The game continued, and the two girls were shouted by Yu Xiaocui to stop and continue normal operation, but at this time, Yu Xiaocui had no intention of continuing.

Jiang Muling's words made Yu Xiaocui unable to wait, she 'knew' that Jiang Muling and her mother didn't see her, and she was afraid that she couldn't believe that her situation was normal.

It's normal, even if it's me, I still can't accept the fact that I've become a girl.

Yu Xiaocui has never tried everything for girls, and it is all done by Yu Tianxin in Yu Xiaocui's 24 hours a day and 25 hours of sleep.

The present calm is nothing but a pendulum of ignorance.

She was the same herself, not to mention her mother.

She made up for her mother's pain of losing a child when she learned that she suddenly 'raised a child', but she still unconditionally supported her decision as usual.

You must know that my mother has only two expectations for the future, one is to travel around the world, and the other is to help her children take care of their children.

Now... The second is certainly unattainable.

Jiang Muling is an extreme egoist, denying all the value of others except her family, and will not marry anyone else, and is considered by Yu Xiaocui to be a modern unmarried...

And even if Yu Xiaocui doesn't care anymore, she can't accept the psychological same-sex affair with a man and the opposite sex...

By the way, Jiang Muling and Yu Xiaocui agreed not to marry outsiders for life and take care of their mother until they are old, but outsiders were subconsciously regarded by Yu Xiaocui as all people....

(The author exclaimed: You know a fart.)

In this way, the game ended with difficulty in the anxious state of mind of Yu Xiaocui, the backbone of the main body.

Yu Xiaocui's Aguduo will only brainlessly carry out Jiang Muling's behavior before questioning...

Yu Xiaocui's Aguduo squatted in various wild areas from beginning to end, relying on his strong memory to be one step faster, running after grabbing, and finally losing the game after the opposite five people pushed together.

In the end, Luna on the other side didn't understand how dedicated this Agudo was, so she couldn't get a single wild monster, and would rather die than 'release' the wild monster.


are many reasons to hunt for reishi, but it's the first time I've seen the seven passers-by in the game because of the COS heroes who are fascinated by them....

(Passerby: Your single-core processor is too hardcore, right, if there is really no new command, you won't do anything else? It's really a robot becoming a human, not a person, and you want to become a god)

Yu Xiaocui's teammates in that game are also considered to be of good quality, and there is no complaint from beginning to end, even if the game ends in the end, it is just a little bit of Aguduo, who is in the field, and sends a "Good job!"

In fact, it was Yu Tianxin who intimately helped Yu Xiaocui, who was motionless and waiting to be resurrected, after the wild monsters such as Yu Xiaocui and Aguduo refreshed and died, and clicked on the bans of ten teammates....

And when Yu Tianxin sealed Yu Xiaocui's communication channel, Yu Xiaocui kept no one prompting, subjective anxiety, and the body subconsciously carried out brain instructions when Yu Tianxin

returned to the initiative to open the microphone and communicate with Jiang Muling...

Of course, Yu Xiaocui, who turned off all voice typing communication in the bureau at this time, would not know.

It's just that at the end of the game, I heard Jiang Muling's voice, "Brother, let's do this first, I'm a little uncomfortable and I'll come back next time." "I came back to my senses.

And Yu Xiaocui, who wanted to say something at this time, only saw Jiang Muling's departure from the team, and she didn't have time to speak.

At this time, Yu Tianxin came out of the room, her expression was filled with joy that could not be hidden, although Yu Xiaocui's sister's words were mostly severe warnings, but the news brought was good.

"Caught an angel cub ~ not bad"

Looking at the ignorant Yu Xiaocui, Yu Tianxin walked happily towards Yu Xiaocui with her hands behind her back, and she was already thinking about the beautiful love story that had spent millions of years with Yu Xiaocui and was still immortal~

Walked behind her gently, reached out and struck from the back, and gave Yu Xiaocui a facial cleanser.

Yu Xiaocui's eyes were instantly left with a piece of pure white, and she couldn't see anything else.

Yu Xiaocui was just stunned when she saw this, thinking about things with a single core, and she had never experienced such a reaction, and her brain did not react immediately.

Until ten seconds later....

Yu Xiaocui suddenly reacted to why the pure white in front of her appeared, and instantly flew all over her face, and her neck and ears were red.

