Struggle in Russia

Chapter 73 Suicide (2)

The more Viscount Prozolov shouted, the louder his voice, the more angry Li Xiao was, the more he smiled. He didn't care about the former's curse, he waved his hand gently and said, "I'm not pretending at all. Meaning, what's the point? After all, you are my brother no matter what you say, and it's so boring to pretend to be in front of a half-dead person like you!"

"You are going to die!" Viscount Prozolov growled again, but Li Xiao just shrugged his shoulders: "Why don't you know? Didn't the Governor inform you when he invited you over?"

Viscount Prozolov was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Alexei, completely confused—what to tell him?

Alexei also gave a smirk, and pretended to be surprised: "What? Your Excellency, Viscount, didn't my people tell you why I invited you here? I'm really sorry, the people below are too unreliable!"

After a short pause, Alexei deliberately looked at Viscount Prozolov's expression, and then explained: "Will you come here? There is a big case that requires your cooperation in the investigation. You were assassinated by the Marquis Golitsyn a while ago." It should be heard that yesterday we caught the Assassins, and after interrogation they confessed that you ordered this case..."

Viscount Prozolov's mind was a little confused. He always felt that the assassination of Golitsyn was perfect and there should be no flaws. Moreover, he had already evacuated his people, so it was unlikely that he would be captured alive.

So he was still very calm, and asked indifferently: "Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about, what assassin?"

Alexei replied with a smile: "Of course it is the assassin you sent. Don't you think that the police and gendarmes in Wallachia have nothing to do? Even if you let them evacuate the city immediately, it means that we Can't find them?"

Viscount Prozolov's heart skipped a beat. He knew something bad had happened. If Alexei hadn't caught someone, he wouldn't have known his order. But how is this possible? Obviously he did a perfect job, okay?

"Let me remind you again. The leader of the assassins is Joseph Trokin. He evacuated to the Pantilimon Villa to hide in accordance with your instructions... Why do I need to tell the names of the assassins one by one? ?"

If it is said that Viscount Prozolov thought that Alexei was blackmailing him just now, he has no such idea at all now. He is too familiar with these assassins, and he picked them out one by one, and their hiding places are just around the corner. It was the Pantilimon Villa, where he set up an advanced base for plotting against Wallachia.

This piece of Viscount Prozolov's mind was running wildly, because he knew that those assassins might really fall into the hands of Alexei. Although he didn't know what went wrong, the most important thing right now was how to get rid of them clear yourself.

He carefully recalled all the details,

He thinks that even if Alexey catches the assassin, there is no evidence to testify against him, as long as he kills him and refuses to admit it, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"I don't understand what you're talking about? What assassins? I don't know anything about Pantilimon Hills. If you think you can frame me with such nonsense, huh! You are very wrong!"

Alexei smiled: "Framing you? I really haven't been so busy. It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. Anyway, the assassin and the assassin's confession are..."

Viscount Prozolov suddenly snorted and interrupted him, he said contemptuously: "Confessions and so-called assassins can be false, who knows if you just randomly found a group of people to make up the number, do you think this You can knock me down with just a few things, you probably forgot who I am!"

Alexei waved his hand indifferently and said: "I knew you would say that, and you don't have to talk about Grand Duke Constantine, because I believe that if you are smart enough, you will definitely take the initiative to separate yourself after a while." !"

Viscount Prozolov sneered: "I don't see the need for this, and I don't think you have the ability. I only know that the Marquis of Golitsyn died in Bucharest, and one of you is the governor of Wallachia, and the other is the governor of Wallachia. It is the commander of the gendarmerie, and he must be responsible for this, and none of them can escape!"

"Correct you!" Alexey interrupted him. "First of all, we neither intend to run nor need to run! Secondly, who told you that Marquis Golitsyn is dead?"

Viscount Prozolov showed a surprised expression, and he had a very bad and absurd idea—could it be?

Before he could react, Alexei had already ordered: "Go, invite the Marquis Golitsyn, I believe Viscount Prozolov will be very happy!"

How could Viscount Prozolov be so happy? He gritted his teeth and looked like he was going to eat Golitsyn alive, but it was useless. Nothing can be done.


Viscount Prozolov gritted his teeth and glared at Alexei and Li Xiao, before he could squeeze out a sentence: "You have already made preparations, right?"

At this time, as long as there is no pit in the brain, you can know that the assassination of Marquis Golitsyn is just a drama, and Viscount Prozolov's every move is completely under the supervision of Li Xiao and Alexei. The so-called assassination is nothing more than It's a big joke.

Li Xiao joked: "Of course, it's very normal for a ruthless person like you to kill and silence you, we must be careful, we can't just sit back and watch the Marquis of Golitsyn die under your cruel hands! "

Viscount Prozolov took a deep breath. He knew that this round was a complete defeat. As long as Golitsyn survived, he would be the biggest loser. However, he was not worried about it, because so what if Golitsyn did not die?

He laughed and pointed at Golitsyn and said, "So what if this idiot is not dead? What evidence do you have to accuse me? Just relying on the confessions of those assassins is far from enough!"

"That's not something you need to worry about," Li Xiao replied with a smile, "For us, you are a murder suspect and you must be arrested. As for how the court will try and sentence us, we don't care... But, I advise you Just a word, don’t do such bad things so badly, the Marquis Golitsyn is still watching!”

Viscount Prozolov was shocked again. The biggest hidden danger of Golitsyn's death may not be the court, but the Marquis and the family behind him. This guy must hate him to death, even if there is Grand Duke Constantine. Covering him can escape from the court, but Golitsyn's family will never let him go easily!

And this is not the biggest problem, because the Golitsyn family is not as good as before, and there is no need to worry so much with Grand Duke Constantine covering him, but after this encounter, the Golitsyn family will definitely not stay with Grand Duke Constantine On the chariot, maybe he will switch to Crown Prince Alexander, that is a serious problem, okay?

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