Struggle in Russia

Chapter 117 Reason (Part 1)

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In general, Kornilov's words are very reasonable. After all, battleships play a greater role in the fleet. It is more meaningful to improve the combat effectiveness of one battleship than five or six frigates.

But the situation of the Black Sea Fleet is very special. As a semi-enclosed inland sea, the Black Sea is like a bathtub. As long as the Bosporus Strait is blocked inside, it is really a case of catching a turtle in a urn, and there is nowhere to hide.

And the strength of the Black Sea Fleet belongs to the situation where it is more than enough than the top and the bottom is more than enough. Compared with Britain and France, it will definitely not be able to beat it, but it is more than enough to bully Turkey. If the enemy of Russia in the past was only Turkey, then naturally it would not be a big problem, just go up and rub the chicken on the ground.

But the problem is that Russia's enemies this time are Britain and France, not to mention the joint fleet of the two, even if they face one of Russia alone, they can't do it.

Therefore, capital ships like battleships are of so much significance to the battles that the Black Sea Fleet will face in the future. If they are a little bit stronger, they still can’t compete with the British and French combined fleets, bullying a mere Turkish navy with the current Black Sea. That's enough for the fleet.

In other words, to modernize and improve the capital ships of the Black Sea Fleet, unless all battleships are modified, it does not make much sense to only modify one or two ships, because the cost-effective ratio is really not high, and there will be no immediate effect.

As for the transformation of all the capital ships of the Black Sea Fleet, hehe, it is really impossible, there is not so much money, and there is no support from the top, so it is impossible to do it.

It’s just that not everyone can understand the perspective of this kind of traveler back then. After all, Russians generally don’t think that Britain and France will turn against them for a mere chicken. Combined Fleet.

In fact, the idea of ​​the Anglo-French joint fleet is enough to shock the world. After all, these two families are blood feuds, and bloody enemies are colluding shoulder to shoulder. Do you think this is possible?

Nasimov immediately asked: "Do you think Britain and France will really declare war on us over the Balkan issue?"

For Li Xiao, this is unquestionable, but he can't say that he came here through time travel. He has seen it in history books, and he will be regarded as crazy. So he can only explain it this way:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, our country's strategy on the Balkan issue has caused great dissatisfaction among the powers. Even within the Holy Alliance, we have been opposed by Austria. Once Turkey chooses not to surrender, the war is likely to break out! "

Speaking of this, Li Xiao paused for a while, and then said: "As soldiers, we not only need to be brave in the face of war, but also need to make sufficient preparations. We must be prepared to deal with the possibility of the most extreme situation. Now, General, please Tell me, once Britain and France form a joint fleet, what will happen to the Black Sea Fleet?"

Nasimov immediately fell silent. As a naval commander, he naturally knew how far the Russian navy was from Britain and France. As Russia has increased its naval construction over the past few decades, the number of new battleships built every year is considerable, but Compared with Britain and France, especially the sea overlords with deep naval background like Britain and France, that is still a younger brother.

Not to mention the combined British and French fleets, the Royal Navy alone is enough to beat the Russian Navy. And once the Black Sea Fleet is finished, the Russian Black Sea coast will become the target of British and French casual attacks. At that time, they can attack wherever they want. Such a vast piece of land cannot be defended by the army alone!

Nasimov imagined the scene for a while, and then frowned. He knew very well that at that time, the fulcrum of Russia in the Black Sea region might only be the fortress of Sevastopol, which would definitely become the key target of British and French attacks. . And once Sevastopol is over, the entire Crimea peninsula will be over.

If it loses control of the Crimea Peninsula, it means that Russia's efforts for more than a hundred years will be in vain. After all, grabbing Crimea is also a matter of the era of Catherine the Great.

Russia has only been operating here for more than 50 years. To be honest, its foundation is relatively shallow.

Of course, Nasimov naturally doesn't like this tragic situation, but he can't think of any way to make a comeback. Russia's geopolitical environment is too unfriendly to the navy. All sea areas are Thousands of miles apart. Except for the Black Sea Fleet, the Baltic Fleet is stronger. But the Baltic Sea is also a semi-enclosed sea area, and the Royal Navy can block it at will as long as it wants.

In fact, the two major fleets of the Russian Navy can't form a joint force at all, and can only fight alone in several strategic directions. However, there are enough powerful enemies in these strategic directions, and there is no overwhelming advantage in fighting alone.

To put it bluntly, it is simply not cost-effective to develop a navy in such a geographical environment as Russia. Unless the money is spent in a panic, every fleet cannot be strong enough.

"If Britain and France choose to intervene or even go to war, how can the Black Sea Fleet respond?"

Faced with Li Xiao's question, both Nasimov and Kornilov fell into deep thought. Although the answer was obvious, it hurt their self-esteem a bit to say it - they would definitely not be able to fight, not even to run. place to run.

Facing the silent two sea warriors, Li Xiao spread his hands and said, "Gentlemen, it is obvious that you are also aware that once this worst-case scenario happens, the Black Sea Fleet is likely to be destroyed!"

After a short pause, he smiled wryly and said, "Not only is it destroyed, the Black Sea Fleet is likely to be completely wiped out, and it will not be able to provide any support for the land battle."

Li Xiao's meaning is very clear, that is, the Black Sea Fleet is meaningless, it's just a gorgeous decoration. This made Nasimov and Kornilov embarrassed and hurt their self-esteem. Every real soldier does not want his day-to-day efforts to be treated as air. And they obviously encountered such a painful situation, and what was even more painful was that they couldn't refute Li Xiao's words.

Nasimov suddenly asked: "So you have not advocated that the Black Sea Fleet build large ships these years, is this the reason?"

Li Xiao shook his head and said: "No, if the Black Sea Fleet has a chance to be strong enough to resist the Royal Navy, if it is only possible to achieve this goal by investing money, I will naturally not stop it, and I will strongly support it, but obviously this is impossible of!"

After glancing at Nasimov and Kornilov, Li Xiao continued to explain: "And the reason why I opposed the attack on the Black Sea Fleet in the past few years lies in several other more critical reasons..."

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