Struggle in Russia

Chapter 62: Same Bed, Different Dreams (Part 1)


Although Viscount Prozolov gave his poor subordinates three days, it didn't mean that he believed that these poor people could really solve the mystery in three days. In a sense, he felt that he was forced to, because these subordinates were too stupid. If he didn't give him a little time to start killing, he doubted that he would soon have no one to use.

What's more, for a person like him, he is more accustomed to making decisions before acting, and he must not pin his hopes on a group of incompetent idiots.

Yes, Viscount Prozolov lied. In fact, he still has hope, but he is particularly good at intimidating and intimidating.

[First of all, I have to assume that there is something wrong with Count Vladimir's illness! 】

Viscount Prozolov's hope has never been placed on others, he only believes in himself, and all his hopes are pinned on his clever mind.

[From this premise, the ones who can play tricks are naturally the governor and my little brother. 】

[Fortunately, I have cast a shadow on the idiot Earl Vladimir for a long time. Although he has not discovered it yet, it must be because he is too stupid and slack. A little pressure can make him He remembers a lot of details, and details make all the difference! 】

Viscount Prozolov had placed spies by his side as early as when Nicholas I appointed Count Vladimir as the commander of the city defense of Bucharest. The spy entered Bucharest with Count Vladimir, and saw the beginning and end of the conflict between Alexei and Count Vladimir, and these were the most valuable information, which could not be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

Viscount Prozolov dared to carry out his plan because he possessed this information. In this respect, he was indeed too powerful, because no one could have imagined that someone would have predicted all this a few months ago.

【Of course, it doesn't rule out that my dear brother is doing a particularly good job and is impeccable. With his ability, it is really possible. Compared with those idiots under me, he is much smarter and capable. 】

【But it doesn't matter, even if I don't have evidence, it doesn't matter, I just need to convince most idiots that Count Vladimir's illness is indeed a problem! 】

[According to the deduction of the conspiracy theory, everyone will naturally suspect that the governor did it. Well, you can also mislead our pretentious majesty a little bit, and let him think so and live! 】

Viscount Prozolov suddenly smiled, and he easily picked up the black tea and took a sip, as if rewarding his ingenuity.

[Golitsyn and Melikov have to work harder. Only when these two fools jump up and down and stir up hard, the conspiracy theory will have more market. Well, it's time to stimulate them again! 】

Viscount Prozolov put down his teacup, rang the bell and summoned the valet and said, "Notify Golitsyn and Melikov, and tell them to roll over to see me immediately!"

It is conceivable how upset Golitsyn and Melikov would be when they received this order. After all, their titles are higher than Prozolov's, and they are not used to being ordered like this.

Golitsyn was the first to jump: "This bastard, who does he think he is!"

Although Melikov has more wealth than him, his complexion is not very good-looking, and the hatred in his heart is probably not much lower.

"Could it be that he knew about us..."

Golitsyn was a little flustered at once, but he forced himself to cheer himself up and said: "How is it possible! We did it very covertly, and that guy basically only stays in the hotel. How could he know that we have contact with Count Vladimir!"

Melikov nodded slowly, but he was not as confident as Golitsyn, because no matter how concealed they were, they couldn't hide their whereabouts from anyone, let alone the bastard in front of him. Still a big mouth!

Yes, Golitsyn’s mouth is really big. I don’t know if it’s because he’s super happy with the cooperation with Count Vladimir, or he’s just a big speaker. Anyway, as long as he has the opportunity these days He will proudly show off his achievements to others.

As for these so-called others, part of them are the men they brought from St. Petersburg, and the other part is the local nobles in Wallachia who want to curry favor with Grand Duke Constantine. Anyway, Melikov heard a lot of rumors, almost all of which were rumors that Wallachia was about to change. Needless to say, this must be all due to Golitsyn.

To tell the truth, Melikov dislikes this kind of big mouth. He thinks it is understandable to show off and show off when things are done, but right now the matter has just begun, and only a preliminary cooperation intention has been reached. Once it's settled, you'll send messages all over the world, do you really think Alexei, the governor, is an idiot!

Melikov felt that Count Vladimir fell ill suddenly. If it was artificial, then Alexei was most likely to be suspected, but Golitsyn was definitely responsible for it. It must be his big mouth that caused Alexei Ke Xie's attention, this is the way to get rid of the bottom line in advance, otherwise it can be such a coincidence?

Anyway, what he thought of Golitsyn was not pleasing to the eye, and he really wanted to slap the bastard to death.

"It's also possible that he heard the wind and is planning to settle accounts with you!" Melikov frightened Golitsyn, and then reminded: "Anyway, you should be more careful!"

Golitsyn frowned, because he felt that Melikov's words were very unpleasant. What do you mean by asking him to settle accounts? What does it mean to tell him to be more careful? Didn't you instigate me to do this?

So even if we have to be careful, we should be more careful together. Listen to what you mean, is this ready to separate the relationship?

Of course, Melikov wanted to get rid of the relationship. After all, he was such a villain, but he didn't admit it. He probably saw Golitsyn's unkind expression and wanted to settle accounts with him, so he hurriedly forcibly explained:

"What I mean is that you are the one who reached an agreement with Count Vladimir. I just played the side drum with you. With Viscount Prozolov's temper, he must be mainly targeting you. He must clean up you first and then clean up." Me! You must stand up!"

Only then did Golitsyn's expression ease a little. Although these words made sense, he still cared a little bit, and always felt that Melikov was unreliable.

Of course, Golitsyn felt a little rejoiced in his heart, and felt that it was indeed correct to go to talk to Count Vladimir alone, otherwise he would take the credit of Melikov with him! Sure enough, the heart of defense is indispensable!

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