Strongest Villain System

Chapter 986: My grudge

With the departure of Su Xin and others, the hall of discussions also fell into silence.

Sitting on the throne, Ji Yancheng quietly motioned to Tang Xian to leave.

He is now a puppet emperor, but things have reached such a level that even if Ji Xuanyuan and others put him in power now, he would not dare to pick it up.

Hearing the movement of Ji Yancheng's departure, the three of them turned and left, but the three of them all had their own thoughts at this time and didn't know what they were thinking.

At the level of Da Zhou, there are many internal forces and it is normal to have conflicts.

Therefore, as the director of Da Zhou, strength is not important at all. What is important is ability. You can balance the contradictions of various parties and check each other. This is the leader that Da Zhou needs.

However, it is obvious that Ji Yancheng cannot do it now, let alone Ji Yancheng. At the peak of the past, Ji Haodian could barely do it. Those things that he insisted on doing after his old age also made everyone in Dazhou a little bit eccentric.

Right now Ji Yancheng can't do these things, so let it go. The military is in charge of military affairs, and the six doors can only be in charge of six doors.

Today, Ji Xuanyuan used the benefits of Da Zhou to suppress Su Xin and let him go to Tantric service to invite Suo Nanche. Such a thing would be 100% uncomfortable in Su confidence.

But even if it is uncomfortable, it can only be done temporarily. After all, it is difficult for Da Zhou to face the current situation. Ji Xuanyuan's first consideration can only be Da Zhou's interests.

At the same time, on the other side, Pang Yuande, who had received the news, also immediately merged with Su Xin and Han Jiang. The three did not bring other burdens, but instead went to the western Xinjiang at the fastest speed.

Han Jiang has been stationed in northern Xinjiang for many years. He has dealt with Pang Yuande the most.

But unfortunately, he left North Xinjiang to help those Tantric people last time without even saying hello to him. This move had already offended Pang Yuande, so Pang Yuande also seemed to care for him.

Brother Su naturally not to mention, this Han Jiangli dare to count himself, and dare to lose face, he really thought he did not dare to kill him?

At the time, Su Xin dared to collude with the local government to slay Liu Fengwu when he was in the divine realm. He also killed a lot of idiots who dared to meet him in the six gates. Han Jiangli thought he could protect him as a royal dedication. ?

It's just that it's not the time to kill people, and the same place is not right, so Su Xin will save him for the time being.

For Da Zhou Su Xin, there was no loyalty at all, and even a bad sentence, even if Da Zhou had died, what did he do? With the strength of Su Xin now, he can stand alone in Northwest China and become a hegemon.

It is just that Su Xin's strength is still worse now. It is convenient for him to rely on Da Zhou. So Su Xin will choose to stay in Da Zhou. Otherwise, a big disaster will come and Su Xin will not die for Da Zhou.

Because Su Xin and Pang Yuande were not very good at Han Jiangli's senses, the two talked a few words along the way, but didn't tell Han Jiangli a word.

Seeing the attitude of the two people, Han Jiangli sneered in his heart.

Don't look at the two of them mad, but wait until Tantrics still have to look at him.

Sheng Jingcheng is some distance away from Xijiang. The three of them rushed on the road with the repair of the Yangshen Realm, and did not care about the consumption of Qi at all. Even then, it took more than ten days to reach Xijiang.

At this time, in the King Kong Temple, except for the Supreme Master, the rest were like the Dawei Tianlong Temple and the Shingon Sect.

Su Xin and three other martial arts soldiers came to their western territories with great swing. As long as those who guarded the western territories were not blind, they could all see them and pass them to the Supreme Master with the fastest speed.

Da Zhou is so chaotic right now. Even the idiot can guess what the Da Zhou sent three warriors from the Yang Kingdom to West Xinjiang at this time, so he also brought in other Tantric sects. To deal with Su Xin them together.

Although Tantric and Dazhou are still in a cooperative state at present, in fact Tantric does not want to be incorporated into the war in the Central Plains.

Of course, they do n’t want to have a bad relationship with Da Zhou, they just ca n’t tolerate Da Zhou ’s line. If this time the national war is Da Zhou ’s victory, then they offend Da Zhou and imagine what the consequences will be. As long as In the day of the big week, they don't want to preach to the Central Plains.

Therefore, Tantra ’s plan is very simple, that is, neither side is guilty, and they return directly to Xijiang silently. After the national war on that side is over or one side has revealed an overwhelming advantage, they will try again.

Tantra's wishful thinking abacus is good, but the Supreme Master did not expect that Da Zhou would find them, and there was also Su Xin who had just hated them.

However, since people are here, they cannot stop them. The Supreme Master is also very generous to welcome everyone in.

