Struggle in Russia

Chapter 883 Sudden realization

Nikolai Milyutin was actually very anxious. He was always worried that Alexander II would give up on reforms like Alexander I back then, so he was always eager to complete the reforms as soon as possible. If he could achieve success in one step, he would never hesitate.

Especially when the situation reaches a stalemate, he will be more anxious, fearing that the lead he finally achieved will be overturned.

As soon as he heard that there might be a recurrence in repairing the third part, he couldn't bear it anymore. Just thinking that his opponent was an old fox like Count Uvarov who had become a fox made him feel like his butt was on fire. He wanted to let Rostov pick it. It would be best if the count himself came to help.

And how could Count Rostovtsev end up personally? The meaning of his existence is the ballast stone. Unless the reform process encounters completely unavoidable obstacles, it is impossible for him to end personally.

Therefore, there will definitely be differences and frictions between these two people. The only good thing is that Count Rostovtsev's status and level are high enough to suppress Nikolay Milyutin, preventing him from stabbing him.

It is precisely because of this that Nikolai Milyutin becomes even more anxious, because it is really uncomfortable to be pressed like this all the time, okay?

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and told himself that Count Rostovtsev was right, and it was also for reform. After a while, he calmed down and asked slowly: "Then how should I deal with Count Uvarov?" Woolen cloth?"

Count Rostovtsev smiled in his heart. He knew that Nikolai Milyutin would not be happy, but the reason why he chose Nikolai Milyutin as the banner of the reformists was that even though this man had various This shortcoming is that he is sometimes too naive and has no foresight, but one good thing is that he can listen to what is said and knows how to restrain himself and is willing to make sacrifices for the overall situation.

Only with this kind of quality can one be a leader. Think about what would happen if Archduke Constantine was replaced as the leader?

Even if Grand Duke Constantine has a higher status, his character and temper are not suitable for being a leader. If he really becomes the banner of reform, the reformists will split within two days and be over.

Count Rostovtsev nodded slightly and said: "Count Uvarov is not something you can deal with. He is smarter, sharper and more determined than you. If you go head-to-head with him, you will be humiliating yourself!"

If Grand Duke Constantine had made such remarks, he would have definitely exploded, but Nikolay Milyutin did not. Apart from being a little frustrated and embarrassed, he did not even say a word in rebuttal. It was obvious that he recognized Count Rostovtsev's remarks. in conclusion.


Just when Nikolai Milyutin was at his most depressed, Count Rostovtsev made a big turn and suddenly said: "But why do you want to confront him head-on?"

Nikolai Milyutin was stunned. In his opinion, the battle with the conservatives was a confrontation between the brave and the brave. Only a fist-to-fist muscle collision like a real man can determine the winner. But Count Rostovtsev heard that Why does it mean taking a shortcut?

Count Rostovtsev didn't need to look at Nikolai Milyutin to know what was going on in this guy's mind, and immediately explained slowly: "Being brave doesn't mean you can only use brute force, nor does it mean you can't use some ingenious methods to weaken him. enemy."

Nikolai Milyutin looked straight at Count Rostovtsev. It wasn't that he didn't understand or didn't understand, but that he thought this was the most correct nonsense. Do you think he was willing to confront the enemy head-on?

But facing a cunning old fox like Count Uvarov, all his strategies and methods were of no use. Anyway, he didn't think he could compete with that old fox. Since Pinxinyan is no match for him, he can only force himself on the bridge and the horse!

Count Rostovtsev shook his head unconsciously, speechless at Nikolai Milyutin's insensitivity. Think about it, he made it so clear.

And you should also understand that he can't really help Alexander II make plans to deal with his own people.

If that's the case, then there must be a way to deal with Count Uvarov, otherwise wouldn't it be for nothing that he would be the chairman of the Holy Synod?

Count Rostovtsev is not so generous. Every move he makes has a purpose. Unfortunately, Nikolai Milyutin's brain really can't keep up.

Sometimes Count Rostovtsev feels that it would be great if a smarter person could replace Nikolai Milyutin, such as a certain grand duke who played tricks on him before. That grand duke would never be like him. Still staring stupidly and saying stupid things.

"We must make as much use of the conflict between Count Uvarov and Pobedonostsev as possible. Although the old fox cannot help us, he will not let Pobedonostsev go easily. Husband. As long as you stick to this point and make a fuss, things won't be too difficult!"

Seeing that Nikolai Milyutin was still a little confused, Count Rostovtsev sighed and said: "When discussing the reform of the third part, don't push too hard, and don't give Pobedonostsev too much trouble." Under great pressure, it is best to adopt a posture of holding the board high but preparing to lower it gently. uu read a book."

"Wouldn't that mean that by letting Pobedonostsev go, he missed this opportunity?"

"Why don't you understand? Count Uvarov's wishful thinking is to let you rush to the front. He has calculated that you will definitely make many harsh conditions to let you break up with Pobedonostsev. And he just needs to help Pobedonostsev resist your pressure a little bit."

"Once you do the opposite and don't put too much pressure on Pobedonostsev, how can he be satisfied? Do you think he really doesn't want to deal with Pobedonotsev? Then he will have no choice but to He personally made things difficult for Bobedonostsev!"

"Don't look like you've seen a ghost. This is normal. Do you think Count Uvarov has a good relationship with Pobedonostsev? He is eager to bring Pobedonostsev and Barya together. It would be fine for Jinski to step on it, but with His Majesty’s support, he can’t do it!”

Count Rostovtsev almost tore it into pieces and gave it to Nikolai Milyutin to explain clearly: "Once he finds out that you are planning to release water, then he will have no choice but to take action himself... Maybe he didn't behave that way at first. Obviously, but as long as he takes action, Pobedonostsev cannot be idle. After all, I have already set a fire with His Majesty before. Once he finds out that Count Uvarov has taken benefits but not done anything, what do you think? What will he do?"

Nikolai Milyutin suddenly understood and finally understood where the hole Count Rostovtsev had dug, but he immediately thought that Count Rostovtsev had disappointed Alexander II. After all, he The idea you came up with doesn’t work? Will this affect Count Rostovtsev’s love for Alexander II?

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