Struggle in Russia

Chapter 928 Sometimes you have to stir things up

The current situation in St. Petersburg really makes people feel confused and at a loss. For most people, it is best to give Alexander II a clear answer as soon as possible whether he wants to reform or not, so as to make it easier for them to take sides.

But Alexander II had an ambiguous attitude. He said he wanted reforms, but in fact he flirted with the conservatives and didn't want to make changes. This makes a lot of idiots feel distressed, and they are all afraid of being in the wrong team.

What should you do if you are afraid of being in the wrong team? That is to do nothing, keep the status quo and wait. As the saying goes, it is good to do more and make more mistakes but not to do more. It is difficult for bureaucrats to get them to do well, but it is very simple to let them do nothing and work hard. They have already filled up their skills in this area.

If it's a normal day, doing this wouldn't be a big problem. Everyone lets their own lives go on with their lives, singing and dancing. Didn’t the bureaucrats from the Wanli period of China have been hanging around for decades?

The level of Russian bureaucracy may not be as high as that of the civil service group during the Wanli period, but it is certainly not a problem to get by.

But the problem is that Russia cannot afford to dawdle in its current situation! The mess left by Nicholas I is still there, there are a lot of problems that need to be solved urgently, and there are a lot of messy things to wipe the butt. At this time, you must roll up your sleeves and quickly solve these burning butt-burning problems. Where can you just lie down and live a peaceful life? ah!

Let’s put it this way, the current series of problems in Russia are actually the consequences of Alexander II’s inaction. His procrastination turned small problems into big problems and big problems until they exploded, which made the situation look rotten. Unbearable.

After all, if Alexander II had been more decisive, the situation would not be like this at all. In a way, the current pressure he is facing is largely caused by his own procrastination, which can be regarded as his own fault.

Of course, this is the main reason. The secondary reason is that the reformists successfully took advantage of the current favorable situation and deliberately added fuel to the flames to put pressure on Alexander II. The conservatives also deliberately did not act to allow the reformists to put pressure. They wanted to tell Alexander II that if you do not remain consistent with us, you will face the fire of the reformists alone.

It's very simple to end all this. It just depends on when Alexander II can make up his mind. Anyway, the reformists headed by Count Rostovtsev are not in a hurry. They just hope that the situation will become more corrupt, just in time to force Alexander II to make thorough reforms. .

It can only be said that the only people who are suffering are the working people of Russia. Their demands are actually very simple, just to have enough food to survive, but invisibly it has become a power struggle between conservatives and reformists and Alexander II. Chess piece, to be honest, it's really pitiful.

Li Xiao couldn't help but think that maybe the reason why the working people were so violent during the October Revolution was because they had to wipe out the roots of Nicholas II's family. The root actually lies in the three generations of kings from Alexander I to Alexander II.

Obviously these three people had the time, opportunity and energy to solve Russia's social problems, but these three people missed it perfectly, especially Alexander II who took one step forward and then two steps back. Until the outbreak of World War I, Russia The quality of life of the poor has not been substantially improved.

So how angry do you think they will be once they find out how bad their life is, and that it doesn't have to be that bad at all? It’s strange that I can’t kill your Romanov family.

Anyway, Li Xiao didn't think Alexander II was that great. Although he started a reform, it ended in a stalemate and accomplished nothing. Russia ended up wandering on the old path of Nicholas I until it was overtaken by Japan in 1905. Fig leaf, to be honest, the Romanov family should have been finished in 1905. It is a pity that the Russian bourgeoisie was not determined and strong enough, which allowed the Romanov family to survive for more than ten years.

In Li Xiao's view, in a country like Russia, no matter what you do, the most taboo thing is hesitation. If you want to do it, do it to the end, and don't do it half-heartedly.

Why was Comrade Vladimir Ilyich so determined later on, even though he was clearly lacking in strength, he was able to get things done? The reason is that he knows that Russia must not take the middle road. If it wants to do it, it must do it, otherwise it will only be taught how to behave.

"How long will your Majesty continue to hesitate?"

"This is already the situation. Why is he still hesitating?"

"Wait a minute, I've been waiting for several months. If I wait any longer, the world will be in chaos!"

Nikolai Milyutin was silent and silent. Of course he was not satisfied with the current situation, but he was under great pressure. During this period, he was dismissed by Alexander II for reviewing the Crimean War decision-making. He was so disgraced that he could no longer hold his head up in the cabinet. He is also very stressed and anxious, okay!

But what problems can be solved by being anxious? He couldn't rush into the Winter Palace and force Alexander II to start reforms, so what happened? What is the difference between rebellion and rebellion?

Nikolay Milyutin had no thoughts of rebellion at all. He considered himself loyal to the country and the Tsar. He never wanted to subvert the existing power structure. He only wanted to improve and try to maintain the rule of the Tsar and the nobility.

"Quiet! Everyone, please be patient!"

Nikolai Milyutin did not speak but Grand Duke Constantine had to speak. It was not that he was conscious of this, but that he believed that this situation was beneficial to him and he could take advantage of it.

"I am also very dissatisfied with the current situation, and I also want to make changes immediately, but!" He shouted to suppress the noisy voice, almost roaring: "But what's the use of shouting here? It's directed at yourself. Losing one's temper cannot solve any problem! Only by letting more people hear our voice, and only by letting His Majesty know how critical the situation is, can the problem be solved!"

Nikolai Milyutin looked at Grand Duke Constantine in surprise, because didn't they agree to exercise restraint before? Would it be counterproductive to put pressure on Alexander II at this time?

Just when he was about to speak, Grand Duke Constantine said impassionedly: "Now is the time when all of Russia must hear our voice. If we continue to sit idly by, the situation will only become more corrupt. We must not wait any longer and waste it." It’s time!”

As Archduke Constantine raised his voice, the reformists, who were already very troubled, naturally responded together. They almost unanimously agreed that they must go to the Winter Palace to express their demands, that reforms must be started immediately, and that the current passivity of doing nothing must be changed immediately. situation!

"Look," Count Rostovtsev smiled at Li Xiao while sitting in the carriage outside: "Sometimes you need a troublemaker like Grand Duke Constantine. Nicholas is sometimes too forward-looking and backward..."

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