Struggle in Russia

Chapter 487 A Little Regretful

Duke Mikhail immediately realized that he was in a dilemma, but how much better could Paskovich be than him?

Nicholas I only trusted veterans, which determined that neither Paskovich nor he had a choice but to obey the arrangement honestly. It can even be said that if Menshikov hadn't had a worse negotiating job, he might be on the commander-in-chief's candidate list this time.

Although the old eunuch was indeed not very good at fighting, who made him Nicholas I's confidant?

Therefore, according to the order of Nicholas I's trust, Menshikov and Paskovich are the first candidates to bear the brunt of the commander-in-chief, and then him.

If he voluntarily gave in and strongly recommended Paskovich, then in all likelihood, that old Qiuba would be the commander-in-chief. But in recent years, the old Qiu Ba has been in poor health, and he is simply unable to lead troops to fight, so his commander-in-chief is more symbolic.

Prince Mikhail thought about it for a while, and asked, "If that old Qiuba is unwilling to be lonely, he must point fingers?"

Duke Aldorf sneered: "Then you just push the boat along and let him do it! You just have a good time!"

Prince Mikhail immediately realized that anyway, he just didn't want to take the blame, if Paskovich was willing to make a fuss, he would indeed let him go.

It's just that based on his understanding of Paskovich, this old Qiu Ba probably also knows that Bulgaria is a pit, and he also knows that he has no promotion or reward. Continuing to make meritorious service will only lead to disaster, and he may also avoid it .

At least from his recent utterances, although he sang praises for Nicholas I's tough pressure on Turkey, everyone knows that it is just flattery. And when it comes to military issues, he keeps his mouth shut and never speaks casually. It can be seen that this guy is also trying to avoid suspicion.

Thinking of this, Duke Mikhail couldn't help but feel a little sad. Who would have thought that the situation would turn into such a ghostly situation. A group of veterans who had made great achievements for the country were reluctantly pushed into the battlefield by Nicholas I. Choose not to work hard.

Tell me what kind of shit this is!

At this point, Prince Mikhail couldn't help but worry about the possible outbreak of war. The quality of personnel, morale and equipment are what matter in war. Now that the war has not yet started, the leading generals are not thinking about how to defeat the enemy, but how to work. Do not try to avoid suspicion.

Sacrifice as Sacrifice as. That is to say, the opponent is Turkey, and if it is another opponent, Duke Mikhail can almost conclude that he will definitely lose.

It's just that although Türkiye is very good, but no matter how good it is, it is still a head! You have to be able to catch hundreds of thousands of pigs, right?

Thinking of those young and middle-aged military officers, Duke Mikhail, who was already somewhat impatient to make meritorious deeds, it was even more of a headache. It was a good thing for young military officers to want to make meritorious deeds, but it was not a good thing for young officers to rush forward one by one like robbing food hungry people. .

And looking at the posture of this group of people, they didn't pay attention to the Turks at all, and they treated each other as a dish at all, as if victory was easy to capture.

It is also a big taboo for military strategists to be arrogant before winning. Anyway, Duke Mikhail feels worried about this matter, and always feels that this time will not go so smoothly!

"You said that if it fails..."

Duke Mikhail didn’t dare to go on as soon as he opened his head. The Duke Aldorf next to him also had a serious face, because Russia may seem to be full of flowers, but only they know that this is cooking oil on fire. It's okay to win, but once you lose, the troubles you planted before will happen together, and that scene...

The Duke of Aldorf couldn't imagine it, he immediately interrupted: "So you must be prepared, you can't be defeated no matter what,

Even if it's a draw! "

Duke Mikhail sighed again in his heart. He knew that there was no tie at all. Once Nicholas I broke the fragile balance of the Balkans, everything would be shattered, and there would be no end to the outcome.

And this is also the key reason why he is so reluctant to lead the army. The pressure is too great, and the battle that must be won is not so easy. Anyway, he doesn't think he can win every battle, and he doesn't think the Russian army is invincible. up.

"Be prepared as much as possible!"

Duke Aldorf also sighed. Although he has been the head of the secret police in the third part all these years, he actually led troops to fight, and his level is much higher than that of Menshikov. It is just an opportunity to show off. Not as many as Paskovich and Duke Mikhail, so the prestige is not so high.

As a veteran in the army, he also knew how difficult the matter was this time, but he didn't have a good solution. He could only remind Duke Mikhail to make preparations.

"By the way, you'd better take care of Wallachia. If you have to lead troops this time, you can't deal with them with the same attitude as before! You don't need me to remind you, you should know the importance of Wallachia. sex!"

Prince Mikhail sighed again, feeling that some of the strategies of the previous two years were indeed a bit impatient or even superficial. They thought that Wallachia was no longer the focus, so they deliberately ignored it in order to clear the relationship with Speransky and the reformers.

But who would have thought that Nicholas I would suddenly engage in such a mess in Bulgaria, and once again push Wallachia to the forefront. As the front line against Turkey, Wallachia's military value naturally need not be said. As long as you are a leader, you know that Wallachia is extremely important.

If Wallachia cooperates well, it can save a lot of trouble. Conversely, a logistical issue alone can cause hair loss every day.

Si minus Si. "I know!" Prince Mikhail replied listlessly, and suddenly asked: "I heard they built a railway?"

Duke Aldorf corrected: "It's being repaired! I hope it can be repaired before the war!"

Duke Mikhail snorted: "Those boys are really capable!"

Duke Aldorf looked at him strangely, as if hesitating to speak, obviously he was talking about why you had the same attitude before you thought he was capable.

It would definitely be embarrassing to be someone else, but for a thick-skinned old fox like Duke Mikhail, this is not a problem at all, he changed the subject without blushing: "Okay, then decide Yes, after a while I will find an opportunity to speak to His Majesty and recommend Paskovich!"

"As for the Wallachia matter, I will write to Leonid. With him mediating, those few people should still give some face!"

Mi He Mi. Duke Aldorf just laughed and said nothing. Anyway, these have nothing to do with him directly. He doesn't care how Duke Mikhail solves the small troubles in Wallachia!

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