Struggle in Russia

Chapter 919 No one is a fool

Duke Dolgoruky was left alone, and the feeling and taste left him tasteless. Who would have thought that a few days ago he was one of the most popular people in St. Petersburg, and now he has become Goubuli. Such a drastic change is really unacceptable to him.

But what if you can't accept it? Officialdom is only about interests and not about emotions. If he cannot create enough interests, not only he, but also the tsar will be crushed to ashes.

"That guy is looking for people to smooth over the relationship?" Pobedonostsev sneered and said with contempt: "I only know how powerful it is now, it's too late!"

For him, Duke Dolgoruky must give him a hard lesson. After all, the reason why this Duke was able to work in such a key department in the third part was all thanks to him. If he hadn't generously agreed to Baryagin, Ski's suggestion, that guy might end up in some unpopular yamen!

But this bastard is not grateful at all. He repays kindness with hatred and dares to ignore him. How can he endure it?

Pobedonostsev thought for a while and then ordered: "Keep an eye on those people he has contacted. If they dare to interfere without knowing the truth, teach them a lesson!"

Pobedonostsev was preparing to scare the monkeys. He felt that the reason why he worked so hard in the third part was that he was not ruthless enough. If he could make a few fires like Count Benkendorf when he first took office, how could he do it? So targeted by the reformists and Nikolai Milyutin?

As expected, Ma Shan was ridiculed and deceived by others, so this time he must teach Duke Dolgoruky a lesson, which can be regarded as establishing his authority!

Pobedonostsev’s idea cannot be said to be wrong, but in fact the logical relationship does not make sense. First of all, strictly speaking, he is not Duke Dolgoruki's benefactor, and there is no such thing as repaying kindness with enmity.

After all, the person who promoted Duke Dolgoruky was Baryatinsky. If Baryatinsky hadn’t said good things and it wasn’t for his sake, how could you, Pobedonostsev, have promoted Duke Dolgoruky? To hold an important position in the third department?

What Duke Dolgoruky owes is Baryatinsky's favor. Even if there is a favor, it is Baryatinsky's favor to him. People don't owe you any favors, okay? On the contrary, this time Duke Dolgoruky always kept Baryatinsky's kindness in mind. That would be kind and righteous.

Secondly, this time you taught Duke Dolgoruky a lesson. Although it makes sense in theory, killing a chicken to scare the monkeys is a bit exaggerated.

Why do you say this?

The reason is very simple. If Duke Dolgoruky is a reformist, Pobedonostsev's targeting him like this can be regarded as a warning to others and to establish his authority. But Duke Dolgoruky is a conservative, and he is also a member of your young faction.

If you kill him, who are you trying to scare? To scare your own people?

Those who don’t know think you want to tell your own people how cruel you are!

Doing this is a bit disrespectful and makes people laugh. No matter how much you don't want to see Duke Dolgoruky, you can't slap him in the face so redly. Otherwise, uninformed people would think that you are trying to challenge Baryatinsky!

So what happened to Duke Dolgoruky soon aroused a lot of discussion within the conservative faction, especially within the less-pretending faction. Many people feel that Pobedonostsev overreacted. Even if Duke Dolgoruky is ignorant and has done something wrong, you can't go on like this endlessly. Just give him a lesson and a meal. It's over, how can you push people to the ground and rub them like this? It's almost more cruel to your own people than to your enemies, okay?

"You can't do anything if you don't talk well," Count Uvarov said to Chernyshev contemptuously. "Look at these young people. Once they get proud, they are so unscrupulous and so cruel to their own people. It's simply... I don’t recognize my relatives!”.

Chernyshev just smiled, but he knew very well that Count Uvarov's purpose was to tell him that Baryatinsky and Pobedonostsev were unreliable, and to persuade him not to take refuge in them.

For Chernyshev, Pobedonostsev's behavior was indeed a bit excessive and made him despise him, but it was simply impossible to keep him away from those two people.

After being removed from the post of Minister of War and transferred to the post of Director of Army Logistics, he finally experienced the warmth and warmth of human nature. The people who came to him to build relationships and give him things and connect with him disappeared overnight. Even some old friends suddenly distanced themselves from him and chose to alienate him.

The reason is that he has lost power!

He thought for a long time while sitting on the bench. If he didn't want to spend the rest of his life like this, he had to do something. For example, he gave up his friendship and loyalty to Count Uvarov and moved closer to Baryatinsky and others.

Although it was a bit unethical to do this, he was not willing to be marginalized. In the end, his ambition triumphed over his feelings. In recent times, he has been getting closer to Baryatinsky's group.

Naturally, this situation cannot be hidden from the eyes of Count Uvarov. As a person who also does not want to withdraw from officialdom and longs to continue to control power, Count Uvarov naturally cannot watch his younger brothers and political allies abandon him one by one and run away. road.

Of course he has to do something, right?

And what happened to Duke Dolgoruky this time was a good opportunity for him. If he could persuade Chernyshev not to betray with his sharp tongue, it should be able to stabilize the precarious basic market.

As for how to persuade, he was going to play the emotional card. He wanted to tell Chernyshev, Baryatinsky, Pobedonostsev and others were cold-blooded animals and unemotional, so don't take refuge. After that, just hang out with him.

Obviously, the effect of this level of verbal offensive is not ideal, otherwise Chernyshev would not just smile.

Seeing that Chernyshev was unmoved, Count Uvarov added: "Duke Dolgoruky is also a capable man. It is a pity that he is targeted like this. I am ready to help him. You What do you think?"

Count Uvarov's words shocked Chernyshev. He knew exactly what kind of person this person was. He was a typical unprofitable person. Would such a person help Duke Dolgoruky out of morality?

Chernyshev didn't really believe it, and he laughed dryly again and said: "It's okay, but I'm afraid that Duke Dolgoruky won't appreciate it!"

The implication of these words is to tell Count Uvarov that you should stop pretending to be a good person. I know exactly what you are thinking, so don't fool me into thinking that you are a fool.

Count Uvarov waved his hands and smiled nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter whether I appreciate it or not, I just pity the talent..."

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