Struggle in Russia

Chapter 146 Contest (Part 2)

Dmitry Milyutin's attitude made Bariatinsky and Pobedonostsev's teeth itch a bit. Whenever they wanted to change the topic, this guy dragged the topic back without saying a word When they come back, they have no way to avoid it, they can only discuss the matter at this time.

"This... this..."

Pobedonostsev tried his best to use his brain to find a solution, but he couldn't come up with such a solution in a short while. Maybe he could only wink at Bariatinsky, hoping that this ally would help him quickly. Talking, just interrupting is fine!

Bariatinsky is not much better than Pobedonostsev. A second ago, he was still applauding Pobedonostsev's long-term plan. He felt that this little friend really had two brushes. Said so neatly. But who would have thought that he would not be happy in the next second, and Dmitri would spoil the long-term plan with a few words, and the reason he used was what he said just now. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Yes, Bariatinsky had no way to avoid it at this time. He couldn't just kill Alexei with a sudden attack and lightning, but Dmitry really wanted to discuss how to deal with it quickly. Did you change to long-term planning again?

It’s not impossible to slap yourself in the mouth. Hiding in your own home or lair, you can do whatever you want, but you can’t do it in front of Crown Prince Alexander. What will the Crown Prince think? Will you think you are just messing around? Woolen cloth?

In fact, Crown Prince Alexander has completely come to his senses at this time, not to mention Pobedonostsev's gossip about him, not to mention Bariatinsky's hesitation, just looking at them can't come up with a specific The strategy is to know that these two people have nothing to do.

This made Crown Prince Alexander couldn't help thinking deeply: Since these two guys have nothing to do, but they are so actively clamoring to mess with Alexei, is there anything else besides wanting to show favor to Uvarov? What about the deeper reasons?

Crown Prince Alexander still has the most basic ability to judge. When Bariatinsky and Pobedonostsev so happily put Alexei and Grand Duke Constantine in the same category, they said that they would be the first to take the knife and the more When the sooner the better but at the same time there is no way or strategy, then there must be a big problem!

Immediately, Crown Prince Alexander's heart was full of alarm bells. Nicholas I's years of education finally worked. He realized that things might not be that simple, and realized that the attitudes of Bariatinsky and Pobedonostsev were very problematic.

But he couldn't figure out where the crux was for a while, but it didn't bother him, he could think about it slowly if he couldn't figure it out, anyway, he still had plenty of time!

So when Bajatinsky and Pobedonostsev were speechless, he immediately said: "Dmitry,

What are you doing? How could His Excellency the Duke have no choice? He just wanted to make the plan a little bit more perfect before reporting it to me... It makes sense to have a long-term plan, and there is nothing wrong with making the strategy a bit more perfect before taking action. , get here today! "

Crown Prince Alexander quickly settled the dispute, which not only relieved Bajatinsky and Pobedonostsev, but at the same time they did not have to continue to be embarrassed, but at the same time they were also a little upset because Demy Terry's attitude really made them unhappy. What do you mean by being so aggressive?

It's just that these two people didn't dare to express it in front of Crown Prince Alexander, but when they got out of the Winter Palace, they caught Dmitry and accused him:

"What do you mean, Your Excellency? Are you speaking for Count Speranski on purpose? It seems to me that you are with him!"

Naturally, Dmitri could see that these two people were deliberately finding fault and venting, and they were not telling the truth, although he said in his heart: "Then you are really right, I am really the same as that Earl Speranski You guys!" But he said: "Your Excellency, this statement is wrong. We are all serving His Highness, and we are all His Highness's courtiers. We should first consider His Highness's position when doing things... If you say something today... If I can come up with a specific strategy that can be implemented, then I am willing to be the first pawn to attack that earl...but the purpose of the two of you today is not simply for the sake of His Highness, so as a subject, I must stop it!"

After finishing speaking, Dmitry looked at Bariatinsky and Pobedonostsev with a calm face, and he was fearless. It was completely helpless for these two people to stare blankly. Did Dmitry tell the truth?

"Hmph! I hope so!"

Bariatinsky still wants to find Dmitry to continue his theory, at least to get the venue back, otherwise the current debate will spread and let other people in the Crown Prince Party know, thinking that he was killed by Dmitry It's calmed down!

It’s just that Pobedonostsev was forced to be pulled away by him before he got into trouble, and when he got into the carriage he yelled dissatisfiedly: “What do you mean by pulling me away just now? Didn’t you see that guy has How arrogant!"

Pobedonostsev smiled slightly and said, "Of course I saw it, but it's unwise to argue with him at the gate of the Winter Palace!"

Bariatinsky frowned, and asked in a muffled voice, "What do you mean?"

Pobedonostsev sighed: "Haven't you noticed? Your Highness is already dissatisfied with us today. If you quarrel with Dmitry at the gate of the Winter Palace again, don't say whether you can win the quarrel or not." , as long as this news reaches His Highness, we will lose!"

Bariatinski frowned even tighter, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You mean His Highness is treating us..."

Pobedonostsev sighed again: "Yes, we are a little too anxious today! No! We have done a little out of line recently, and His Highness can more or less feel something , so at this time, there must be no more moths, let's put our tails together and be human!"

Bariatinsky clicked his tongue and said dissatisfiedly: "Aren't we still tucking our tails to be human? You look at those dog legs of Uvarov these days, one by one trying to find fault with us, obviously It was that old guy who beat and warned us again, if we don't give him an explanation, who knows what tricks those mad dogs will do!"

Pobedonostsev hummed: "I know, but the more we need to be calm at this time, we can't mess ourselves up. After all, we are following His Highness. If we don't have His Highness's trust, we will be doomed." !"

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