The Duke of Ordorf stopped talking, but he was like a mirror in his heart. Over the years, because of Earl Uvarov's interference, they have indeed ruined many good things, such as the railway. If this thing is fully rolled out and built, it will involve The benefits obtained are definitely ten times and a hundred times greater than that of wired telegraphy.

But because of Uvarov's strong resistance, such a good opportunity to make a fortune came to an abrupt end after hastily building fifty or sixty kilometers. Is it really like what the guy said that the railway is not working at all?

No, although there is indeed a problem with that railway, the efficiency and significance can be seen by anyone who is not blind. At least the Duke of Aldorf knew the military value of this thing.

But just because Uvarov and his gang didn't like and resisted, such a useful thing was banned, what do you call it.

Not only railways, but also steamships, and all kinds of factories. These things are not liked by the old antique Uvarov. Because of his dislike, the Duke of Ordorf and others missed many opportunities to make a fortune!

The Duke of Aldorf didn't think so before, but after careful calculation today, that guy has already messed up too many good things for them, and what's worse is that this guy has no awareness at all, let alone the slightest sense of recognition.

As if it was only natural that he, Ordorf, helped solve these problems, as if he, Ordorf, was his servant of Uvarov.

This made the Duke of Ordorf unacceptable. It is true that you Uvarov's position in front of Nicholas I is very detached, but he is not a small shrimp, okay?

And the Duke of Ordorf can clearly feel that as Nicholas I has grown older in recent years, especially with the brilliant victories in Wallachia and Hungary three years ago, the tsar's ambition It has swelled to an astonishing extent.

With the expansion of Nicholas I's ambitions, many of the tunes he liked before became less popular, such as Nesselrode's coordination, such as the importance of the Holy Alliance, and Uvarov's slightly conservative ideology.

It's not that Nicholas I doesn't like conservatives anymore, but his ambition requires conservatives to be more aggressive to help him gain greater honor. But, conservatives like Uvarov are good at standing still, but being aggressive is really almost meaningless.

Therefore, Nicholas I must give more performance opportunities to those courtiers who are more aggressive and powerful. Even if these people have certain liberal tendencies and dangers, in order to fill his desires, Nicholas I also I can only bite the bullet.

This gave Alexei and Li Xiao a chance to show off their fists in Wallachia, and made Duke Alexander messed up by coordinationism.

All in all, the importance of Uvarov has actually declined greatly. Unless Nicholas I immediately wakes up and is not so aggressive internationally, the future status of this ideological head will decline.

This ups and downs can be seen by a smart person like the Duke of Aldorf, otherwise he would have surrendered instead of hesitating and hesitating, just like he used to talk about railways and steam against his will. The boat is not that good.

He pondered for a while in his heart, and finally had to admit that what Prince Mikhail said was right. This opportunity is really rare, and he can indeed do something.

But admit it in your heart, but the Duke of Aldorf is not so easy to admit, the reason?

Hey, everyone knows the reason!

"This matter is too risky!" Duke Ordorf exclaimed pretendingly, "After the incident, Count Uvarov will be the first to settle accounts with me. I can't handle it alone!"

Prince Mikhail glanced at him contemptuously. Since he is not deaf, how could he not have heard that Duke Aldorf was bargaining. To be honest, he is really tired of these old fritters. He is full of calculations. Do something. Things are not happy.

Prince Mikhail replied with a dry smile: "We are all good friends, can we still ignore you?"

This answer does not satisfy the Duke of Aldorf, because does he care about this shit? Although Earl Uvarov was terrifying, he might not be able to swallow him in one bite. Even if he was asked to fight against Uvarov alone, he might not be too passive.

The Duke of Aldorf is concerned about the distribution of benefits. After all, he has contributed to the cable telegraph project, so he must get enough benefits! The current situation is tantamount to negotiating a profit distribution plan in advance, and then everyone takes medicine according to the prescription, performs their duties and enjoys the benefits.

"As long as you promise to contribute, there is nothing to say about the following things," Duke Mikhail explained with a smile, "We are all old friends, and this is not the first time we have cooperated. You still don't believe us?"


The Duke of Aldorf threw him a blank stare, and said coldly: "Brothers are clear about settlements. It's right to settle some things first before doing things!"

Duke Mikhail immediately knew that it was not easy to fool him. Originally, his plan was to fool Duke Ordorf first. As long as Duke Ordorf said something good about the cable telegram in front of Nicholas I, the matter would come true. At that time, even if the Duke of Aldorf was given less in the distribution of benefits at that time, he would not be able to regret it except for being unhappy.

Who would have thought that this old guy would be so shrewd that he wouldn't be fooled at all, which made Duke Mikhail a little bit discouraged.

"Okay, then follow the old practice last time, you still account for 30%..."

Duke Mikhail's words were interrupted mercilessly by Duke Ordorf: "Forty percent! I can't afford to lose even one penny! This time my place is very important, and I should take the big head because of the situation and reason!"

Duke Mikhail opened his mouth, and after thinking about it, he gave up, because the expression of Duke Aldorf had already told him that he would never make any concessions. Thinking of his family's change from 40% to 30%, Duke Mikhail felt a little distressed, and immediately said: "Okay, then hurry up and finalize the matter when His Majesty is in high spirits. Don't procrastinate and delay the good time!"

This is very correct, because Nicholas I's temperament is like this. When he is interested, he is easy to let go, otherwise he will hold back. Naturally, the sooner the better in order to make more money.

Duke Aldorf waved his hand impatiently and said: "Of course I know, you should also hurry up and mobilize more friends, after all, that guy Uvarov is not easy to get along with... By the way, do you want to follow him?" Talk to Wallachia? After all, this project was created by the earl, so we should share some of the profits..."

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