Count Vladimir was half-dead from anger, but there was nothing he could do about Alexei. His wild child prestige could scare others, but it was not enough to scare Alexei.

"Damn! Damn! Damn bastard!"

Count Vladimir thumped the carriage angrily. He was extremely dissatisfied with the reality, but there was nothing he could do to change it. The only thing he could do was to vent his grievances on other targets.

"Damn Arkady, how did you do the investigation before, why hasn't there been any progress for so long, are you fooling me!"

Bitterness arose in Arkady's heart. He thought that Count Vladimir had forgotten about this incident. Who would have thought that this guy suddenly remembered it again, and Saladov hadn't contacted him for a long time, nor did he Know the meaning of that turtle grandson.

"The secret agent has no more intelligence feedback yet..." Arkady replied while wiping the sweat from his forehead, "It should be that he is still conducting an in-depth investigation..."

"Still investigating!"

Who would have thought that Count Vladimir would be furious. He pointed at Arkady's nose and cursed: "What kind of trash are you looking for? One has no news or even a trace of people, and the other is Procrastinating and making no progress, you are simply fooling things! I think you are sincerely passive, sabotaging your work, and fooling around!"

Arkady quickly defended himself, and he repeatedly said: "Your Excellency, please listen to my explanation, the matter is not that simple..."

"It's that simple!" Who would have thought that Count Vladimir would be irritated, he became more and more angry, and roared: "I think it's you who are passively sabotaging and fooling things, now listen to me, I will only give you You have three days, I will get the evidence within three days, otherwise, hum, you should know!"

Arkady was so frightened that his face turned pale. He didn't expect Count Vladimir to be so "unreasonable" that he would only give such a little time. What is three days enough for? I'm afraid he can't even find Saladov!

Arkady panicked all of a sudden, and for the first time felt that it was a huge mistake to seek refuge with Count Vladimir, because this guy didn't make sense at all, okay?

"What? No news from Saladov? There is no one in the hotel, have you checked out long ago?"

This news made Arkady even more anxious, because from this point of view, Saladov seems to be suspected of running away, okay? If all these guys run away, what should he do?

Arkady felt overwhelmed,

He held his forehead and thought for a long time before deciding to go to Oreste first, because there was really no one who could use him, and Oreste was more or less useful.

But what gave him a headache was that there was no news about Oreste, and it was said that he had disappeared for less than half a month!

"What? The bastard disappeared too?"

Arkady almost fell to the ground, the news hit him too hard, if Orest also ran away, what would he do?

"No, it's all over this time!"

Arkady's mind was running wildly, thinking of ways to help him get out of the predicament, but after much deliberation, it seemed that he had no other good way except to run away.

Do you really want to run away?

Arkady's heart was filled with bitterness, for this road had never occurred to him before he clinged to Count Vladimir and arrived in Bucharest. At that time, he thought that he was very talented and that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life. Even later, when I met Oreste and Saladov, two bad ghosts, I still laughed at them in my heart, thinking that they were really useless.

But in the blink of an eye, he has also stepped into the ranks of bad men. Could it be that this thing is contagious?

Arkady lamented in his heart, regretting his previous choice, maybe it was better to stay in St. Petersburg as a small clerk and boss! At least you don't have to worry about your life.

Arkady saw Count Vladimir's murderous intentions. This angry wild child was really irritated and lost his mind. Now whoever makes him unhappy, he may make someone disappear from this world!

[A hero does not suffer from immediate losses. Although the future is important, life is even more important! Where there is life, there is hope! 】

After struggling painfully, Arkady finally made up his mind-saving his life first, sneaking first!

Arkady packed up his things secretly, and the most important thing was to take out all the "hard money" he had earned during this period of time. After a little cover-up, he sneaked out on a dark night. got a residence.

[First hide for two days to avoid the limelight, then go to Istanbul, and finally take a boat to Paris. 】

This was Arkady's whole plan. As for how he would make a comeback after arriving in Paris, to be honest, this was just his self-consolation. It was just a dream come true for a foreigner who was not familiar with him to want to make a comeback. It is more likely that he lived in seclusion in the countryside of Paris, as a poor farmer, and was gradually forgotten by the world.

"My dear Arkady Viginsky, where are you going?"

When Arkady sneaked into a small alley, a sarcastic and mocking voice suddenly came from behind him, and this voice was so familiar to him, it was Saradov!

In an instant, the hairs on Arkady's body stood on end, and his heart seemed to be revived. He jumped up as if grabbing a life-saving straw and shouted: "Vladimir Adrianovich, you You bastard, where did you go!"

Judging by Arkady's appearance, he seemed very angry, wanting to swallow Saladov alive. Probably because he felt that his future was hopeful, and he no longer needed to go into exile overseas in embarrassment and be an unknown poor guy.

Of course, Arkady was more angry, he was angry with Saladov's actions, angry that this bastard had disappeared for so long suddenly, making him so passive and embarrassed, he was also angry!

The angry Arkady wanted to teach Saradov a lesson, and let this bastard also experience his pain-no one can make Master Viginsky so embarrassed!

Arkady rushed up angrily, as if he wanted to grab Saradov's skirt and beat him up, but just as his hand was on Saradov's collar, the latter suddenly Moved!

This movement was incredible, and Arkady felt dizzy all of a sudden, before he could react, he had already fallen heavily on the ground, his eyes were staring at him, and even his internal organs were displaced, and he let out a terrible cry called - ah! ! !

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