Struggle in Russia

Chapter 925 I am a good father!

If it were an ordinary noble lady, she would have been deceived by Count Uvarov, but Feodora was not an ordinary noble lady. Obviously her father's words could not convince her, but she was smart and filial and did not say it to her face. What, just pretending to be convinced to make the old father happy.

Count Uvalov sighed as he watched Feodora leave. How could an old fox like him not see what his little daughter was thinking? He knew that Feodora was just pretending to make him happy.

And this also made him feel more and more frustrated. When could he, Count Uvarov, not even be able to convince a little girl?

Think about it, whether it was Nicholas I, Prime Minister Neserrode or other cabinet ministers, who was not convinced by his theory? But now he is...

Count Uvarov feels that he is really old. Even if he is still ambitious, it cannot change the fact that he is old. Otherwise, how could he be so helpless?

In fact, Count Uvarov made a mistake. It was not because he was old and his persuasiveness had declined that led to everyone not believing in him. But his trick finally revealed that the peep show could no longer fool anyone.

Rather than saying that he was very good at convincing Nicholas I and others, it is better to say that these people he persuaded were actually people from the same road, and they were all the biggest beneficiaries of Russia's old system. Naturally, he became Uvaro. They will surely sing his praises after Count Husband puts forward his theory of safeguarding the old system.

The problem is that this old system can no longer survive. If you continue on a road until it reaches the end, you will probably overturn. We are all smart people. How can we stupidly rush forward when we clearly see that it is a dead end? ..

Naturally, they were dissatisfied with Count Uvarov's theory and even scorned it.

So it's not that Count Uvarov's theory has failed, but that his theory has never worked. As time goes by, it becomes more and more outdated, and it will naturally be eliminated!

This is something that the stubborn Count Uvarov will never admit. He always insists that there are bad people in the country, and it is these bad people who messed up the situation and made things uncontrollable. It is impossible for him to reflect or reflect, he is truly hopeless.

After encouraging himself and his theory in his mind, Count Uvarov suddenly thought of Vishnyak. He didn't know why he suddenly thought of this illegitimate child. As a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity, he always insisted on healthy family relationships and hated finding lovers or mistresses.

But he himself suffered from eternal hatred because of a drunken mistake. Naturally, such a proud person was unwilling to face this mistake, so he tried his best to cover up and cover up, and even tried to erase this shameful evidence.

However, his old father stopped him. In the old man's words: "Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds. Although you don't like him, he is still your son. Even if he is only an illegitimate son, your blood still flows... You If you really don't like him and don't want to see him, just let the mother and son leave and send them far away, out of sight and out of mind!"

At that time, the old Count Uvarov was also an undisputed figure in the family. Even the prosperous Count Uvarov had to bow to his old father, so Vishniak and his son were sent away. Count Uvarov then lived in peace for more than twenty years, as if all this had never happened.

But there was always a thorn in his heart. He would secretly pay attention to Vishnyak's movements, fearing that this annoying illegitimate son would suddenly come out to recognize his relatives, and he was even ready to kill him.

But what surprised him was that Vishnyak knew his life experience but never had the idea of ​​acknowledging his relatives. He even hated his old father and regarded him as a enemy.

This made Count Uvarov both happy and troubled. I am happy that the mistake will not be exposed and will not be known to the public, but I am troubled that this illegitimate son actually dismisses me, which somewhat hurts his old father's self-esteem.

A simple summary of Count Uvarov's mentality is that I can be dismissive of you, but you can't be indifferent to me.

This mentality became more and more serious as Vishniak performed better and better. Compared with the two biological sons of Count Uvarov, Navishniak was almost ten positions more outstanding. On one side, he was a playboy who lived in a drunken life, and on the other side, he was already an outstanding soldier and the future pillar of the empire.

This made Count Uvarov's mentality become more and more entangled. In recent years, the reason why he has become more and more dissatisfied with his two biological sons and tried every means to spur them is to some extent to compete with Vishniak. .

He just wanted to prove that a biological son was definitely better than an illegitimate son, and that his best bloodline was always on the direct side, not the son of a mere serf.

It's just that this desire to be strong has become increasingly unrealistic as he gradually loses power. Whether from a realistic or ideal perspective, it is impossible for Nikolai and Vladimir to overtake someone and suddenly become talented. This also means that his most direct bloodline was beaten to pieces by the sons of serfs.

Looking at the crescent moon outside the window, Count Uvarov sighed quietly. He felt that the only bad thing in his life was that he was pregnant late in the evening, and the bad thing was that he lost his temper after drinking. Otherwise, even if he lost power now, he would not be so entangled. So disturbing.

Just imagine if there was no annoying person like Vishnyak, although he would be very passive, at least he would not be upset, and would not feel that he was a failure in career, family, and education of his children.

He can more or less console himself by saying, "I am still a good father!"

But now Vishnyak is right there. Even if he pretends to be invisible, he can't deceive himself. He has no shame in thinking that he is a good father - have you ever seen a good father who wants to kill his son? Have you ever seen a good father who has ignored his son for more than 20 years?

Obviously Count Uvarov is by no means a good father, just like he is by no means the best spiritual leader and truth in Russia. He is always just a fool who deceives himself and thinks he is smart!

Now the big fool is entangled in troubles. He thinks it is necessary to solve the Vishniak problem in his lifetime. Even if it is impossible for him to solve the current crisis in Russia, he also wants to make his personal affairs more perfect, so that At least he will feel much calmer when he enters the tomb.

So how does Count Uvarov plan to solve this problem? He has his own unique set of ideas, and he is very arrogant that he can succeed...

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