Struggle in Russia

Chapter 550: Incoordination (Part 1)

Chernyshev didn't have so many twists and turns, he just wanted to know what good he could do by agreeing to Barjatinsky's terms. It is absolutely forbidden to do things that are not beneficial to him. Even if Bariatinsky's conditions are indeed good, why should he agree to it if it is not beneficial now?

Viscount Alexander Barek was also a little dazed, because when Pobedonostsev asked him to come to Chernyshev, he didn't say that he would give any benefits immediately. It's just that Chernyshev should not refuse.

But the operation method of the Minister of War is really a bit eye-catching now. It is really petty for such a big man to be so philistine!

"What benefits do you want?" Viscount Alexander Barek simply kicked the ball back.

Now it was Chernyshev's turn to be dazed. It wasn't that he didn't know what benefits he wanted, but that Bariatinsky couldn't and couldn't give the benefits he wanted. If Bariatinsky had the ability Let him become prime minister, so does he still need to be afraid of Count Uvarov?

I'm afraid he can hang Count Uvarov up and beat him at that time, why bother to win him over.

But you asked Chernyshov to lower his requirements, and it didn't seem to make much sense. He is already the Minister of War, and he is considered one of the best positions in the cabinet. There is really no better position to go up than the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer.

But the problem is that the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs don't even need to think about it now, and the Minister of Finance has no interest, and he is not good at that kind of work, so he can only make jokes if he goes there.

After thinking about it, he can only be the Minister of the Navy or the Minister of the Army. That is to say, Chernyshov is really embarrassed now, and he can’t get up, and there is nothing to ask for if he lowers the requirements. Kinsky's cooperation is quite tasteless.

Although Baryatinsky promised to guarantee his status after Crown Prince Alexander ascended the throne, God knows how long it will take. Who can say what will happen in the future, maybe in two days because of his ineffectiveness in fighting against Turkey, he, the Minister of War, will have to pack his bags Take the blame and resign!

At that time, you still expected Barjatinsky to fulfill his promise? It's a joke!

So Chernyshev just smiled and said: "Thank you for the kindness of the Duke. If there is a chance in the future, we can work together. As for now, I still care about the current affairs. If the Duke has a way to make the Prime Minister resign , then I can take a clear-cut stand on his side immediately!"

Viscount Alexander Barek stopped talking, because there was really nothing to say. Chernyshev's meaning was very clear. Unless Bariatinsky helped him bring down Nesselrode, he did not plan to change his court for the time being.

Although his words are quite euphemistic,

He didn't mean to expressly refuse, and even said that he was willing to cooperate. But these are all polite words, not reliable at all, and naturally there is nothing to talk about.

Viscount Alexander Barek politely expressed regret and apology, then patted his ass and left. He had to go back and tell Pobedonostsev that the wooing operation was unsuccessful, and Chernyshev's price was too high, and he couldn't buy him at all. move.

Pobedonostsev, who was far away in Bucharest, was not particularly disappointed after receiving the news, because this was originally a temptation. He just wanted to see Chernyshov's attitude towards Count Uvarov.

Now that the goal has been basically achieved, the Minister of War is not counted as a hard-core supporter of Count Uvarov, as long as the interests are sufficient, he can immediately change the court. This indirectly shows that Count Uvarov's ability to control the faction has further declined, making more and more thoughtful people unwilling to completely obey his mercy.

"What we lack now is the opportunity!" He said to himself happily.

And he also believes that this opportunity is not too far away, because this war against Turkey has changed many things and greatly shaken the control ability of some old foxes. For example, Count Uvarov, for example, Duke Paskovich, and for example, Duke Mikhail.

As Commander Pobedonostsev was able to see and hear many things that were impossible to see and hear in St. Petersburg. The real situation of the Russian army, the real combat effectiveness of the Turks, and even various gossip within the military.

These things can explain many problems, such as the face-to-face and heart-to-heart discord between Paskovich and Duke Mikhail. I am afraid that St. Petersburg will never think that these two legendary veterans will never pee together.

Although the two are consistent in the general direction, such as asking for reinforcements. But in other details, the difference between the two is too great.

Paskovich believed that it was too passive to retreat and defend immediately, and he could take the initiative to attack the Turks in the direction of Dobrich and Varna, and try to eliminate more Turks.

According to Paskovich's opinion, the Turkish army in that direction is not strong, and the Russian army can completely win the battle. As long as tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of enemies can be wiped out, the Turkish army will not dare to make a full-scale counterattack with great fanfare. Can reduce the defensive pressure on Wallachia's front line.

It's just that Duke Mikhail has no interest in taking the initiative to attack. Although he also admits that the Turkish army on the eastern front is slightly weaker than the Turkish army on the central and western fronts, this does not mean that the Russian army can easily defeat them. Of.

Not to mention the annihilation of tens of thousands of people. He warned that Turkish reinforcements were coming towards Varna from the direction of Istanbul. Once you rush forward blindly, it might be another pot of raw rice.

It can't move the original defense line of the Turkish army on the eastern front, but it also consumes the vitality and morale. Once the reinforcements of the Turkish army arrive, the Russian army on the eastern front will not be able to attack or retreat. Maybe the entire army will be wiped out. Danger!

Therefore, Duke Mikhail insisted on shrinking the defense line, deploying the defense line along the Danube, and even voluntarily abandoning Constanta and other places when necessary.

The two quarreled once about this arrangement, and finally, due to the strong opposition of Paskovich and the pressure from St. Petersburg, Duke Mikhail reluctantly agreed not to give up Constanta for the time being. And the defense line on the east bank of the Danube.

This was the result of compromise and compromise. Paskovich gave up the offensive, while Duke Mikhail chose to stick to Constanta.

To be honest, both of them were not satisfied with the result, but they couldn't persuade the other party to continue to make concessions, so they could only deal with it in this way.

In Pobedonostsev's view, the opinions of these two have some truth, and if there is no interference from the other party, they may both achieve certain results. But after such a compromise, it became specious, but a bit self-defeating.

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