Struggle in Russia

Chapter 156: Two Unpleasant Heads

The Earl of Aberdeen felt that Menshikov could not be blind or an idiot. Such an obvious attitude was absolutely understandable. And once you understand it, you should naturally dispel those unrealistic ideas, so that the war will naturally be avoided, and his prime minister also avoids direct confrontation with Russia, which is the best of both worlds.

It can only be said that the Earl of Aberdeen thought too well. He hesitated and only thought of using the so-called best of both worlds to solve the problem, but he never thought that this ambiguous attitude is obviously not deterrent, and may even make Russia Misunderstandings arose to complicate matters.

Sure enough, following the indulgence of the Earl of Aberdeen, Palmerston's gang made him a big mess—even smashed the Russian ambassador's car.

This is definitely not a trivial matter. After all, according to the relevant treaties of the Vienna system, diplomats, especially those at the ministerial and ambassadorial levels, enjoy great privileges. Not to mention direct personal injury, it is easy to cause major troubles even if you rush up and directly abuse people.

But this time Palmerston's group even smashed the Russian ambassador's car, which is already a serious provocation to say bluntly.

When the Earl of Aberdeen received the news, he almost couldn't hold back his anger. Although he wanted to give Russia a warning, he definitely didn't want to slap him in the face, okay? Lord Palmerston's approach is simply provocative.

Anyway, the Earl of Aberdeen jumped up immediately, and directly called the Minister of Foreign Affairs to ask questions, until the latter repeatedly said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can hold this big melon, so that no major incidents will happen, and the Russian ambassador is still in a stable mood, so the Earl of Aberdeen This calmed down a little.

Strictly speaking, he didn't lose his temper, but started to dream again. As I said before, he has always been indecisive. When encountering things, he is not out of ideas or afraid to do it, but because he wants to do it but is afraid of taking responsibility.

If it is only the second in command, such a personality is not a big problem, but the problem is that he is the nominal second in command of the British Empire (Queen Victoria is the head of state), but in fact he is in charge of the overall situation.

If the leader is like this, it is easy to cause big problems, such as smashing the car of the Russian ambassador, his attitude is a bit erratic. If he really wanted to calm down the incident, it would be very simple, just teach the foreign minister a lesson and tell him to calm down and calm down the situation, and that would be the end of the matter.

The prime minister has spoken, unless the foreign minister really doesn't want to mess around, then he will definitely not fall on deaf ears.

The problem is that the Earl of Aberdeen did not do this. He accepted the explanations given by the Foreign Secretary. This is a very bad sign, because these excuses are actually quite far-fetched. pass.

And the Earl of Aberdeen is so arrogant,

What do you think the Foreign Secretary will think at this time? Does he feel that the prime minister has acquiesced in his approach, or that the prime minister thinks it is good for him to do so?

In this way, will the foreign minister calm down and calm down the situation? It can't be said that he will definitely continue to make trouble again!

Continue to talk about the meeting between Menshikov and the Earl of Aberdeen. After Menshikov showed his aggressive and unfriendly side, the Earl of Aberdeen wavered again, and the fluke that he just gave birth to seemed to disappear. It was replaced by deep worry.

He looked at Menshikov, and his heart was full of criticism: [The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the dog day, is this what you call the Russians emotionally stable? Is this what you say it's done? I'll go to your uncle! 】

Yes, when Menshikov became tough, the Earl of Aberdeen flinched immediately. He felt that it was not a good idea to continue provoking or head-on.

Immediately, the Earl of Aberdeen shrank back, and he replied with a dry smile: "Your Excellency, please be patient, we don't want to see such a thing happen, but I am very sorry that it has already happened, I will definitely Instruct the relevant people to arrest the culprit and compensate your country for the loss, and please send my regards to Baron Brunov, I am very sorry that he was frightened..."

In an instant, the Earl of Aberdeen seemed to have changed his face or changed a person. To put it bluntly, this guy is just bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

It's just that Menshikov didn't know about Aberdeen's double-faced nature. He felt that the prime minister was quite talkative, and his attitude was not bad, and since everyone apologized, let's accept it!

It's just that Menshikov didn't know that Aberdeen was not like this before, let alone that the British Foreign Office made a wrong judgment because of Aberdeen's sway-that is, to continue to do things.

So this Menshikov just came back to the embassy to comfort Baron Brunov, telling the bureaucratic ambassador that things were settled and that the British would soon calm things down and everything would be back on track.

But who would have thought that the next morning, the mob surrounding the embassy would be even more mobs, and their attitudes became more and more arrogant. They immediately surrounded the embassy and demanded that the Russians immediately punish the thugs who invaded Turkey And a public apology.

Well! Menshikov was dumbfounded directly, because in his imagination, the development of the situation should not be like this. Shouldn’t the mob be arrested and imprisoned by Scotland Yard as soon as they woke up, and then those newspapers that slandered Russia were also shut down one by one? ?

Why are these mobs kicking their noses in the face instead?

Menshikov and Brunov, who were at a loss, were angry and impatient. Of course, they would think that they had been tricked, and that Aberdeen was a treacherous villain.

Poor Prime Minister of Aberdeen, he is really not such a person, so after hearing that the demonstration against the Russian embassy has escalated again, he is also a little anxious. He hastily called the Secretary of the Interior and ordered him to disperse the people immediately, and he will not allow it The situation escalated again.

After issuing this order, Aberdeen himself was still angry. He immediately ordered the foreign minister to come to No. 10 Downing Street immediately, and scolded the other party as soon as they met:

"Who told you to do this, who told you to continue to incite the people to besiege the Russian embassy, ​​did you completely ignore my words? If you angered the Russians and caused unpredictable consequences, you are responsible Can you afford it?"

The poor foreign secretary was stunned by the scolding, because Aberdeen didn't have this attitude yesterday? Obviously, the prime minister had sympathy for doing things yesterday, so why did he suddenly change his mind today?

This made the Foreign Secretary very wronged. He felt that he was too wronged. Naturally, he was full of dissatisfaction with the Earl of Aberdeen...

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