Yu Tianxin smiled slightly when she saw this, it seems that our Miss Angel is still in the basic single-core processor state, and she needs to be trained well to evolve~

Yu Tianxin got up and came to Yu Xiaocui's side, looking at Yu Xiaocui, who began to turn into a whirlpool but didn't 'fall asleep' because of what she was thinking in her head, she reached out and gently pinched her face, waiting for her to come back to her senses.

Yu Xiaocui, who quickly sensed that her face was being pulled, was interrupted by her train of thought, forgetting everything that had just happened for a while, and her vision recovered and looked at the source of her outstretched hand.

This look just happened to see Yu Tianxin's sweet smile, and if you moved it up, you could see her doting eyes.

Yu Xiaocui didn't care about the other party's reshaping of her face, but just said what she thought after a little entanglement.

"You... Can you let me go back for a few days, I want to see my family with my own eyes, I'm afraid they won't be at ease just by calling..."Yu Xiaocui's eyes pleaded with tangle and fear.

"Yes. Seeing this, Yu Tianxin felt that her heart was being pulled up, and she was completely captured by Yu Xiaocui, and subconsciously answered what she thought in her heart.

"I knew... Hmm?okay?really?"I

thought that this 'big devil' who gave himself money and let himself sleep and do bad things every day would not give up on himself, Yu Xiaocui was ready to sigh and sing...

"Really, really, they won't lie to me, right?" Yu Xiaocui looked at Yu Tianxin in surprise, a little unexpected.

"What do you mean, I'm the kind of person who can cheat, why can't I, I haven't limited it. Yu Tianxin pouted, the finger pinching force increased slightly, and the feedback Q bomb felt more comfortable.

It feels like pinching jelly that won't break... The feel is full of points, decompression is comfortable, and no matter how much you don't feel depressed, you will suddenly feel enlightened after pinching for a minute.

"Wife, remember, I will never lie to you in my life, never!" Yu Tianxin stared at the other party's eyes and assured seriously.

Yu Xiaocui nodded in belief and asked.

"That...!that, then I can't do it now..".

Yu Xiaocui was a little excited, she really wanted to go back to see her mother and sister.

"Are you sure you just abandoned your husband who was so good to you and ran away alone?"

Listening to Yu Xiaocui's anxious words, Yu Tianxin was unhappy again, and with dissatisfaction and grievances, she pinched Yu Xiaocui's face and pulled it up and down in order to relieve pressure.

"That's... Then I'm accompanying you, taking you back?"

Yu Xiaocui asked with some confusion.

She didn't want to go back with Yu Tianxin.

She felt that Yu Tianxin was a bomb.

Although his own information is estimated to have been exposed a long time ago, but... Still don't want the two sides to meet.

However, it is impossible to dodge... It may also anger the other party, so bring it with you, at least you can put out the fire with yourself.

Yu Tianxin didn't have as many worries as Yu Xiaocui, and she agreed directly when she heard it.

"Okay wife, let's go back to your parents' house with you next Saturday~mua~~"

Yu Tianxin pounced on Yu Xiaocui and kissed her.

Yu Xiaocui laughed a few times, and before closing her eyes and 'sleeping', she only hoped that there would be no accidents, so that her ordinary life could continue....


when the two girls were talking....

After Jiang Muling on the other side closed the live broadcast room, she just left a group of viewers who were discussing something hotly, and Yu Xiaocui, who looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

After this game, Yu Xiaocui chose to end the linkage, and Jiang Muling also ended with physical discomfort and only conducted a live broadcast of the game with two sentences today....

Despite this, fans didn't say much, because their attention was attracted by Yu Xiaocui's first female voice.

[Tree planter [Wood Man-25]: I'm going?!Female voice?The pet sister 'big brother' who can only type silently and fly is a girl?! I'll go, it's great!

] [The old era of strength supremacy [Giant Wood Man-30]: Brother Tianxiu turned out to be a sister? I hereby announce, my passer-by anchor turns black to brother fan!!

] [Little Wooden Brother Fan [Wooden Man Guardian-41]: No, my brother is a sister??? I'll go and evolve gloriously?!!]

[Little Wooden Sister Fan [Wooden Man Guardian-42]: Perfectly succeeded in grabbing the name to complete the glorious evolution ~~~].

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