Struggle in Russia

Chapter 277: Imperial Conference (2)

I have to say that Duke Ordorf is really a first-class smart person. Although everyone in this study knows that the case of Bestuzhev Ryumin is not his responsibility and has little to do with him, but he He just took the initiative to stand up and take the blame.

Why do you say he is smart enough? Because he has to take the blame, but if he has the slightest evasion, he, the chief of the third department, will be called the end of his job.

He took the initiative to take the blame, which is actually tantamount to helping Nicholas I to help the royal family cover up. Everyone knows that if this case is pursued seriously, the board will definitely hit Nicholas I or Grand Duke Constantine's ass.

Who made Bestuzhev Ryumin recommended by Grand Duke Constantine? Who made Nicholas I agree?

But the problem is that letting the boss take the blame is not what a qualified subordinate should do in the first place. Otherwise, why would the boss invite you? If he can't even help to take the blame, can he still expect you to be a loyal minister?

Let's put it this way, the Duke of Aldorf took the initiative to stand up and take the blame, which immediately made Nicholas I a lot easier. On the other hand, if the boss is relieved, how can it make you sad?

Sure enough, Nicholas I just hummed, and said lightly: "Very well, Duke, you can take the initiative to admit your mistakes, which is very responsible. The case in Kiev is indeed very bad, and you really need to reflect on it. How about it, you Immediately start self-examination after returning, and re-investigate the third part up and down, so as not to let similar cases happen again!"

See if you don't, it's not even a criticism, just reflect on your mistakes and self-examination and you're done.

But if the Duke of Aldorf hadn't taken the initiative to admit his mistake just now, or even shirked responsibility, do you think Nicholas I would still be so tolerant? Inevitably, it will also make him take off a layer of skin!

The Duke of Aldorf immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately respectfully expressed that he must follow Nicholas I's instructions to reflect and examine himself, and then obediently retreated to the queue.

Count Uvarov said it was a pity for him to see this operation. Yes, Count Uvarov actually hoped that Duke Ordorf would make a mistake, and it would be best if he offended Nicholas I and was dismissed on the spot.

He hadn't forgotten about the cable thing, and he wished Duke Aldorf made a mistake. The Duke of Aldorf passed the level easily and without any danger, which made him both disappointed and annoyed. He waited for a while and saw that no one else wanted to speak, and then he stood up and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, this case is no small matter. The fact that the rebel party can even win over and corrupt the head of the third department like Bestuzhev Liumin fully shows how powerful they are. If they are allowed to continue to develop, there will be endless troubles. !"

This is actually nonsense,

It's just nonsense that Nicholas I cared about and agreed with very much. What he was most worried about was the growth of the rebellious party. If Bestuzhev Ryumin could be wooed and bought by them, what else could they not do?

Count Uvarov saw Nicholas I nodded slightly, and immediately continued: "So this case must be strictly investigated. He must be investigated and the truth must be found out, and the relevant responsible persons shall be brought to justice one by one. Only in this way can we deter those Xiaoxiao , to let the local ministers know what can and cannot be done! Therefore, I beg you to investigate this case strictly, and it is best to send a reliable and capable person to supervise the case!"

Nicholas I glanced at Count Uvarov and asked calmly, "Who do you think is more suitable?"

Count Uvarov didn't know if he was really old, or he didn't notice Nicholas I's little tricks, or he wanted too much to win back in Ukraine and give Grand Duke Constantine a head-on blow, so he didn't realize this at all There is actually a problem with the question, so he replied carelessly:

"Your Majesty, I think Count Vasily Buturlin is the most suitable candidate."

This Vasily Buturlin is a descendant of former Field Marshal Alexander Borisovich Buturlin. Speaking of it, neither the old Buturlin nor the young Buturlin is a talent, and their abilities are very mediocre. In Buturlin's generation, the family has become synonymous with conservative.

One can imagine what Uvarov was thinking in recommending such a mediocre but extremely conservative person to investigate the case.

This also reminded Nicholas I once again of Count Rostovtsev's previous warning, and his suspicions flooded all of a sudden, and he began to wonder if this case was a conservative conspiracy against Grand Duke Constantine.

So he pondered for a while and then flatly rejected Count Uvarov's suggestion: "Count Vasily Buturlin, that guy is so stupid that he can't even read the Bible, how to investigate the case, he can't do it!"

Count Uvarov immediately felt extremely embarrassed, because he was still ready to say good things for Buturlin enthusiastically, but when he turned around, Nicholas I said that he was too stupid to investigate the case, which made him face to face. I can't get off the stage.

Count Uvarov was a little surprised. He couldn't figure out whether the reason why Nicholas I didn't like Buturlin was because he was too stupid, or because of something else. But at this moment, he couldn't ask carefully, so he could only throw out the second candidate:

"If Earl Buturlin is not suitable, how about Marquis Mikhail Bryus? I think there is absolutely no problem with his ability..."

Needless to say, this Bruce must also be a hardcore conservative, so Nicholas I denied it again without thinking: "He is currently serving as the dean of the Military Academy? Then he should stay in St. Petersburg for comparison." Appropriate, taking good care of his students is more important than anything else!"

At this time, Count Uvarov, no matter how stupid he was, realized that the problem was unusual. Nicholas I ruthlessly rejected the two candidates he proposed in a row. Don't want to let the conservatives investigate the case!

It is not too late for Count Uvarov to realize this, because if he continues to blindly nominate conservatives to investigate the case, then Nicholas I may be furious. He would think that this was Uvarov's deliberate attempt to send his own people to murder or slander Grand Duke Constantine.

Uvarov, who realized the problem, was immediately in trouble. If he continued to nominate conservatives, he would be courting death. But if he didn't send a real person of his own to investigate the case, he was really worried that something would go wrong halfway.

So at this moment, whether he is advancing or retreating, he should not be nominated. What if someone suggests sending reformists to investigate the case later? That was not a missed opportunity!

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