Struggle in Russia

Chapter 876 Dumbfounded

Count Uvarov turned on the mode of resting with his eyes closed. He did not intend to actively intervene in this matter. After all, who made Alexander II so disrespectful to him before, it was necessary for him to remain indifferent and let the tsar see what he could do.

Count Uvarov did not speak, which left a large number of conservatives in the imperial council at a loss. Because although it is the hated third film that is being attacked now, it is now controlled by the conservative upstart Kanditantin Pobedonostsev. In a sense, Nikolai Milyutin is heading towards the third film. To fire a cannon is equivalent to firing a cannon at them.

With the conservative nature, it is impossible not to fight back when being beaten, but now the conservatives are in a delicate moment. The leader of the older generation, Count Uvarov, is being marginalized, while the new generation of leaders has not yet been officially established.

This also led to extremely inconsistent opinions among them. Some people were accustomed to watching Count Uvarov's statement. The former boss had no expression and they did not dare to express anything.

Some of the smarter ones who wanted to change their families looked left and right, because they didn’t know who to listen to. The result was that they watched Kanditantin Pobedonostsev being raped by Nikolai Mi. Liu Ting hangs and beats.

This bad situation made Alexander II very dissatisfied. Just as Count Uvarov expected, he would not let Nikolai Milyutin attack the third part. He could not give up such a useful tool. Especially if the reformists are allowed to step on the nose of the third film.

It's just that Kanditantin Pobedonostsev is not Nikolai Milyutin's opponent, or Nikolai Milyutin is too well prepared, and he will complete the third part one by one. All the bad deeds were exposed, making it difficult for Kanditantin Pobedonostsev to resist and refute.

Seeing that Kanditantin Pobedonostsev was about to collapse, Alexander II finally couldn't bear it anymore. He interrupted: "Nikolai Alexeevich, what you said Are these too alarmist? Although the third film has certain problems, it is generally good. Without it, how could our country be so stable?"

It should be said that Alexander II had already intervened. Nikolai Milyutin should have stopped as soon as he was satisfied, but this time he did not. Instead, he continued to present evidence to make sense: "...Your Majesty, in summary, all of the above The problem in Part 3 is not that big, it has reached the point of lawlessness. If it is allowed to continue to act recklessly, it will be difficult for the country to be stable!"

Alexander II was stunned. He didn't understand what happened to Nikolay Milyutin today. Why was he so angry as if he had taken gunpowder? Is this going to turn the world upside down?

To be honest, he was a little angry, because who dared to speak like this when his father was around? Even in the third part, no matter how domineering and domineering the ministers are, they can only endure it. It's better now, this is going to cause trouble in the palace!

Does Nikolai Milyutin want to overthrow the world or cause havoc in heaven? He didn't have the intention, let alone the courage. Count Rostovtsev ordered him to open fire on the third unit. The reason was to shock the enemy and take advantage of Kanditantin Pobedonostsev's unsteady foothold to seize the opportunity to restrain him. power to prevent him from causing trouble as soon as he comes up.

At first Nikolay Milyutin was hesitant, but when Count Rostovtsev clarified the stakes and told him the serious consequences of letting Kanditantin Pobedonostsev take complete control of the third part, He was startled.

What's more, Count Rostovtsev also told him that now is the most advantageous time to fire on the third department, because Kanditantin Pobedonostsev's footing is not stable and the conservatives are not unified in their opinions, so it is not possible to fire at this time. It is easiest to achieve your goal when you encounter strong resistance.

Nikolai Milyutin was skeptical about this at first, but it would be more advantageous to open the third one. He himself has been dissatisfied with this violent organization for a long time. How can you know the result if you don't try it if you don't try it? Woolen cloth?

So he took the first shot, and it should be said that the effect was beyond his expectation. It was very different from Count Rostovtsev's expectation. As expected, the conservatives did not form a joint force to deal with his artillery fire, and everyone was in a hurry. Lost my sense of proportion,

Or just be indifferent and close your eyes to rest.

If Alexander II hadn't suddenly intervened, Nikolai Milyutin would have absolutely sprayed them until they couldn't take care of themselves, and humiliated Kanditantin Pobedonostsev.

It was a pity that Alexander II intervened. Although this was expected by Count Rostovtsev, Nikolai Milyutin was still a little disappointed. After all, he had high expectations for Alexander II. He always felt that the tsar was an enlightened monarch who must be of the same mind as them and could lead Russia into a new era.

But just when he was attacking the third part of the representative organization of the old era, uu read the czar who was supposed to represent the new era actually defended it in every possible way. It was obvious that the czar was very fond of the third part and did not want to give up at all. This violent authoritarian institution.

"You mean that only by disbanding the third country can stability be achieved, right?" Alexander II asked angrily. ..

Seeing the furious look of Alexander II, Nikolai Milyutin sighed in his heart, remembered Count Rostovtsev's instructions, and dealt with it carefully: "Your Majesty, state-owned legalists have family rules, and there is no rule without rules. But the existence of the third part has transcended the rules. If it is allowed to do whatever it wants, it will eventually completely destroy our laws. At that time, the stability of the country will be out of the question. The only solution for now is to stop it from doing whatever it wants. In order to maintain the normal operation of the country, I implore you to immediately reorganize this department and bring it into the scope of normal supervision of the country!"

Alexander II was shocked again. Nikolai Milyutin was rarely so tough. He deliberately pretended to be angry just now just to scare the opponent away. Who would have thought that he would not accept this trick at all, but would stiffen his neck and push it forward, which would make it difficult for him to ride a tiger!

Indeed, for Alexander II, if he teaches Nikolai Milyutin a lesson now, the chaos will definitely be even greater, which will inevitably arouse a strong reaction from the reformists, and maybe there will be no way to end this drama.

But if Nikolai Milyutin is not dealt with, how can he maintain his royal authority? Will the reformists think that he is weak and can be bullied, and then they will find more and more ways to bully him?

Alexander II was suddenly in a dilemma. What he needed most now was a heavyweight who could come forward to confront Nikolai Milyutin to smooth things over. But look at that old Count Uvarov, he is actually closing his eyes. Yangshen, it is obvious that he is determined to stand by and watch...

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