Struggle in Russia

Chapter 728 I have no idea

Duke Mikhail has never been so aggrieved in his life. He thought that he was the only one who pushed the Turks to the ground and rubbed them. When will it be the turn of the turkeys to show off in front of him?

But now the chicken is sitting on his head and pooping and peeing, which makes him so miserable!

The worst thing is that even though he is in such a miserable state, there are still people who are slandering him behind his back. According to Duke Ordorff’s news, a group of nobles in St. Petersburg have been telling Nicholas I in front of him all day long, saying that he is old, fatuous, incorrigible and incompetent. Dinner is over. He demanded that he be replaced by a young and powerful general to lead the army.

When he first received the news, Duke Mikhail was so out of breath that something went wrong. He wanted to rush back to St. Petersburg and drag out those bastards one by one and beat them up.

Fortunately, he calmed down quickly and knew that this was not the time to act impulsively. The only thing he could do was to grit his teeth and wait for the change.

It's just that waiting for change is not so easy to delay, especially when the main force of the British and French coalition forces gradually arrives on the battlefield, the pressure faced by Duke Mikhail is increasing day by day.

"The enemy's artillery fire has intensified again?" Duke Mikhail asked calmly.

"Yes, the enemy's heavy artillery firepower has been significantly strengthened in the past three days, and the firepower density has also obviously increased to a higher level. It is very likely that the artillery of the British and French coalition forces has arrived at the Danube River line..."

Duke Mikhail's face became a little gloomier again. The most important reason why he could still maintain a stalemate with the enemy was that Alexei and Li Xiao had built strong defenses in advance.

Without these fortifications, the pressure he would face would be even greater. However, as the heavy artillery units of the British and French forces arrived on the battlefield, the defensive effect of the fortifications was greatly reduced. It is not even ruled out that some strongholds with weak defenses may be captured by the enemy.

If you think about it, he was slandered by a group of villains just for his passive defense. If the enemy really invaded Wallachia, there might be some unpleasant words waiting for him!

Once again, Duke Mikhail felt that he had really found a hard job this time. If he knew what the outcome of this war would be, he would not want to wade into muddy waters even if he was killed.

Of course, this is what I was thinking about. With Nicholas I's personality, no one dared to refuse his order. Duke Mikhail also knew that he would eventually get it even if he was unwilling.

Thinking about it, he sighed in his heart. The only thing he can do now is to continue to repair the fortifications. It is best to deploy a few more lines of defense behind the Danube defense line. In this way, even if the Danube defense line fails, the enemy will not be able to quickly break into Vlach. Asia hinterland.

As long as he could entangle and hold the enemy back, he felt there was still a chance to force Britain and France to retreat. After all, the labor expedition will consume more of them, I hope I can wear them down!

It's just that Duke Mikhail really doesn't have much confidence in this, because the situation in Russia is not optimistic either. According to Duke Oldorf, there are signs of rebellion in Poland again. This clearly indicates that it was instigated by someone who was preparing to overwhelm Russia.

However, this can be regarded as a conspiracy. Poland has always been alienated from the empire and always thinks about independence. It is not surprising at all that there are external forces supporting it and taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

The strange thing is that Duke Mikhail heard that the old man Paskovich was moving around and was preparing to go to Poland to counter the rebellion.

Grain residue

It seems that this old guy is also driven into panic. He knows that he lost too many points in the battle of Ineada, and he is preparing to try his best to wash away the stain on Poland with a wave of achievements.

However, Duke Mikhail felt that Nicholas I would not agree. After all, Paskovich was still the nominal commander-in-chief. And compared with the petty quarrels in Poland, Wallachia is the top priority. From the perspective of stabilizing military morale, he can only continue to be the nominal commander-in-chief.

However, Duke Mikhail hoped that Nicholas I would agree to Paskovich's request and let the old man get out of here.

Duke Mikhail was really annoyed with him. After he came back from Ineada, he became more and more dependent on his old age and looking for trouble. Those who see the sky are either looking for trouble or on the way to find trouble. Anyway, they are trying to gain a sense of presence every day and struggling every day.

Not to mention Duke Mikhail, even the generals below were tortured to pieces, and they felt dizzy when they saw the commander-in-chief.

There is something to say! It's not that Duke Mikhail dislikes Paskovich, but that this old guy is really annoying. If he is dedicated to serving the public and trying to find trouble in order to win the war, then it is completely acceptable.

But he is not like this at all. He just deliberately increases his presence and uses various reasons and excuses to show Nicholas I that he, the commander-in-chief, is dedicated to serving the public. So for the sake of his dedication, Yi Let's forget about that matter in Adana!

Duke Mikhail saw through his little plan at a glance. He was deliberately making things difficult for his subordinates to please Nicholas I. This approach made it even worse for the front-line generals who were already under great pressure and were in an increasingly difficult situation!

But Duke Mikhail can't say anything about him yet. Who makes him the nominal commander-in-chief!

Anyway, Prince Mikhail was very worried. He would not meet Paskovich unless he had to. He would be out of sight and out of mind.

"Is there any news from Count Speransky? It's been a month and a half, and I gave him everything he asked for. There can't be any news!"

His adjutant quickly replied: "I already questioned the Count the day before yesterday. He said that the operation is proceeding in an orderly manner and cannot be rushed. After all, his people must be familiar with the situation there and cannot fight an unprepared battle!"

Duke Mikhail snorted coldly. He could understand Alexei's request, but time waits for no one. The pressure on his side is increasing day by day. He really needs something that can boost morale to deal with the people in St. Petersburg. The little guy on the side.

Otherwise, let them all talk about it, and depending on the personality of Nicholas I, you may not know what will happen!

He coldly ordered: "Go and tell the earl again, time is running out, I want to see the results immediately...otherwise, if I pack up and leave, they won't be easy off!"

The adjutant was shocked. Although he knew that his boss's life was very difficult, it was a bit exaggerated to think that it was so difficult that he might just pack up and leave. Is the situation really that bad?

Duke Mikhail glared at him and said displeasedly: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and hurry up!"

The adjutant responded quickly and hurriedly went to find Alexei. After the adjutant left, Duke Mikhail sighed quietly and said: "Little guys, it's not that I'm unkind, it's really that I can't do anything about it..."

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