Struggle in Russia

Chapter 234 Give me a lesson

Count Uvarov felt more and more that young people like Bariatinsky did not know how to respect the old and love the young. Thinking back when he was young... Well, at that time he didn't have a good impression of those old men who occupied high positions. The high position makes the country lose its country.

Anyway, Uvarov disliked those old guys back then, and later stepped on these old guys to get to the top to get his current status.

"Rumours? What kind of people are talking nonsense?"

This sentence was said in a leisurely manner, which really reflected Count Uvarov's aura. Anyway, Bariatinsky suddenly felt his back tense, and the heavy pressure almost bent him down.

It's just that he is Baryatinski after all. If he can't bear this pressure, he won't be where he is today.

He raised his shoulders slightly and replied nonchalantly: "The ball and the salon have spread, and everyone is talking about it. At this time, it is urgent for you to stand up and clarify the facts! Earl."

Uvarov narrowed his eyes. Although he knew that Bariatinsky was a character, he was a little surprised at how fast this kid grew up. In the past, he didn't return to normal so quickly, and it was even more impossible for him to talk such useless nonsense under his pressure. Now this kid is really a character!

But Earl Uvarov's current status is not for nothing. He sneered and said: "Really? Then you can help me call these tongue-twisters here, and I will chat with them in person. how!"

Bariatinsky's scalp tingled suddenly. He knew that Count Uvarov had seen through his tricks, and knew that the so-called gossip had nothing to do with him, otherwise there was no need to ask him to hand over the list to say something.

But he still can't hand in this list, otherwise in the future, whoever in his department will really obey him, the big brother will have to take the responsibility of the big brother, and if something happens, he can't just blame the younger brother!

So he bit the bullet and replied: "Count, I think these people are too worried, and they don't mean to chew their tongues. We should give them a chance, or I will talk to them, so that they can wait for you with peace of mind." What are the instructions?"

An unknown gleam flashed in Uvarov's eyes. Obviously, Bariatinsky's answer surprised him a little, and he chuckled and said, "Really? It's rare that you will help them excuse it." !"

There was something to be said, and Bariatinsky was scalped again, and quickly lowered his head slightly and replied: "I think they are just echoing others or are too worried, so we can't teach them a lesson because of such a trivial matter, or should Give them a chance..."

Count Uvarov smiled contemptuously, and said meaningfully: "Give me a chance?"

Bariatinsky bowed his head and said: "Yes,

Still should be given a chance. "

Count Uvarov laughed again: "Since you have worked so hard to plead for them, Duke, it would be a bit too much for me to be unkind. Well, for your sake, I will give them a chance!"

Hearing this, Bariatinsky breathed a sigh of relief, but Uvarov immediately said: "It's just that you can be tolerant when you should be tolerant, but you must have the lessons that should be given. Good soldier, do you think so?"

Bariatinsky felt the pressure again immediately, so he could only forcefully reply: "What kind of punishment do you think is more appropriate?"

Count Uvarov smiled again, and pointedly said: "Are you asking me? Duke, they are your soldiers. Don't you even have a sense of proportion?"

After a short pause, without waiting for Bariatinsky to say something, Uvarov replied firmly: "In short, just satisfy me! I just want the result! If you can't even do this little thing, then you I'm so disappointed!"

Bariatinsky's face darkened immediately. He knew that Uvarov had completely seen through his little calculation. The feeling of wanting to jump back is really uncomfortable.

However, no matter how uncomfortable it was, Bariatinsky could only endure it, because through this trial, he found that he was not qualified to challenge Uvarov. The old guy's wrist was still very hard, so he could only continue Keep a low profile.

"Your will is my mission!"

Baryatinsky lowered his head again, looking so honest and peaceful, even a little pitiful, but Uvarov was not confused by this illusion, he knew that what he saw was a wolf, at least for the time being. A vicious dog. Although he can still suppress him by relying on his past power, it will be hard to say in the future.

Right now he can't push too fast, and he also needs someone like Bariatinsky to help him do things. So he accepted it as soon as it was good, and after serving the purpose of teaching and beating, he said: "Peter Andreyevich Shuvalov wrote a report on the whole story of the Black Sea Fleet's failure, you should read it too , and see what went wrong with us."

Speaking of Uvarov, he handed over the letter casually, and Bariatinsky suddenly regained his energy when he heard it. He was actually very interested in this defeat, especially Count Uvarov. All arrangements were made, but things still got out of hand. He was also very curious about how the enemy did all of this.

It's just that after reading the detailed report letter, Bariatinsky was also at a loss. Because it seems that Shuvalov has reported everything. But in fact, after careful scrutiny, I feel that I can't grasp anything.

In fact, this is also the shortcoming of the journal. It seems to have everything in detail, but it has no key points, making it difficult to have any key impressions.

It's just that Bariatinsky is not an ordinary person. After thinking carefully for a while, he said: "I think the key to the problem should be how the Grand Duke Konstantin and his group got the news in advance. This is really unusual!"

Uvarov just raised his eyelids and glanced at him, because he already knew that at Bariatinsky's level, he would be able to find the point quickly, but that wasn't what he wanted to know, so he just replied indifferently :

"This is also what I think is suspicious, so I asked a lot of people to come over to help find out, but this group of trash is really disappointing, and I haven't found the key point after tossing all day! What do you think?"

In fact, Uvarov didn't think Bariatinsky could know the answer, but this time the latter really surprised him...

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