Struggle in Russia

Chapter 132 Bobulinski

Nicholas Muraviyov sometimes really didn't understand what Nicholas I was thinking. In his eyes, the tsar was always a little neurotic, always making some inexplicable planes. However, Nikolai Muraviyov only dared to complain in his heart, and he would never dare to say it in public, because he knew that Nicholas I had well-developed eyes and ears, and he could use everything to monitor his courtiers Extremely, when he was still the governor of the Far East, many servants and subordinates around him were the tsar's spies, so he had to be extra careful every step he took.

Thinking of this, Nikolai Muraviev glanced at his deputy, Colonel Ilya Grigorievich Bobulinski, without leaving a trace. He knew that this young man might be sent by the Tsar to monitor his.

Ilya Grigoryevich Bobulinsky naturally knew that his superiors were sneaking glances at him, but he was not particularly surprised. He was the focus of the crowd, not only those nobles and ladies were greedy for his body, but even some greasy uncles were also coveting him.

To be honest, he is used to being stared at, and also used to being pointed at by others. Although it annoys him a lot, he has gradually adapted to it, or is not surprised by it.

However, for Nikolai Muraviyov's gaze, Bobulinski still knows some real reasons. The major general governor is actually not popular in St. Petersburg, and it is actually a kind of way to let him be the governor of the Far East. Exile in disguise.

It's just that Nicholas I and those conservatives who disliked him probably didn't expect him to do so well, and they planed a large piece of land from the east without making a sound, with great credit and ability.

But the more this happened, Nicholas I and the conservatives became more and more afraid of him. In order to prevent him from getting too big in the Far East, they specially called him back to make an idle placement for him.

In fact, Bobulinski was very supportive of Muravyov's grievances. If it was not a matter of political stance, it would be a breeze to confer a knighthood on his merits and add the title of Minister of State. But it was because of the proposal to reform the serf system that Uvarov and others were so jealous that they could only be left behind.

Sometimes Bobulinski thinks that the world is so bad that a group of pigheads can do whatever they want when they are in power, but those who are really capable are restricted in every way and never given the opportunity to show themselves.

Thinking of this, Bobulinski secretly sighed, feeling that he has become more and more sentimental recently. Is this kind of crap something he needs to worry about? He was just a little colonel, and he was like a grain of rice in St. Petersburg. If it wasn't for his grandfather's deep background, his appearance would have long been the taboo and plaything of noble ladies or perverted noble gentlemen. Instead of worrying about other people's lives, why not think about how to live comfortably!

Bobulinsky's grandfather was the famous illegitimate son Alexei Grigorievich Bobulinsky.

This brother is the illegitimate son of Catherine the Great and Grigory Grigorievich Orlov. As the illegitimate son of a generation of queens, Grigory Grigorievich Orlov naturally received a lot of care, and the Orlov family is considered a powerful family in Russia, even if it is an illegitimate child You can also talk to my family, so naturally it is impossible to get too miserable.

Of course, in the era of Paul I, neither the Bobulinski nor the Orlov family could have good fruit to eat, so naturally they suffered a bit. Fortunately, this dark time will soon end. As Alexander II ascended the throne as emperor, both the Bobulinski family and the Orlov family slowly recovered.

Moreover, as staunch conservatives, the two of them will naturally be valued by Nicholas I. For example, when Ilya Grigorievich Bobulinsky came here, they mixed up in the third part. Errands, although the official is not particularly big, but the position is important!

Speaking of which, Ilya Grigoryevich Bobulinsky is a bit like his great-grandfather, the famous playboy Grigory Grigoryevich Orlov, They all look suave and suave, but compared with that ancestor, Ilya Bobulinski is not so keen on the affairs of men and women, and he is not interested in having fun with his beautiful appearance.

On the contrary, Ilya is more like an honest kid, who studies very hard and has a reserved personality. He never expresses his emotions easily, and he hates drinking. To be honest, he is a bit like a rigid Puritan.

Of course, he is definitely not a Puritan, and he is not really happy or sad, but he is very good at hiding his emotions. The reason is very simple. When you can make the opposite person have evil thoughts with a casual smile, how dare you Are you laughing?

Ilya Bobulinski is lonely most of the time, he hardly has any friends, because most people who want to be friends with him covet his beauty, and because he is too handsome, it is easy to cover the light of his companions, Who would be willing to be someone else's green leaf? Naturally, he would have few friends.

These characteristics troubled him and made him very painful, but it is undeniable that these characteristics made him feel like a fish in water in the third part, which made him proud to be an official colonel in his twenties. After all, Nicholas I disliked it the most. The most important thing is that the courtiers form cliques, especially they don't like their own ears and eyes to form cliques.

A loner like Ilya was the safest in Nicholas I's eyes. He had no friends, never talked too much, and would never let out any secrets. Of course, such a person should be reused!

It's just that Ilya didn't have a high opinion of Nicholas I, which can be seen from his grievances for Muraviyov just now. In fact, he is not lonely or conservative for a hundred years. On the contrary, he is very active in thinking and very interested in natural science.

And a person who is good at accepting new things and new theories cannot be a conservative. It can only be said that Nicholas I was wrong this time, otherwise he would not have been sent to monitor Muraviyov.

For Ilya, it is also a good thing to be able to come out and leave that suffocating lair in St. Petersburg. He has long been fed up with the oppression of St. Petersburg and the harassment of those nobles and ladies. If possible, he would rather go to other provinces or even If he went to work in the Far East, he would at least be able to have a lot of freedom.

However, this is impossible, neither his father nor the Orlov family will allow him to leave St. Petersburg. The unlucky errand of the servant of the Crown Prince's military attache...

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