Struggle in Russia

Chapter 852 The Road to the Future (Part 2)

What's more, Li Xiao actually has a better goal if he wants to hug big thick legs. Although Duke Alexander is more famous in history, after years of understanding, he has learned that Count Rostovtsev is the big boss hidden behind the scenes. .

As the boss behind the reformist group, his real influence far exceeds that of Duke Alexander. If you really want to hug those thick legs, then kneel down and lick that count!

Especially after receiving a letter from old Igor recently, Li Xiao discovered that Count Rostovtsev was really hiding his secrets. Unknowingly, he had become a confidant of Alexander II, and his status was vaguely comparable to that of Alexander II. Count Uvarov in the era of Nicholas I.

Is it difficult to give Count Rostovtsev a position of real power with his energy?

So Li Xiao told Alexei directly: "Thank you for the Duke's kindness for me, but I won't cause him any trouble at this juncture, and I can't do anything back to St. Petersburg now. It's better to stay here than to stay idle and get moldy." It’s more comfortable to do something outside.”

Alexey nodded. He knew that Li Xiao would answer this way. In fact, he had no interest in working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because in a sense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also a retreat. What Russia needs most today is not diplomacy. He is not a talkative person, but a person who can do things down-to-earth.

He is more willing to stay outside and do practical things. It is best to be a high-ranking official to implement some new policies on Russian soil and explore reforms.

“I think so too,” Alexey happily said to Li Xiao. “Instead of arguing with foreigners, it’s better to go back and explore some reforms and bring back the results of our experiments in Wallachia. Let’s see if it’s the same fit…”

Li Xiao was surprised because he thought Alexei might be more willing to return to St. Petersburg, but now it seems that he has indeed grown a lot in the past few years. He has become a true reformer, not an ideologue.

He knew that truly wanting reform required more than just words but deeds. Only experience that has been tested and verified is truly reliable.

Even without his dog-headed strategist, Alexei's future achievements will not be comparable to those guys who talk about reforms in St. Petersburg. As long as he maintains this style, he might really become one of the leaders of the reformists. one.

"Why, you don't want to stay in Wallachia anymore?" Li Xiao joked with a smile.

Alexei shook his head and said: "That's not true, but there are not many things we can do in Wallachia. Moreover, the domestic situation also determines that some degree of reform must be carried out in the future. So I want to go back and really try it out, just to gain experience!”

Being able to tell this insight proves that Alexei has indeed changed from what he used to be, and his political acumen has really been greatly improved. He has realized that there is not much he can do in Wallachia, or that even if he creates flowers in Wallachia, it will not make much sense.

Instead of wasting time in one place, he should continue to go back and accumulate experience. With his qualifications and status and the current trend of reform, it would be considered an incompetence for him to go back and become the governor of a state. He has to be from a decent key state. Only the governor can.

At this point, Alexey suddenly suggested: "My friend, are you interested in continuing to partner with me, so that we can continue to make some tricks together?"

Li Xiao was still willing to accept the olive branch extended by Alexei, because unlike Duke Alexander, the old fox had ulterior motives and did not really want to reuse them, while Alexei sincerely invited him to join him. Everyone is of the same mind when it comes to doing things. Instead of wasting time with those old foxes and cowards, it is better to make a career with Alexei.

Li Xiao immediately replied: "As long as you don't dislike it, I am very happy to work with you!"

Alexey was naturally overjoyed. He grabbed Li Xiao's hand and shook it vigorously! To him, Li Xiao was not only a think tank and strategist, but also a friend he could trust. If they hadn't been helping each other in the past few years, where would Wallachia be today?

He believes that as long as they continue to move forward hand in hand, nothing is impossible!

The two of them had reached an agreement and naturally had other expectations for the future. But before that, they still have some things to arrange, such as Boris and Vishniak. These two good friends also need to make good arrangements. They can't just leave them in Wallachia!

And the most important thing is the future arrangements for Wallachia. After all, they have finally conquered this "kingdom". They can't just die and change the governor just because they leave, right?

That would be a pity and not in line with their principles of doing things. Even if they leave Wallachia, they must arrange the future of Wallachia properly, and their efforts of several years must not be wasted.

Li Xiao and Alexey were actively making preparations, but they didn't know that some things were quietly changing in St. Petersburg, and these changes would disrupt their arrangements for the future.

After the news of the signing of the peace treaty spread back to St. Petersburg, Alexander II breathed a sigh of relief. Even though he had been taking a tough stance before, only he knew that it was just a tough stance.

He had no idea about this war or peace talks, especially when Duke Ordorff kept reporting signs of instability in various parts of the country, he felt that the area under his butt was so hot!

Only then did he realize that although the position of the Tsar was noble, it was really not that easy to hold, and he understood why his father was working so hard day after day.

It wasn't until the war finally ended that he felt that most of the anxiety in his heart had been extinguished. Finally, he finally got through this. Although it was a bit humiliating and a bit embarrassing, it was better than being driven out of power when the world was in chaos, right?

In short, Alexander II felt that the suffocation he had been holding in his chest had been released. Standing on the window sill of the Winter Palace and looking at the blue waves of the Neva River, the supreme pride in the world surged into his heart. He really felt like scolding Fang Qiu. The pride and elegance.

It's just that this good mood came and went quickly, and soon a chamberlain announced: "Your Majesty, Count Uvarov wants to see you."

Alexander II frowned. He didn't have much favorable impressions of Count Uvarov, especially the bad things he did just after he took the throne. Thinking about it made him feel sick.

However, in view of Count Uvarov's status, he couldn't help but see him, which made him feel even more unhappy. He immediately snorted and ordered: "Let the Count wait, tell me I have something to do!"

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