Struggle in Russia

Chapter 546 Really Not Enough!

There has never been a shortage of talkative kings and keyboard strategists in this world. There are many people in Russia who are dissatisfied with Duke Mikhail's performance in Bulgaria, and many half-bottled people are constantly talking strange things.

The implication is that the failure of the war to progress is all the responsibility of Duke Mikhail, and it seems that only changing generals can solve the problem.

As the most sensitive person in the country, the Duke of Aldorf naturally couldn't hear these rumors, but he didn't have many ways to deal with it. You can't arrest these guys one by one and throw them into the prison in the third part, can you?

If he had such a great ability, then he wouldn't be in a hurry to get out of the suffering of the third part and find a relatively comfortable position.

It happened that Nicholas I talked about related topics today, and Duke Aldorf must do everything possible to help his friends, otherwise once Duke Mikhail fell down, he would die together with him!

How could Nesselrode, as a human being, not know about the Duke of Aldorf's petty thinking? Naturally, it is impossible for the Duke of Ordorf to fulfill his wish, and immediately laughed:

"Duke, that means you can talk nonsense like this. When we defeated Turkey in the past, which time did we use a million troops? But now you say that we need at least one million people. Are you bullying us for not knowing history?"

Indeed, if Russia could mobilize millions of troops in the previous Eighth Russo-Turkish War, it would really be possible to crush Turkey and capture Constantinople.

It is precisely because of the lack of strength and stamina that Russia is so short of a sigh of relief at critical moments, and it is a tiny bit away from achieving its complete goal.

The meaning of Nesselrode's citing this example is very clear, that is, to accuse the military of being ineffective and acting indiscriminately. If you said that millions of troops are needed to win Turkey, look at how many people agree to such nonsense!

Nesselrode is extremely dissatisfied with the military's strong interference in government affairs in recent years. He believes that Russia's problem is not a political problem, but the military's strong command of the government with guns, so that the government has to pay for their reckless policies time and time again. If things go on like this, the country will not be a country!

Ordinarily, Nesselrode is right. In the past one or two hundred years, Russia has indeed become more and more degraded into a war machine. It has expanded for the sake of expansion, and its territory is indeed the best in the world. Human feeling is a bunch of pure robbers. Far from Anglo-Saxon pirates and colonists.

It's just that although he realized the key reason why the Russian problem has recently deviated from the normal track, he failed to find the root cause.

In fact, the Russian military is also behind the scenes. It is the successive tsars who led Russia to go further and further on the road of blind expansion.

If it weren't for their so-called ambitions and connivance, would the military have been able to achieve what it wanted? Can the military coerce the state apparatus?

Especially Nicholas I, it is precisely because he is extremely superstitious about force and believes that he can use the army to solve all problems. Blindly trusting his precious generals, these people's ambitions are inflated, otherwise Russia can get to this point?

In the end, the military was created by the tsar. Without the tsar’s nod, how could the military have such courage and ambitions? The culprit that led Russia to the abyss was Nicholas I and the unrestricted tsar’s power .

It's just that Nesselrode certainly didn't realize this, so don't look at him being able to sneer at the Duke of Ordorf, but whether or not to send more reinforcements and how many more reinforcements he will actually say doesn't matter, everything depends on Nico Ra I's wishes.

"Okay! Prime Minister, Duke Mikhail's ability is trustworthy." Nicholas I set the tone as soon as he opened his mouth, and the old man couldn't stop what he wanted to say.

After a short pause, Nicholas I continued: "It is imperative to send additional reinforcements! The pressure on Duke Mikhail is indeed relatively high, so let's transfer 200,000 troops from all fronts to Wallachia to defeat the enemy. I think 700,000 Turks should be enough!"

Nesselrode immediately let out a long sigh in his heart. He knew that he had lost again in this confrontation, but he couldn't figure it out. It was obvious that Nicholas I's attitude towards him had changed a lot during this period of time. How about running counter to him on the issue of sex?

It can only be said that Nesselrode did not guess what Nicholas I was thinking. From the beginning to the end, he never put Turkey in his eyes. He could only continue to march to Constantinople as his predecessors did. Naturally It is impossible to spare Turkey.

What's more, this time he lost face internationally. Although he knew that Britain and France could not be provoked and could not mess around, he still wanted to prove that he was capable of making Britain and France pay for their hastily made unwise decisions.

He wants to slap Britain and France in the face severely to prove that he is the number one king in Europe!

So you let him completely listen to Nesselrode's words and stop immediately, and swallow this useless gas? How is that possible?

In any case, Nicholas I will do his best to fight, and he will never compromise!

This determines that as long as there is a glimmer of hope and a slight chance, Nicholas I will not let go, even if he sells the pot and sells the iron for his belt, he will take a gamble on it. So you can see that in history, even if he lost everything, he was unwilling to admit defeat publicly, and he would not admit defeat even if he would rather die.

This is the pride and bottom line of Nicholas I. He was not able to persuade Nesselrode at all. Naturally, even if he felt that Nesselrode was still useful, he would not really obey what he said, but was selective. Use this old man.

"Two hundred thousand people are probably not enough!" Duke Ordorf said to Chernyshov worriedly.

Although the two of them belong to two camps on many issues and have many conflicts, they are absolutely on the same page when it comes to the war against Turkey.

Especially after Nesselrode was revived with full blood recently and constantly criticized the war decision, the relationship between Duke Ordov and Chernyshov has improved visible to the naked eye.

After returning from the imperial study, the two and other high-ranking officers of the army and navy began to have small meetings. After all, the current situation is very bad, and this war is becoming more and more like a hot potato.

So they can only work together to help find a solution. Nicholas I's stubbornness is certainly the main reason why Nesselrode failed to return from the imperial meeting today, but these generals kept giving Nicholas I Chicken blood is also a secondary factor.

It's just that they are not particularly satisfied with the result of the 200,000 additional troops. As veterans who have experienced previous wars, they are well aware of the pressure on Duke Mikhail, and the reinforcements are really not enough!

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