Struggle in Russia

Chapter 702 What a coincidence

Let’s put it this way, Nicholas I and Russia these days are about the same as Mustache and Germany during World War II, at least in the eyes of the Jews. Although the former's methods of persecuting Jews were not so cruel and heinous, the living conditions of Jews in Russia were quite bad and they were simply bullied.

Moreover, Nicholas I was not ashamed but proud. He was very enthusiastic about fighting these enemies of Christ, and he regarded it as his achievements and achievements.

At this time, if you tell Nicholas I that you should give the Jews legal status and protect their lives and property, guess what Nicholas I will do to you!

Alexey is not hostile or involved in the persecution of Jews, but this does not mean that he will agree to Li Xiao's suggestion, because no matter how you look at it, it is looking for death.

"Are you crazy!" Alexei exclaimed, "If His Majesty and our enemies find out, we will be doomed immediately!"

Vishniak also said: "This is too reckless, the risk is not ordinary! I suggest caution!"

Li Xiao sighed and said: "I know this is a bit dangerous, but the interests are at stake. If you want to make money, you have to deal with the Jews. It can even be said that once we do not solve the Jewish problem, they are likely to stand in the future." If we are on the opposite side, it will be even more troublesome!"

This is not a lie. Later, during the Russo-Japanese War, in order to retaliate against the Czar's persecution of the Jews, the Jewish financial chaebols chose to side with Japan and provided Japan with a large amount of loan support. Otherwise, with the national power of the Japanese, even their pants would have been pawned. , there is a ghost of money to continue fighting the war.

To be honest, Li Xiao thinks that Nicholas I's family is quite weird. Starting from his grandmother's generation, they have been persecuting Jews because of their religious beliefs. By the time of his grandson's generation, it has reached its peak, and that is tantamount to creating problems for himself. killed the enemy.

However, Li Xiao is now willing to help the Jews, not to help Nicholas I's family save their character, but because the objective fact is that they need money, and to make it as less troublesome as possible to deal with the Japanese in the future.

"But the risk is too great!" Alexei insisted.

Li Xiao chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not ready to give the Jews national treatment right away. That would be too cheap for them, and if I satisfy them all at once, it will be hard to ask for money in the future."

Alexey frowned and asked: "Then what are you going to do to impress the Jews?"

“How about protecting the Jewish ghetto from harassment and illegal abuse?”

Alexey was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Is it right here? I'm afraid this won't impress the Jews and make them donate generously, right?"

Li Xiao smiled and said: "Of course this is the case under normal circumstances, so we have to create some basic conditions that can make the Jews tempted."

Alexei and Vishnyak subconsciously thought that the Jews were in trouble, because every time someone smiled like this, someone always had trouble.

"... My plan is this. First we will spread the rumor that the Jews support Turkey, and then Alexey you will add fuel to the fire. Based on my understanding of those extremists, they will soon start to persecute the Jews... "

Alexei asked, dumbfounded: "At that time, we will take action to help the Jews, and then ask for benefits in due course?"

"How is that possible!" Li Xiao immediately shook his head, "This is too simple. Jews are not stupid, how could they not see the clues!"

Alexei asked curiously: "Then what are you going to do?"

"After creating rumors and triggering a wave of anti-Semitism, I will contact Gelson Bleichröder. Do you remember him, right?"

Alexei nodded and asked, "What are you looking for him for?"

"Of course I'm asking him to borrow money, or to get financing from him!"

Alexey wondered: "He seems to have a good relationship with the Austrians and Prussians, right? Although his business has been quite large in the past two years, it is unlikely that he will go against the will of Prussia and Austria, right?"

"This is generally the case," Li Xiao explained in detail, "but isn't there a wave of anti-Semitism ahead? He can't just watch his compatriots suffer."

Now Alexey finally understood. He had to admit that Li Xiao was really cunning to the core and had calculated every aspect. With the Jewish style, it is really possible that Gelson Bleichröder opened his wallet to help his compatriots.

However, Alexei expressed doubts about his financial ability. After all, Wallachia's current financial gap is not as big as usual. Can a mere Gelson Bleichröder fill it?

"Of course he alone can't do it, but behind him there is the Rothschild family and hundreds of big Jewish businessmen like him. Together they are more than enough!"

Alexey nodded. If you include the Rothschild family, it would indeed be enough. But that family either relies on Austria or is in the same trousers with the United Kingdom. It is said that the British and French sent troops to their family and they also made great efforts. Are you willing to help Russia?

Li Xiao said calmly: "Of course they will not be willing to help us, but haven't we created sufficient and necessary conditions? They can't help their compatriots, right?"

After a pause, Li Xiao continued to explain: "And didn't I say it before? It will ensure the safety of the Jewish people, property and faith in Wallachia, and that's enough!"

Well, Alexei and Vishniak finally understood Li Xiao's plan. In short, they used the Jews as meat tickets, kidnapped them first, and then blackmailed the wealthy Jewish people. Although this move is a bit dirty, it is very easy for the Jews to master.

After a moment of silence, Alexey sighed and said: "Although I want to say that this move is too despicable, shameless and unstyled, I can understand why you do it. Just do it, my friend, sometimes We can only give up some moral insistence."

Alexey nodded in agreement and the matter was settled. Alexey's experience this night was rich and colorful. First, he solved Friedrich I and then found a solution to the economic problem. He suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. .

He sincerely felt that Li Xiao was truly his lucky star, and there was no problem that could not be solved as long as he took action.

"Really? That's what you think?" Fontana, lying in his arms, chuckled.

Alexey asked back: "Isn't it true? Andrei solved all the problems as soon as he came back..."

Fontana interrupted him: "I don't deny this, but why do I feel that the time of his return is too coincidental and that he knows too much about Crown Prince Friedrich's affairs?"

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