Struggle in Russia

Chapter 109 Factional Controversy (Part 2)

There are only two ways before Uvarov, either support the hardcore faction or support the young faction, want to make peace? Oh, there is no such possibility at all!

"Which side do you think Count Uvarov will support?" Dmitry asked humbly.

"If you were him, who would you support?" Count Rostovtsev raised his eyelids and kicked the question back.

Dmitry was stunned for a moment, and then replied honestly: "Probably give Bariatinsky a face, after all, they are more important in the long run..."

Dmitry actually knew that his answer was wrong, because Count Rostovtsev's characteristic disdainful expression came out halfway through the speech, and it was obvious that the answer was wrong.

But Dmitry couldn't figure out why Uvarov would choose to send his head as the backbone. Those old men are all old men, so it would be worthwhile to offend the rising star Bariatinsky for them?

Count Rostovtsev took a sip of his black tea and replied flatly, "A star of tomorrow? Do you know what a star of tomorrow is?"

The answer to this question is naturally obvious, and Dmitry immediately reacted, the star of tomorrow has only the future, he is not the star of today, so for Uvarov, the star of the future is really not that important. important.

Maybe it is true that he wants to cultivate tomorrow's stars who belong to the conservatives, but this does not mean that he will make tomorrow's stars become today's protagonists. For Uvarov, the hardcore faction is more important. These people headed by Chernyshov and the old Adlerberg have won the trust of Nicholas I, and they have great power in their hands. Support, Uvarov is also the leader of the unstable conservatives.

So as long as Uvarov doesn't suffer from mental illness, it's clear how to choose. Why do you ask him what to do if Bajatinsky and his gang of tomorrow's stars are unhappy?

Hehe, do you think Uvarov is happy? What Bariatinsky and others did before made him very annoyed and embarrassing. Did Bariatinsky and others take into account his boss' emotions when they did that?

Since Bariatinsky and others can do the first grade of junior high school, what about Uvarov, the boss who has been in the fifteenth grade?

Of course, at Uvarov's level, since he has decided to teach Bariatinsky a lesson, he will definitely not be so simple and rude, and his methods are still a little bit.

"That old fox is not that simple," Count Rostovtsev said. "I guess he will use this opportunity to further consolidate his authority while beating Bariatinsky and others!"

Count Rostovtsev's guess was correct,

Uvarov is waiting for a suitable opportunity. He wants to let the young faction know who is the boss, because the young faction has really drifted a bit in the past two years, and gradually he doesn't take him seriously as the boss. Must be severely punished!

Imperial meeting.

It is also interesting to say that Nicholas I’s imperial meeting was very interesting. Because he, the tsar, had a strong desire for control, he did not have much power despite the loud name of the imperial minister. It can almost be said that this meeting is just a decoration. Anyway, in the end, everything is based on the will of Nicholas I, and the other ministers are sitting with them as mascots.

However, because of Nicholas I's face-saving character, he especially liked to talk about the affairs of the imperial court, which made him seem to like to listen to the opinions of the ministers.

And this is very unfriendly to the imperial ministers. For the ministers, holding this broken meeting is simply a formality. Their task is to sit there as a human-shaped background board, and Nicholas I is the one who pays special attention to manners. Son, this kind of meeting must be dressed up to attend, and all of you must sit upright, and you must not doze off and desert, and you must always show the emperor a good mental state.

This thing is really a kind of torture for a group of veterans whose average age is about sixty years old. The old guys of their age are no longer as energetic as the young ones. The daily business and entertainment make them sleepy, but Nicholas I still likes to hold meetings, and he has to attend in such a serious manner, which is simply killing them.

Anyway, for the veterans, the imperial meeting is a kind of torture. If Nicholas I didn't pay special attention to it, they would really not want to participate. Of course, there is still one advantage of seeing the sky and opening the imperial meeting, that is, you can often meet with Nicholas I.

Don't underestimate this benefit. What is the most precious thing for ministers? That is naturally a holy family, as long as the emperor likes you, no matter what you do, you can still make a fortune.

But it is really not easy for the emperor to like you. First of all, you have to let the emperor know you. There are more than ten thousand officials in such a huge empire. Shake around in front of the emperor, he will be surprised if he remembers who you are.

So the platform of the imperial meeting is very important, as long as it can show up in front of Nicholas I from time to time to leave an impression, it will be fine as a background board. As the saying goes, the king of Chu starved to death in the palace with such a thin waist. As long as he can get close to the emperor, a mere imperial meeting is nothing!

Naturally, the attitude of the imperial ministers towards the imperial meeting is very complicated. In the words of later generations, it is painful and happy.

Closer to home, let’s say that this time the imperial meeting has started again. No matter what the ministers sitting at the conference table did the night before, and no matter how they complained about Nicholas I in their hearts, they are still in good spirits on the surface. Vibrant, each of the burly guys looks more energetic than seventeen or eighteen.

Such a state made Nicholas I very satisfied. He liked to see his ministers all in high spirits, which showed how wise he was as an emperor. Of course, he is only happy in his heart, he will not really praise these old men, because he feels that being an emperor must be a little bit unpredictable, and if everything is too obvious, then the courtiers must not see through it all at once Nicholas I's predecessors have already told him the bloody facts about the bad consequences of being seen through by his courtiers.

"How's the progress on the wire telegraph project?"

As usual, Nicholas I first asked him what he cared about the most. Although he also knew that the conservatives should not dare to play tricks after the result of the previous imperial meeting, but he emphasized from time to time that those guys would not dare to make mistakes. necessary.

Another point is that he really can't wait for the cable telegraph, he is eager to play with this new toy that he has never played with before!

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