenly courts were also fighting for the corpse of the God of Haotian in the ancient battlefield, so they concentrated their efforts into the ancient battlefield as soon as possible.

It's just that Tianting's walk is indeed a good respite for Bai Lianjiao.

Su Xin said indifferently: "Elder Yan, let's talk happily. I am right against Bai Lianjiao, but your fantasy road is even more hostile to Bai Lianjiao.

You are here now to provoke me to attack Bai Lianjiao, then you might as well go directly to Bai Lianjiao and die to the end.

If Elder Yan doesn't explain the reasons for things in detail now, then don't blame me for Su Xin's loss of face. After all, my time is very tight and I don't have time to talk to Elder Yan in vain.

I do a lot of things with others as guns, so of course I myself will not go into this trap the same way. "

Yan Ziqing's complexion was slightly embarrassing. She did not expect that Su Xin was so decisive. The words she had prepared herself before were obviously inexplicable.

Such a method of soliciting people's hearts is more than that of Yan Ziqing, and of course he will not be fooled.

The grievances of the Bailian religion Su Xin would naturally solve with them, but not when they were shot by the magical magic.

Yan Ziqing sighed: "Since Lord Su said so, I don't have much nonsense, just go straight to the topic.

In fact, this time I asked Master Su to come to the first one, of course, in order to suppress the Bailian religion, but the second one is to ask Master Su to help you. "

ps: Yan Ziqing's role as a little friend of the book. 8

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