The Duke of Aldorf has a bit of a headache. When he just took over the task of inspecting the performance of the cable telegraph assigned by Nicholas I, he didn't feel anything. Hit you, as the news spread these days, people from all walks of life are eyeing him. , From time to time, a certain boss would come to his house to do work.

Yes, Earl Uvarov still has a lot of face. Although he can't find a particularly good connection with the Duke of Ordorf, it is still no problem to find a few ordinary connections.

"Let me tell you that none of these fancy new gadgets are useful. You just said that the railway built a few years ago, what kind of thing is that, it is uncomfortable to sit on and smells like a choking smell. It's far worse than our carriage, and it's a waste of money to spend so much!"

"That's right! Duke, we can't make this kind of mistake again. These new gadgets are all deceitful things. You have to help His Majesty keep a close eye on it!"

If it was just one or two such lobbyists, the Duke of Aldorf didn't care, but if the people who came to the house for several days in a row were people who said bad things about the cable telegram, then even if he was stupid, he would know that there were articles in it.

With his energy, it's not easy to figure out who gave the order, so he quickly realized that it was Count Uvarov's intention, and he felt a little bit paralyzed immediately.

If it was someone else, Ordorf would not really care about it, but Uvarov still has face. He is not afraid of the sky and the earth is afraid that this guy will crook his mouth in front of Nicholas I. That guy may have the ability to do things. Not strong, but the ability to disturb things is very strong. If it is not a last resort, the Duke of Aldorf is really unwilling to offend him.

The problem is, if he gave Uvarov this face, then Nicholas I would be a little hard to explain. He knew why Nicholas I was suddenly interested in cable telegrams, and he had a little research on cable telegrams. After a while, he found that this thing may not be particularly perfect, but the efficiency of using it to transmit messages is faster than the current hand. It is really faster than I don't know how many times.

You can really sit in St. Petersburg and know the dynamics of the whole country. This thing is of great significance to Russia, which is sparsely populated. Especially in the military, this thing can allow St. Petersburg to remotely command the battlefield thousands of miles away, and nothing will delay decision-making anymore, which is simply amazing.

Anyway, Duke Aldorf felt very good about the cable telegraph. He even gave Alexei, who had been promoting the cable telegraph, a high-level look. He felt that someone had a good vision and the new things recommended were indeed valuable.

But, these things became a bit unsightly when Uvarov got involved. Although Duke Ordorf is a capable bureaucrat, he is still a bureaucrat after all, and bureaucrats have characteristics that cannot be avoided—— That is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Their first consideration is not national interests, but their own interests. Bureaucrats like the Duke of Aldorf will only take the initiative to do things when both national interests and their own interests are beneficial.

"Tell me, am I not a man who came from heaven at home!"

The annoyed Duke Aldorf could only hide with his friend Duke Mikhail.

"Wire telegraph is really as useful as you say?"

Duke Mikhail suddenly became interested in what Duke Ordorf said. Only a general like him who has actually been on the battlefield and commanded a large corps in battle knows the importance of communication. If wired telegraphy is really that fast, it really needs to be done.

"It's not too bad, except that the construction cost is a bit more expensive, there are no major problems!"

Prince Mikhail thought for a while and asked again: "Is it really possible to quickly communicate from St. Petersburg to a place thousands of miles away?"

Duke Aldorf sighed and said, "As long as the line is laid."

Prince Mikhail was lost in thought, rubbing his chin and considering whether to take part.

"No way, you're going to support the construction of a wired telegraph?"

Duke Aldorf, who was too familiar with Duke Mikhail, knew what he was thinking when he saw his expression, and immediately advised: "This matter must be cautious, Count Uvarov seems to hate this thing, you support it. The cable telegram is tantamount to slapping him in the face!"

Upon hearing this, Duke Mikhail sneered immediately: "There are so many things he hates. If you say it bluntly, he hates our brother very much. According to what you mean, should our brother kill himself immediately!"

Duke Aldorf suddenly uttered a burp. He really forgot that Count Uvarov had a bad relationship with Duke Alexander. He used to say bad things about Duke Alexander before Nicholas I. The reason why Duke Alexander has not A very important reason for being able to become the Minister of Foreign Affairs is that Uvarov always makes small reports.

Anyway, these two families are already feuding, so Uvarov really doesn't care if he likes Duke Mikhail and Duke Alexander.

"However," Prince Mikhail said suddenly, "if we really want to engage in cable telegraphy, we really need to be more cautious. We can't get too close to Count Speransky and his gang."

Duke Aldorf frowned, because although he had considered this reason, he didn't pay special attention to it, because although Nicholas I did pay special attention to Earl Speranski's policy, he had a little opinion on his policy, but on the whole Still acceptable.

In other words, even if you get closer to Earl Speranski and his group, you won't be labeled as a reformist by Nicholas I. But from what Duke Mikhail said just now, it seems that the brothers are particularly sensitive to this. Could it be that there is something inside that he doesn't know about?

The Duke of Aldorf immediately paid attention, and he said calmly: "It doesn't matter if we get closer, we three Dukes still have a bit of face, and that little brat didn't make a fuss too much! There is nothing to be afraid of." Yes! I think you brothers, the older you get, the less courageous you are!"

"You know what a fart!"

Duke Mikhail snorted angrily, then looked around and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty is getting older and older, and the status of us old guys has reached its peak. Your Majesty has to think about the Crown Prince anyway." No. So we old guys have to be sensible, know how to avoid suspicion and protect ourselves!"

The Duke of Aldorf immediately understood that he dared to be sympathetic to protect himself! But this makes sense, the two dukes of the Gorchakov family, and Duke Mikhail is already a marshal, and these two brothers are almost unsealable. To put it bluntly, the tail is too big to drop.

What would you do if you were Emperor Nicholas I? In order for your son to have a better life in the future, you have to find a way to change the position of the old minister who is like their brother, otherwise he will not be able to feel at ease after he dies, okay?

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