Struggle in Russia

Chapter 865 Everyone is back

Li Xiao chuckled in his heart and wisely did not continue the conversation, but obediently waited for Count Rostovtsev to continue.

The latter was also quite satisfied with his knowledge and interest, and asked slowly: "Are you interested in working in the third part?"

Li Xiao snorted and looked at Count Rostovtsev with wide eyes. He suspected that there was something wrong with either his ears or Count Rostovtsev's brain. Anyway, there was always something wrong with one of the two.

Given the urinal nature of Nicholas I's family, is it possible for him to be included in the third film? Let's put it this way, as long as anyone from the Romanov family, especially those at the level of the Grand Duke, except for the sons of Alexander II, no one else would even think of getting involved in the third part.

For a sideline like Li Xiao who has a criminal record, don’t even think about the third part, unless Alexander II is clever.

"Your Majesty's mind is very clear." Count Rostovtsev responded calmly.

Li Xiao chuckled and said, "Does that mean your mind is not clear?"

Count Rostovtsev was not angry, and smiled slightly: "Why can't we all be sober?"

Li Xiao blurted out: "If you two were sober, you wouldn't have such ridiculous ideas."

Count Rostovtsev shook his head and replied slowly: "This is not absurd, and it is not impossible. Just imagine, if you can even enter the third part and take power, what else is impossible in Russia? "

Li Xiao was stunned because he understood Count Rostovtsev's intention. There is something wrong with letting him do the third part. It would have been absolutely impossible in the era of Nicholas I. But Count Rostovtsev wants to tell the whole of Russia that in the era of Alexander II, anything impossible can become possible. If you say that Li Xiao cannot go to the third part, then I will show it to you. You say that the Russian tradition It cannot be subverted, so I will do it to show you!

To put it bluntly, this is Count Rostovtsev’s letter of challenge to the conservatives, telling those who want to obstruct reforms: Don’t try to block the way, it’s useless!

Although doing this was very domineering, Li Xiao always felt that Count Rostovtsev was not well-intentioned. Wouldn't this be setting him on fire? It is conceivable that those conservative old diehards, even Alexander II, would be itchy with hatred, so let him go out to incite hatred, okay?

Li Xiao subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he opened his mouth but said nothing in the end. This made Count Rostovtsev even more satisfied. He nodded and said: "Very good, not choosing to refuse means that you are still A thoughtful person who lived up to my expectations!”

Li Xiao was not happy at all. He knew that Count Rostovtsev did this deliberately, but he could not refuse at all, because as long as he refused, as long as Count Rostovtsev was still there in this life If he is in a position of power, he should not even think about having a chance to stand out.

Count Rostovtsev told him: "Have you not always been suppressed and never had the opportunity to display your talents? Aren't you dissatisfied with your current status and feel that as long as Nicholas I and his son are in power, you will have no chance? Don't worry, I Giving you this opportunity will directly expose you to the highest level of power in Russia, let you control the power, and allow you to do things. As for the hostility and hatred, you have to digest it yourself!"

Blessings and misfortunes, this is the situation before Li Xiao. If he wants to take power, he has to endure this hostility, otherwise he will get out as soon as possible, Russia does not need weaklings!

To put it bluntly, Count Rostovtsev just wants to push Li Xiao and tell him that the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road, and if he wants to get ahead, he has to force his way through!

It was precisely because he understood this that Li Xiao did not refuse. He knew that as long as he refused, there would be no chance again. The only way was to bravely move forward!

"You are really cruel!" Li Xiao said with a bitter face.

Count Rostovtsev replied matter-of-factly: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight first. If you want to stand out, you must bear the corresponding responsibilities. There is no free lunch in this world!"

Li Xiao sighed and asked, "Then what are you going to do for me in the third part?"

"St. Petersburg Part 3!" Count Rostovtsev corrected him seriously and said slowly: "You will serve as the director of St. Petersburg Part 3 and be in charge of all business in St. Petersburg!"

Li Xiaoba sighed. The power of this position is indeed quite great. Although it cannot be compared with the head of the third headquarters, St. Petersburg is the capital after all, and it is at the foot of the emperor. It controls the most powerful violent organization in Russia. That power Not small indeed.

Of course, there are many checks and balances. After all, there are a lot of eyes from above who don't like him. Any mistakes he makes will be magnified countless times.

What's more, Li Xiao also knew that Count Rostovtsev would not let him take charge of such a powerful organization for no reason. There must be requirements, such as escorting reforms. As a result, the burden and pressure on his shoulders will be even greater, which is equivalent to standing directly on the opposite side of the conservatives and Alexander II.

"You really think highly of me!" Li Xiao said with a wry smile.

"Of course!" Count Rostovtsev replied seriously, "otherwise I wouldn't have gone all the way to call you back. Are you confident?"

Li Xiao smiled bitterly again: "Where does the confidence come from? What does this thing mean to me? Even if I don't have confidence, I have no way out, what else can I do!"

Count Rostovtsev gave a rare grin: "It's good that you have such an awareness. Anyway, it will be easy for you if you don't succeed, so work hard!"

Li Xiao's heart was full of bitterness, and he asked dejectedly: "What are you going to do, Count Speransky? You can't just call me back, can you?"

"He?" Count Rostovtsev said with a chuckle, "His life is better than yours. There are many people who care about him. You don't need to worry about him. He will probably go to Novgorod to become a high-ranking official!"

Novgorod is not far from St. Petersburg and is considered the core area of ​​Russia. The future of being a frontier official in this kind of place is definitely not bad. Li Xiao estimates that Alexei is too young to directly enter the cabinet or He was on duty at the Imperial Council, otherwise with the connections left by his father, it would not be difficult to send him in.

This is really irritating. He has to fight tooth and nail, but Alexey is so comfortable that he becomes a border official. Reincarnation is indeed a technical job!

Sighing, he said: "I can't do anything in the third part of St. Petersburg alone. You have to find a way to give me a few more people and bring a few of my friends over to help me!"

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