Struggle in Russia

Chapter 700 Grab it

Increasing revenue and reducing expenditure is easier said than done. At first glance, all the projects carried out in this stall in Wallachia seem to have their own necessity, and it seems that none of them can be given up. Anyway, in a hurry, Alexey is not able to do any of them. Reluctant to part with it.

As for open source, Alexey has no choice. The only way he can think of is to borrow money, but the attitude of the Prussians is already there. Borrowing money is easier said than done!

If you can't even borrow money from Prussia, then there's no chance of borrowing money from other places. Alexei wanted to go bald but couldn't think of any other way.

Li Xiao also sighed. In fact, these brothers, including himself, are not good at business. The reason why he seemed okay was because he was riding the light of a time traveler. Without the experience of later generations, he might not be as good as Alexei.

It's just that, although the experiences of later generations are good, they cannot be applied to everything. After all, the background of the times is different and cannot be applied mechanically.

Excluding the experiences of later generations, Li Xiao also found it difficult, but he was not helpless. After thinking for a while, he said:

"If you want to make money, in addition to trying to raise funds, you can only use extraordinary means."

Alexey and Vishniak were both stunned, not understanding what the so-called extraordinary means were.

In fact, Li Xiao is also very hesitant, because such evil tricks as extraordinary methods are really bad for character, but now he can only bite the bullet and use it.

He said slowly: "The simplest and most direct way is to rob and take advantage of the Turks..."

Alexei and Vishnyak looked at each other in shock, because they really didn't expect that Li Xiao would come up with such a bad idea. Wouldn't this just make them robbers?

Although this is a bit jarring, if the target of the robbery is Turkey, they won't have much psychological burden. The only problem is how to rob!

If two heavily armed groups were confronting each other along the Danube River, and the long front was crowded with soldiers from both sides, how could they steal it? How to grab it?

At least Alexey and Vishniak could not think of any way to cross the Turkish defenses and rob the Turks.

Li Xiao sighed, feeling very sorry for the imagination and creativity of his friends. He reminded: "It is indeed difficult for our army to cross the defense line, but we don't have to do it ourselves!"

Alexey and Vishnyak suddenly became even more confused. Are there such good robbers and bandits in the world that they would take the initiative to rob and then honor them? Not only have you never seen this pie-in-the-sky delicacy, but you have never even heard of it!

Li Xiao sighed again, rubbed his temples and replied: "In Bulgaria and Turkey, there are a large number of Orthodox brothers who support and sympathize with us. They are the ones we can use to organize and arm them appropriately. It’s not that difficult to get things done in the heart of Bulgaria and Turkey!”

Alexei and Vishnyak looked at me and I looked at you, both of them were a little shocked, because Li Xiao's imagination was really beyond his expectation, and he let the Slavs and Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria or Turkey cause trouble and rob wealth. Funding Wallachia gave them the feeling of robbing the poor and giving to the rich.

Yes, you read that right, it is robbing the poor to give to the rich instead of robbing the rich to give to the poor. why? Probably in the eyes of Alexey and Vishniak, the Slavic and Orthodox brothers in Turkey were bullied and lived in dire straits.

Under such circumstances, if you still ask them to do such a dangerous thing, isn't this pushing them into a pit of fire?

Moreover, with the support of Britain and France, the Turks are becoming more and more powerful. How can we bear to let them, who are almost unarmed, fight against the Turks?

Li Xiao held his forehead and explained helplessly: "Are you mistaken? How can we rob the poor and give to the rich? We are not over-appropriately arming the Orthodox and Slavic brothers who are willing to cooperate with us in fighting Turkish pagans. Give them the opportunity to protect themselves and assist us in fighting the enemy. We will support and provide them with weapons and ammunition, and even send military advisers to train and guide them on how to fight the enemy... We naturally have the right to share part of the spoils they harvest. With this money , we can produce more weapons and give them more support, isn’t this something that complements each other?”

Alexei and Vishniak were speechless for a while. They had finally seen how terrible it is when someone is shameless. They packaged such an evil and shameless thing in such a majestic way. Well, they also kind of liked this tone.

Vishnyak and Alexei asked in unison: "What should we do?"

"It's very simple," Li Xiao said eloquently, "I've almost done the first step this time. On this trip to Ineada, I have already made progress with the more radical and combat-effective Slavic and Orthodox brothers in Bulgaria and Turkey. Got in touch.”

Alexey and Vishnyak were surprised again. They thought that Li Xiao's trip was just to contact Leboeuf to find out what was going on in France. Who would have thought that someone actually went to contact the anti-Turkish Orthodox forces in Turkey? .

However, this also saves a lot of effort. Now that someone has been contacted, all you need to do is execute it step by step.

Sure enough, Li Xiao continued: "We have reached a preliminary agreement. These Slavic and Orthodox brothers are willing to cooperate with us in taking up arms to attack the Turks. As long as we can provide appropriate military assistance, they will be able to arm themselves soon. "

"This is great!"

Vishniak was the first to express his happiness. Having fought in the Caucasus, he knew very well how annoying the resistance armed forces and guerrillas were. They were tortured to the point of death if Paskovich hadn't been tough enough. The tactics are ruthless enough, but you really can't defeat those moles who are hiding in the dark and shooting black guns.

Alexey still had doubts: "What does moderate support mean? We are very nervous about weapons and ammunition. If they ask for too much, I'm afraid..."

Li Xiao waved his hand and said: "That's not a big problem. We can support them with the Turkish weapons we captured before. They are familiar with it and it is easy to replenish ammunition."

Well, Alexei and Vishniak rolled their eyes again, because the Turks' weapons were so bad, it was equivalent to exchanging a pile of scrap metal for free with those poor Slavic and Orthodox brothers. Gold and silver, this is too shameless no matter how you look at it.

But Li Xiao didn't think so: "They don't need particularly good weapons. Logistics supplies can give them a headache, and their main targets are Turkish wealthy people. There is no need to deal with them and harass the Turks' logistical lines." You need great equipment!”

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