Struggle in Russia

Chapter 77: People and things far away (Part 1)

Li Xiao's worries were not unreasonable. Grand Duke Constantine went to Moldavia to make a last-ditch effort. In fact, as long as he was not particularly stupid, he could see through this move. So is Crown Prince Alexander stupid?

Unfortunately, Crown Prince Alexander's IQ is still online. Both himself and his confidants have seen through Grand Duke Constantine's attempt, and will naturally take targeted measures.

"Kostya made it clear that he wanted to use Moldavia to make a comeback, and he really is still determined!"

Compared with three years ago, the more mature Crown Prince Alexander has much stronger self-confidence. At least he has acquiesced that the throne can only belong to himself, which makes the speculators attached to him very gratified.

"Your Highness, you are quite right. Grand Duke Constantine is aiming for this idea, but to realize his goal, only Moldavia is absolutely not enough. I think his goal also includes Wallachia!"

Prince Bariatinsky was the first to express his opinion as a matter of course, and after he finished speaking, he looked around as if he was half the master.

Like Crown Prince Alexander, in the past three years, Bariatinsky has vaguely realized that he is the crown prince's first confidant, and he often shows his strength inadvertently.

Not everyone is used to Bariatinsky's strength, but no one dares to challenge his status for the time being, not only because Crown Prince Alexander really trusts him the most, but also because he is qualified to provoke Bariatinsky Dmitry Milyutin has never done anything, even if he clearly disagrees with Bariatinsky many times, he has not clearly opposed it. On the contrary, once there is a sign of conflict with Bariatinsky, He always chooses to give in or endure.

This makes many people who are not as good as Dmitry around Crown Prince Alexander dare to make mistakes. After all, even the second person is so afraid of Bariatinsky, and these people have to keep their tails between their tails. ah!

Crown Prince Alexander turned to Dmitry while nodding, as if asking, "What do you think, Yuan Fang?"

Dmitry also nodded immediately and said: "Your Excellency's analysis is correct. I also think that the goals of Grand Duke Constantine are Moldavia and Wallachia, especially the latter. That will be his key goal. After all, Wallachia has been managed by Count Speranski in recent years, which is many times better than the withered Moldavia! If Count Speranski did not do so well, His Majesty would not be able to replace it. He, otherwise Grand Duke Constantine would have sought the position of Governor of Wallachia in the first place, instead of condescending to go to Moldavia!"

Although what Dmitry said was similar to that of Bariatinsky, his explanation was more detailed, and Crown Prince Alexander nodded again and again.

It is obvious that he values ​​Dmitry's analysis, and this is why Dmitri has always been overwhelmed by Bariatinsky, but he still has enough right to speak.

Crown Prince Alexander punched his palm and said decisively: "In this case, we will definitely not let him get what he wants!"

But this time his words were opposed by Bariatinsky: "Your Highness, I think this should be done with caution. For the time being, we should not explicitly target Grand Duke Constantine!"

Crown Prince Alexander was a little dazed, because just now he heard that Bariatinsky meant to mess with Grand Duke Constantine to sabotage his attempt, why did he change his mind in the blink of an eye?

Bariatinsky explained straightforwardly: "First of all, the reason why Grand Duke Constantine became the Governor of Moldavia was His Majesty's intention. I am not particularly satisfied, so I let Grand Duke Constantine go out. If we openly mess with Grand Duke Constantine, I am afraid that His Majesty will be very unhappy!"

Crown Prince Alexander frowned, and it was obvious that he did not particularly agree with Bariatinsky's words, but the attitude of his father made him cautious.

And Bariatinsky continued to explain: "Secondly, Earl Speranski's actions over the years are a bit deviant. The changes he made in Wallachia have worried many people in the country, and these People are the cornerstone of a country, and you must stand with them, Your Highness, regardless of emotion or reason!"

Speaking of which, Bariatinsky smiled slightly and said, "So, it is the best policy to let Grand Duke Constantine and Earl Speransky dog-eat-dog, and let them both lose! Think about it, you will come forward to clean up the situation when they are exhausted from fighting. Isn't it easy to gain victory?"

Crown Prince Alexander's brows widened. It was obvious that Bariatinsky's words reached his heart, but he didn't agree immediately, but turned to Dmitry again and asked, "Mitya, what do you think?" What do you think?"

Dmitry thought for a moment, and then replied frankly: "It is indeed a good way to let Grand Duke Constantine and Earl Speranski dog bite the dog, but there are some situations that must be taken seriously, that is, Earl Speransky may not It is not the opponent of Grand Duke Constantine. Once Grand Duke Constantine annexes Wallachia, the problem will be big! For us, we must try to maintain the balance between them, and we cannot let them decide the winner immediately. !"

Crown Prince Alexander nodded repeatedly when he heard this, and felt that Dmitri deserved to have a delicate mind. It is a good strategy to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman, but the premise is that the strength of the two tigers is similar. If one side is a tiger and the other is a cub Hu, three times, five times and two divisions will determine the winner, that is meaningless at all!

"Indeed, Earl Speranski's strength is still far behind Kosgabi!"

Speaking of which, Crown Prince Alexander turned his head and said to Bariatinsky: "Duke, do you have a way to increase Count Speranski's strength a little bit so that he can consume Kostia for a while?"

To be honest, Bariatinsky really didn't like Dmitry Milyutin. Although this person had never directly opposed him, his proposals often failed most of his attempts after he made them. For example, this time, he really wanted to use the hands of Grand Duke Constantine to eliminate Alexei, because as a staunch conservative, he hated everything about reform, and was especially wary of those who tried to reform in different ways. people.

And what Alexei has done in Wallachia these years seems to him to be subtly carrying out reforms, which is absolutely unacceptable, so he would advise Crown Prince Alexander to leave Wallachia alone, that is, I just want to borrow a knife to kill...

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