Struggle in Russia

Chapter 681 The feeling of danger

Of course, Julianne did not dare to accept money and do nothing this time, because she knew very well that between Friedrich I and Helenson, if she had to choose one person to offend, it would be best to choose Friedrich I, because this The crown prince was still a naive young man who was fascinated by beautiful women.

Such young people are like an unlocked safe, they can take whatever they want. Even if she really interfered with Friedrich I's marriage, she might be resented for a while afterwards, but as long as she lowered her profile and "sincerely" apologized and explained, there would be no chance of rekindling their relationship in the future.

But Helenson is completely different. This guy is a despicable and mean-spirited person. Considering that he has been angered before, if he does something again, he will definitely try his best to mess with her.

It would have been terrible then!

What's more, Julianne knows very well who the forces behind Helenson are. Compared with Austria, the Grand Duchy of Baden is like fireflies and the sun. The gap is not a chasm but a chasm. As long as you are not stupid, it is best not to provoke the Austrians too much.

Anyway, Julianne was well prepared and decided to hurry up and fulfill Helenson's instructions at a suitable time, so that she could repair the relationship with Frederick I as soon as possible. After all, the half a million was really tempting. , and it’s not that easy.

Julianne is gearing up and confident, but she may have forgotten Wallachia. Maybe Wallachia is just a small problem to her. With Frederick I and Helenson as backers, she has offended an insignificant Wallachia. It's not much different than trampling an ant to death.

But the facts proved that she was very wrong. Although Wallachia was small, it was not insignificant. What was more important was that no one in Wallachia could make a name for themselves for a long time behind the back of the intelligence agency Li Xiao had built.

"Have you ever been in contact with this woman?" Fontana asked Vishniak.

Vishniak glanced at Julianne, who had a relaxed and smiling face, and after a moment of reflection, he replied: "There has been no direct contact. The intelligence shows that she is just one of Crown Prince Friedrich's mistresses..."

Fontana blinked, thought for a moment and then asked: "One of the mistresses? But why do I feel that the crown prince seems to care about her very much?"

Vishniak was stunned: "How can you see it?"

"In the past three days, Crown Prince Friedrich's trysts with her have been too many and too frequent, far beyond the normal level of admiration. Moreover, your information shows that this woman has not been very generous with her money recently. According to me, As we know, the crown prince’s financial ability is not that strong.”

Vishniak's face suddenly became serious. He was not that stupid idiot. Although he really had no interest in intelligence work, he could still see the connection.

At the moment, this Julianne has obviously received so much love from Crown Prince Friedrich that the crown prince has almost forgotten that he has other lovers. This has obviously fascinated the crown prince.

Vishnyak didn't need to use his brain to answer the simple question of what kind of damage an obsessed and powerful crown prince could wreak.

What's more, Fontana also mentioned Crown Prince Friedrich's financial ability, which was obviously impossible to satisfy Julianne's extravagance, which was obviously wrong.

"Does this woman have other lovers?" Vishnyak asked his subordinates.

"No, at least not yet."

Vishniak and Fontana looked at each other, and then said almost simultaneously: "It seems we have to find out where this lady got her money!"

Facts have proved that no one can hide a conspiracy from the Wallachian gendarmes for long, and it only took two days for Julian's financial resources to be found out.

"Where does this Helenson come from?"

It was clear to Vishniac that what Fontana really wanted to ask was not where Helenson was from, but who he served.

He looked at the information collected by the gendarme and replied: "For the time being, it seems that he is an Austrian and said he came here to invest. But after the gendarme checked, he just opened a so-called trading house. The transactions are really limited. It seems It’s like a cover.”

Fontana also thought that it was just a cover. She nodded in agreement: "Yes, that small transaction volume cannot support his financial support for Julian. The money can never be earned legally by him. He should And it’s online!”

Vishnyak looked at Fontana. Over the past few days, he was a little impressed by Alexey's confidante. Fontana was flexible and quick in thinking and could often find flaws in details. More importantly, She is very interested in intelligence work, which leads to her work efficiency far exceeding the normal level.

Let's put it this way, Vishniak felt that even if he concentrated on it and went all out, he could only reach the level of Fontana, and Fontana had obviously not reached her upper limit.

The last person with such a high talent was Anton, and his current achievements are already there. In a sense, Anton can even be said to have a higher official position than him.

Obviously, if Fontana continues to be familiar with intelligence work, her future achievements will never be inferior to Anton. Vishniak does not mean to be jealous, but feels that life is so wonderful. Look at Anton, look at Fontana , even looking at himself and other friends around him, there is a huge difference between a few years ago and now.

Vishniak knew very well the root cause of their earth-shaking changes. To be honest, he was very lucky to know Li Xiao through Boris, because someone is too precious as a friend.

"Are you listening to me?"

Vishniak quickly retracted his thoughts and apologized: "I remembered something else, but you are right, this Helenson must still be online. We'd better follow the clues to find out who he is serving!"

Fontana also nodded, but she reminded: "I think it's best to find out his purpose of funding Julian. I don't believe that he spent such a high price to bribe Crown Prince Friedrich's mistress to get nothing. ."

"And given the sensitive status of the crown prince and his importance to us, I think we have to figure this out as quickly as possible. I have a feeling that Helenson and Julianne are planning something."

Vishniak nodded solemnly and said: "I feel the same way. It's just that we have too little information now, and we can't act rashly. I'm worried about alerting the enemy."

At this point, both Vishniak and Fontana fell silent at the same time. They were not only thinking about countermeasures, but also couldn't help but think about what Li Xiao would do if he faced this situation...

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