Struggle in Russia

Chapter 737 “Good intentions flourish”

After Lazet learned about the Russians' plans, he fell into deep thought again, and he began to think about what he should do.

To be honest, he actually didn't take Vishnyak's warnings seriously before, because the Turks' reaction was too outrageous. To him, the Turkish baggage train was simply an undefended treasury. If he could bear it, Strange.

But the Russians' decisive attitude and the Russians' preparation to watch Count Province hit a wall made him a little scared again. What if the Russians guess right and the Turks get serious next?

For a time, Razette was caught in a dilemma. On the one hand, he could not let go of the tempting baggage train, but on the other hand, he was a little worried about the inscrutability of the Russians.

This expression was all too familiar to Vishniak. Those who had worked with Li Xiao before were often tortured by him into this expression of worry about gain and loss.

What he has to do now is very simple. If Razette is not important, there is no need to pay attention to it. Let him make his own choice. If he's still useful, just give him a little more time.

Vishnyak thought for a while and felt that Razet was still valuable. After all, he was currently the only reliable Bulgarian partner. According to Li Xiao, once the Turks strengthened the protection of their logistics lines, they would Razette's help is even more needed.

So it's best to try to let Razette know that cooperation with Russia is good for him, so give him a little boost.

"My friend," Vishniak said with a serious face: "Never underestimate the Turks. Look, before the war broke out, who could have imagined that they could stay with us for so long? It is undeniable that they are indeed very corrupt. It’s lonely, but as the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse! Do you think they will just watch us unscrupulously harassing traffic routes and turn a blind eye?”

Razette was silent, while Vishniak continued to persuade: "Even if you don't particularly believe it, wouldn't it be safer to stop for a moment and see what happened to Earl de Province?"

"We are different from that wealthy Earl. His family is rich and can afford to lose money, but we are different!"

Vishniak's last advice became the last straw that broke Razette's back. Just as Vishniak said, everyone can afford a big loss, but their small family really can't afford such a loss. blow. So what's wrong with asking Count Provence to help explore the road and see what the Turks are doing?

Razette made up his mind and replied sincerely: "You are absolutely right. We really cannot underestimate the Turks. There is no harm in being cautious!"

Vishniak's goal was achieved, so naturally he wouldn't say anything more. Soon he and Razet returned directly to Tarnovo with the troops of the two families. Not long after they arrived in Tarnovo, Count Provence kicked the iron plate firmly.

"More than a thousand people were lost? What happened?"

Vishniak knew very well that Count Province's men actually had three to five thousand troops, and they lost more than a thousand at one time, which was considered a heavy loss.

Razet replied solemnly: "The Turks set up a trap and misled the count with false information, and then the count fell headlong into it!"

Having said this, Razette showed a scared expression. It is conceivable that if he did not follow Vishniak's advice and continued to act with Count Province, their family would be in serious trouble!

This is not the worst. Now the Turks are looking for Count Provence across the country, which means that the count has become a street rat. As long as the Turks continue to control Bulgaria, he will not be able to stand up for a day.

Gu Hua

The Province family had accumulated hundreds of years to achieve its current family status, but the Earl of Province had ruined everything in one fell swoop. This really frightened him.

Vishniak was not surprised at all. The Earl of Provence was not an ordinary greedy person. Sooner or later, this would be the result, but he did not expect it to happen so quickly. However, this was not a bad thing for them.

But before that, he had to confirm something: "Where are the count and his family? Have they been arrested?"

Razette shook his head and said: "The Earl received the news in advance and hid with his family. They are safe now."

Vishniak nodded and asked again: "Then has our relationship with the count been exposed?"

Razet naturally knew what Vishnyak was worried about. He was also worried before. However, according to the news from the top Turkish officials, Count Province's confidentiality work was still OK. The Turks just thought that he He took the risk out of desire for profit, not knowing that there were Russian forces operating behind the scenes.

Thank God!

Razette silently praised Count Province in his heart. Although you are a greedy fool, you at least did one thing right!

Vishniak also nodded, but his next words startled Razette: "The count urgently needs our help now, can you contact him?"

Razette once thought there was something wrong with his ears, but the Russians actually said they wanted to help Count Province. Was he taking the wrong medicine? Weren't they eager for something to happen to Count Provence before?

He coughed and asked carefully: "How are you going to help the count?"

Judging from Razette's expression, Vishniak knew what he was thinking. He probably thought that the help was a fake killing, but the truth was.

However, Vishniak really went to help this time. He replied seriously: "I plan to send the count's family to Wallachia or other safe countries they like, and then I plan to assist the count. Let’s regroup and continue our previous work!”

Razette was stunned. He couldn't figure out why the Russians suddenly became so kind and took the initiative to provide such rare help to Count Province. What did they mean?

Vishniak's meaning was simple. He didn't like Count Provence before because he was too strong and too dominant. Once it gets bigger, it's likely to get out of control.

What happened next confirmed that his guess was correct. The earl really drifted off and went his own way.

But now the situation is completely different. Count Provence, who is fully wanted by Turkey, has no other choice but to cooperate with him. Wouldn't he be grateful to give him a hand now?

What's more, sending his family members to Wallachia or St. Petersburg is equivalent to seizing a key hostage. In the future, Count Province will have no choice but to follow his baton...

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