Struggle in Russia

Chapter 536 Not going well (Part 1)

The mine-laying tactics had initially achieved results, leaving the British and French fleets in awe. However, there are troublesome things, that is, civilian ships were the first to suffer. Although Britain and France can't figure out how these ships exploded, it is clear who the murderer is. A strong offensive, accusing Russia of illegally attacking merchant ships, such as pirates.

However, they can only live their mouths for a while, and they have nothing to do with Russia if they can't take a step beyond the thunder pool. What's more, these two countries are not ready to declare war on Russia immediately, so they haven't thought of ways to clear mines, or force them to fight against Russia. Breaking into the Black Sea is just sitting on the pier in Istanbul.

The Turks were naturally very angry about this. Before, they thought that the Russians had nothing to do with the British and French fleets backing them up. The fleet swaggered around, hunting and killing Turkish ships, causing them heavy losses.

"We are also very sympathetic to your country's experience, but now there are unknown dangers outside the strait, and it is too risky to rashly send a fleet to force it... Please bear with me for now, we will find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible!"

Such a response naturally made the Turks more and more disappointed, and the soft bones in the country began to sigh or complain. Condemned the officials who had remained tough before for harming the country, and suggested that Sudan quickly renegotiate with Russia, and quickly cede land and pay compensation to solve the trouble.

This voice cannot be said to be small, but its influence is not that great. There are two main reasons. First, although Britain and France are a bit unreliable, their support this time is still sufficient. Just when Russia declared war, Britain and France both passed A resolution condemning Russia was passed, the momentum is really great, and it is really good to be bold.

Secondly, Russia's previous attitude was very clear, that is, it clearly wants Bulgaria, and there is no need to discuss other conditions. But Bulgaria is Turkey's last barrier. Once Bulgaria is gone, Russia's soldiers will point directly to Istanbul. Sudan will definitely not accept this result.

Finally, the hardliners in Turkey have also been working for Sudan, hoping that Sudan will fight Russia and give them a chance to frustrate Russia. If Russia can be deflated, maybe Russia will not be so aggressive. Later How about negotiating?

Combining these reasons, Sudan maintained a strong attitude for the time being, and further increased its troops to Bulgaria, preparing to have a good touch with Russia. Of course, this is actually a gesture, just for Britain and France to see, which means: You two big brothers have seen it, this time I will risk my life to fight Russia, you can't turn a blind eye, right? Even if it is pitiful, we should give more help!

Turkey's actions were relatively quick. On the day Menshikov and the Russian envoy boarded the ship and left Istanbul, nearly 30,000 new Turkish troops began to move towards Bulgaria.

This is only the vanguard,

The troops assembled from the Asiatic Peninsula in the back are crossing the Bosporus Strait and marching towards Bulgaria. According to preliminary estimates, Turkey has mobilized nearly 500,000 troops. If you add the 300,000 troops that have been preparing for war in Bulgaria for a long time, nearly one million Turkish troops have assembled in small Bulgaria. It is conceivable that Russia wants to How difficult it is to make a quick decision!

In fact, the Russian army has discovered that something is wrong. After Menshikov announced the severance of diplomatic relations and declared war, Duke Mikhail commanded 300,000 Russian troops to cross the Danube in three ways, and immediately found that he had kicked the iron plate.

The most powerful target of the Central Route Army was Ruse, but just crossing the river cost a heavy price of more than 10,000 casualties. Then the Turkish defense line around the city of Ruse was helpless.

Even with the support of heavy artillery clusters, the battle was extremely difficult. Every step forward needed to be filled with human life. It can be said that every footprint was soaked in the blood of the Russian army.

The troubles encountered by the West Route Army and the East Route Army were no less than that of the Central Route Army. Near Pleven, the West Route Army encountered a strong counterattack by the Turkish Army, and the forward was directly defeated. If the main force of the Russian Army did not respond in time, it immediately occupied favorable terrain. To defend, I am afraid that the West Route Army will be directly driven back to Wallachia.

As for the East Route Army, they also encountered big troubles in Constanta. They organized several storms but were resolutely pushed back by the Turkish Army. Anyway, the Russian army was as aggressive as it was before the launch, and now it is so battered. They suddenly discovered overnight that the Turkish army was completely different from before, and the sick man in the Near East seemed to have disappeared!

Duke Mikhail also had a headache. According to his plan, the 300,000 troops should be able to break through the Turkish defense line, and the next 200,000 troops only need to drive straight through the opened gap and sweep the depths of Bulgaria.

But who would have thought that the Turkish army's line of defense would be so strong that it would tenaciously block his attack, making his battle plan fail from the very beginning.

To make matters worse, Li Xiao also told him that the main force of the Turkish army was pouring into Bulgaria in a steady stream, with an initial estimate of more than 300,000 troops. If he can't defeat the Turkish army on the Danube line as soon as possible, then once the main force of the Turkish army arrives on the battlefield, the Russian army will be in an extremely disadvantageous situation, and they will be very dangerous fighting against the water!

Duke Mikhail knew that Li Xiao would not joke with him like this, he really had to urge the troops to step up their actions, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!

"Adjust the strategy, follow up with the main force moving to the direction of Constanta, and occupy this area as soon as possible, while the troops on the Danube line are temporarily transferred to the defense, and be prepared to hold the line of defense!"

In fact, this adjustment is far from enough. The Turkish defense line is unexpectedly strong, which shows that it is extremely unwise to storm the Danube line. It is best to withdraw the troops crossing the river and rely on the Danube to start defense, so that it is safe.

It's just that Duke Mikhail will be under a lot of pressure to do so. After all, almost everyone in the country thought that this war would be very easy and pleasant, but who would have thought that the Russian army would hit a big nail as soon as it entered the battle, and was always looked down upon. The good-eyed Turk was disheveled.

How could this make Nicholas I, who was particularly concerned about face, bear it? If Duke Mikhail really withdrew his troops to the north of the Danube River, it is estimated that after the news is sent back to St. Petersburg, Nicholas I should greet his eight generations of ancestors!

So no matter what, Duke Mikhail couldn't withdraw, even if he just crossed the river and occupied a bridgehead, he had to stick to this bridgehead, so he could only bite the bullet and hold on!

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