Struggle in Russia

Chapter 872 Marriage (Part 2)

Li Xiao suddenly became older and taller. Earlier, he felt that his parents had received box lunches and that he no longer had to worry about being forced to get married. Who would have thought that he could escape the first grade of junior high school but not the fifteenth grade? There are no parents anymore, but there is an old Igor who cares more about him than his parents.

However, although Li Xiao felt a big headache, he didn't feel irritated. Only when he traveled through time or wandered alone did he know how happy it was to have someone caring.

"Dad, it's not like you haven't seen that young lady. With her body and figure, one person can carry three of me. It's hard to walk outside. The bed she sleeps on has to be specially reinforced. I'm even worried that she will roll over at night and be crushed to death by me. !”

Old Igor thought about it seriously. The weight of the princess was indeed a bit exaggerated. This was indeed a big problem. After all, his old master only had a single seedling. If he was unfortunately crushed to death while sleeping, wouldn't that mean his incense was cut off?

Forget it, let's find someone with a normal figure. Even if his family background is a bit inappropriate, it doesn't matter. At least his life is not in danger.

"Then that Miss Marquis from last time is quite suitable. With her figure and appearance, she is not a one-of-a-kind, first-class beauty, so let's choose her!"

Well, Li Xiao suddenly felt his head turning green and quickly stopped him: "No, Dad! That lady is even more unsuitable!"

Old Igor frowned and stared at him and asked, "Why? You said it's dangerous to be fat, and you're not satisfied with choosing a beautiful woman for you. What do you want?"

"It's not that I don't like beauties, but I really can't stand beauties like that lady." Li Xiao replied sincerely.

Old Igor asked in confusion: "What's going on? What's wrong with that lady?"

Li Xiao sighed: "That lady has a lot of loving brothers. I also heard Alexey say that her relationship history is not as rich as usual. She especially likes Hongxing's affair and is a famous social butterfly..."

Old Igor immediately jumped to his feet and cursed: "Damn old Ivan, how dare you introduce such a woman to me? How can such a character enter the Grand Duke's palace? I will settle the score with him right now!"

Li Xiao quickly stopped the furious old man, otherwise old Igor would really tear that old Ivan alive. After all, for old Igor, what he cares most about now, besides Li Xiao, is the reputation of the Grand Duke's mansion. .

If we really get a bus through the door, the old man will feel that he will not be able to explain to Li Xiao's cheap old man even if he dies.

"Slow down, don't be angry, just reject him. Anyway, the relationship has not been officially confirmed, so there is nothing to lose."

After Li Xiao persuaded the old man for a long time, he could barely control his anger.

While sulking, he muttered: "Not only is the Marquis lady unsuitable, but anyone like her is not suitable. The old master's reputation cannot be blasphemed. Such a woman must not enter the Grand Duke's palace!"

Li Xiao quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He didn't dare to go against the old man on this issue, and he didn't like wearing colored hats.

"Then I think Miss Viscount is the most suitable." Before Li Xiao could react, old Igor suddenly threw out a new candidate: "She also has a decent appearance and a good reputation. I think she will be the one next month." It’s a great day, why not get engaged first!”

Li Xiao had black lines all over his head. Although he had only met the Viscountess a few times, and her appearance and demeanor were all good, her green tea style was really unacceptable to him. She obviously wanted to catch a golden turtle. My son-in-law may have a spare tire around him, but he can't stand such a woman, she's so troublesome!

Old Igor seemed to know that Li Xiao would say this, and he replied with a smile: "Look, look, he also said he doesn't want to get married. This news is quite detailed. He even knows the personality and hobbies of this young lady. It’s clear, haha!”

Li Xiao really didn't understand why old Igor suddenly felt a little pregnant. He really didn't want to get married. As for asking for information about these ladies, wasn't it just to find an excuse to get rid of old Igor's forced marriage? .

"Dad, you misunderstood, I was just..."

Li Xiaogang wanted to explain that he didn't mean that, but old Igor said regardless: "It's okay. When men get married and women get married, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Dad is here to find the best wife for you. You Just wait!”

Li Xiao was really dumbfounded this time. His original intention was to find an excuse to reject the forced marriage and let old Igor give up the idea temporarily. Who would have thought that old Igor would become more and more courageous the more frustrated he became? He was ready to roll up his sleeves and pick a wife for him through a nationwide draft.

Li Xiao still can't refuse, please tell me what this is about!

Of course, he quickly forgot about this matter. After all, he had a lot of things at hand, and he really couldn't take care of such small matters as marriage. What's more, even if he wanted to interfere, old Igor wouldn't agree. According to What the old man said was against the rules. How could a grand duke choose a wife himself? It’s easy to be despised!

So Li Xiao let the old man do it. Anyway, in the end, as long as he didn't nod his consent, no one would be able to enter his Grand Duke's mansion.

"It's so boring to work in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. Everyone is like a stagnant pool of water. They only do things step by step. They look like they are only in their thirties or forties, but they talk like they are in their sixties or seventies. This old man is so boring!"

Apart from Vishnyak, there is no one else who can utter such a sigh. As the new deputy commander of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, this man was very angry after taking office. All his colleagues with high titles looked down upon him and looked down upon him as an illegitimate son. Many even openly laughed at him for being just a Wallachian baron and not worthy of serving in the Preobrazhensky regiment.

"What's so strange about this? The Tsar's Guardsmen and all the aristocratic children in Russia have sharpened their heads to get in. It's normal to be a little arrogant!" Boris sighed while holding a tome.

Yes, Boris's life was not easy either. He was studying at the St. Petersburg Military Academy and was still in an advanced class. It was definitely not comparable to the daily education at an ordinary Russian military academy. And he was not originally a person who loved reading. For him, reading had only one effect, which was hypnosis. He would rather fight hand-to-hand with twenty enemies than face a thick tome.

"What, you haven't memorized those regulations yet?" Vishniak chuckled, "I told you a long time ago, read more books, but you didn't listen, now you are getting impatient!"

Immediately, the two bad friends began to ridicule each other, and Li Xiao quietly watched their performance. This was probably a way to relieve stress. Looking at their status, we can see that although they are not satisfied with the current work and study environment, they also know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must be seized, so they complain but none of them want to quit... 4255/11086698

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