As one of the three Buddhist temples, King Kong Temple is also the head of all the sects of Tantrics. In fact, it is not so prosperous, but it has a solemn and solemn feeling.

After arriving at the King Kong Temple, Han Jiangli seemed to have the confidence, walking intentionally or unintentionally in front of Su Xin and Pang Yuande, but Su Xin and Pang Yuande did not say anything.

"The Supreme Master, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss it."

Han Jiang walked in with a big laugh, a pretty good relationship with Tantric people.

In fact, the people who were Tantrics at the beginning were tying Han Jiang away. After all, Tantrics had to gain a foothold in Dazhou, and they needed the help of the soldiers in Dazhou urgently.

However, Han Jiangli knew that there was no fear of it, so he still ignored some Tantric people, but now it seems that this has been reversed.

Supreme Master Da Shi also smiled and said, "Master Han has been away for a long time. I don't know why you came from a long distance?"

In fact, the Supreme Master is a kind man.

The last time he invited Han Jiangli, the result was that Han Jiangli lost his face in the face of Su Xin, so the Supreme Master was a little unhappy.

So now that he knows the intention of Han Jiangli and others, he still has a good attitude towards Han Jiangli.

As for Su Xin and Pang Yuande, the Supreme Master just said hello to Pang Yuande, but Su Xin did not ask at all.

Last time at the Huanxi Temple, they whispered and asked Su Xin to let go of the Huanxi Temple, but that Suxin still refused to spare and had to kill the Huanxi Temple.

This time it's your turn to Su Xin to ask me to tantra, and it's strange that the Supreme Master can give him a good complexion.

Han Jiangli glanced back at Su Xin and said: "Yes, I am in the midst of a crisis now, so I also want to ask Master Suo Nanche from the King Kong Temple to help.

After defeating the Golden Horde, I will treat Tantric as a true state religion, and promote Tantra throughout the entire Zhou, so that Tantric can truly reach the level of Shaolin Temple! "

Da Zhou's conditions are indeed very tempting. If it was placed in the past, the Supreme Master would definitely be tempted, but now the Supreme Master Supreme shook his head without hesitation.

"Sorry, the abbot is now retreating, and it is still a life and death barrier that can't be disturbed, so it's not that we don't want to help Dazhou, but we can't help it."

Supreme Master Dao said that it was euphemistic and found a reason to refuse, but others were not so good at passing it off.

A warrior of the Yangshen Realm at Dawei Tianlong Temple sneered: "We are the national religion of Dazhou when we are used, and we are kicked aside when we are not used. Is it?

And that Su Xin, last time you seemed to be very prestigious, Lord Su, at the Huanxi Temple. Our entire Tantric confession, Lord Su, you gave me no face at all, but now you are so embarrassed to come to my Tantric? Aren't you able to kill someone beyond the ranks? All right, with your Master Su, the land fairy of Zhenwu Realm is nothing, so why bother to come to my tantra for help? "

Upon hearing this, Han Jiangli's face suddenly looked like a smile, and he turned to Su Channel: "Sir, you have also seen Tantric's attitude right now, the last time you provoked But it makes everyone in Tantra very angry. UU reading

Before coming here, the Lord has already told you, let you come to appease the Tantrics, it is better that you are here today to apologize to the Tantrics to soften, the last thing has passed, what do you think? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Tantra was stunned. Did Su Xin come here just to apologize to them? The court's determination this time was quite strong, but could the personality of Su Xin be weak to them? The Supreme Master and others looked towards Su Xin.

At this time, Pang Yuande looked at Han Jiangli in disgust. At the moment of the crisis in Zhou Dynasty, the man did not think of serving the country, and he was clearly revealing his personal grievances.

Even if Pang Yuande did not understand the means of negotiation, he knew that even if they wanted to ask Tantric for help in Da Zhou, they would have to say one by one about those conditions.

But in the end, Han Jiang was better off. He even leaked Da Zhou's bottom line directly. He seemed to be not a Da Zhou man, but a Tantric man.

And before he could say a few words, he directly asked Su to apologize and soften, which was clearly insulting Su Xin.

Pang Yuande is a bit ignorant of this, but he is a military man after all, and here is also in Tantra, so Pang Yuande thinks about it before, and he doesn't know if he should come to help him.

But then Su Xin chuckled and said, "Han Jiangli, last time I lost your face, it was a private grievance. Now you are imposing private grudges on the national calamity. What's your heart? ? "

Han Jiangli sneered and said, "Su Xin, you do n’t have to wear a big hat. I have no personal complaints with you. Before coming here, the Lord personally ordered him to let you comfort the Tantric people and let you give them an account. Since you don't want to admit defeat, that's fine, I'll leave it to you here, I don't care! "

With that said, Han Jiangli turned around and left to leave, so he was directly ready to quit.

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