Struggle in Russia

Chapter 930 The Earl of Think Tank (Part 2)

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Alexander II was stunned. He did not expect that Count Rostovtsev would give such an idea.

What's this idea? If he was willing to start reforms immediately, how could he have struggled for so long?

It is precisely because he is unwilling to reform that he keeps working hard. In other words, what is his purpose of working hard? It is not just about maintaining the old system as much as possible.

To be honest, Alexander II wanted to slap Count Rostovtsev in the face at that time, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly swallowed back the anger in his heart.

"What did Count Rostovtsev say just now? Let Grand Duke Constantine become a loner?"

Alexander II had to admit that this idea was not very tempting to him. He had been fed up with the oppression brought by Grand Duke Constantine since he was a child. This kid had always refused to deal with him and kept causing trouble with him. It almost made him collapse. He has long wanted to teach this guy how to behave.

But he was very afraid of reform. When he was just the crown prince, he didn't have a deep feeling about it. But after he sat on the throne of the tsar, he realized how wrong he had been. Reform was too scary. , no wonder his father is so resistant.

It is precisely because of fear that even if the situation gets worse, he still cannot make up his mind. He always feels that once the reform begins, he will be pushed off the cliff.

After thinking for a long time, Alexander II unconsciously licked his lips and asked, "Is there any other way?"

Count Rostovtsev bowed slightly and replied: "Either we must completely deal with those who clamor for reform, send them into exile and clean them out, and destroy them with thunder!"

Alexander II swallowed again. He admitted that this suggestion was more tempting than the previous one, but he still knew rationally that it was almost impossible to do. After all, the people who supported the reform now accounted for an absolute majority. If he could really use thunderous means It's okay to eliminate them completely, but if the snake survives and suffers from it, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Anyway, Alexander II didn’t dare to gamble...?

Yes, if he really had the courage, he wouldn't be struggling until now.

"This is too risky," he replied dejectedly. "It can easily lead to a greater crisis. Earl, please don't make such risky suggestions in the future. Stability comes first!"

Although Count Rostovtsev didn't say anything, if Li Xiao were here now, he might be able to see how much he despises Alexander II.

He had known for a long time that Alexander II did not have the courage to cut through the mess quickly. This was also the biggest difference between him and Nicholas I. How could Nicholas I have waited so long? He would have done it long ago. Killed people.

Alexander II looked at Count Rostovtsev who had returned to his original position, and then at Pobedonostsev who seemed to be in a state of desire, and suddenly felt a little sad. Look at what he did as a tsar. Remember when I was here, whether you were in favor of reform or opposed to reform, you could only follow his baton when you stood in the imperial study room.

At that time, as long as his father came up with an idea, there was no shortage of people to help him with ideas and help. There were only a few confidants he could trust, and he didn't know who to talk to about any matter.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Thinking about it, he sighed again

Inexplicably, he missed the time when his father was still alive. Although he was often trained like a dog at that time, he really didn't have to worry about it. He could solve difficult things in minutes, unlike now when he has to do it himself and work hard. No good results yet.

After thinking for a long time, Alexander II finally took a deep breath: "Gentlemen, since there is no better way, we can only try the count's suggestion!"

After saying that, he glanced at Pobedonostsev specifically, which meant that if you have an idea, you'd better speak up quickly, otherwise the reformists will really be taken advantage of!

Is Pobedonostsev anxious?

Naturally, he is anxious, but he is not the kind of person who is quick-witted. He is more of a steady-footed person and the advice he can give is of course of a steady nature.

So the more Alexander II stimulated him, the more helpless he became... ?

All I can really do is stare.

Alexander II looked at Pobedonostsev and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was also quite helpless towards this latent think tank. He naturally understood what Pobedonostsev's strengths were. This kind of thing It's really hard to find him.

He looked at Count Shuvanov on the other side. This man was as honest as a quail. Even if he could help it, he would not say it in front of Pobedonostsev, not to mention that Alexander II felt that His method may not be a good one.

After all, after he decided to use Shuvanov, he had an in-depth understanding of his past and found that this kid was a despicable and shameless scumbag. He lacked neither quickness nor strategy nor means, but Alexander II always felt that he Too dirty for my taste.

He felt that Count Shuvanov's method must be a shameless trick that would easily lower his lower limit. He didn't want to lose his reputation as soon as he came on stage, so he didn't plan to ask Count Shuvanov.

"Count, how can we get those liberals and those who clamor for reform away from Grand Duke Constantine?"

Count Rostovtsev smiled. He knew that Alexander II would definitely choose his method in the end. He bowed slightly again and replied: "It's very simple. You just need to set up a special committee for reform."

Alexander II was stunned. He looked at Count Rostovtsev suspiciously. He didn't believe that the solution to the trouble was as simple as setting up a bullshit committee.

Suddenly he remembered an event from the past. It was said that when his father, Nicholas I, was still alive, it seemed that a so-called serfdom reform committee had been established. Later, the committee disappeared inexplicably...

Thinking of this, Alexander II suddenly blinked his eyes and looked at Count Rostovtsev suspiciously for a long time. Could it be that?

He felt that he had guessed the essence of Count Rostovtsev's suggestion. It turned out that it was still a delaying strategy, using a so-called reform committee in name only to get rid of those annoying guys... ?

This move is really damaging!

Alexander II suddenly became energetic. He changed his depression and entanglement and said happily to Count Rostovtsev: "Very good, Count! This suggestion is very timely. It is indeed necessary to set up a special committee. Handle reform matters! Let’s do this, I order you to be the head of the Serfdom System Reform Committee, and you will be fully responsible for the operation of this committee!”_\u0026 ?

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