Struggle in Russia

Chapter 949 Embarrassing Shortcomings (Part 1)

It has to be said that Russia lags far behind Western Europe and even Southern Europe at the same time. Even compared with Austria, which also has a serfdom system, it is far inferior.

Since Peter the Great, the Russians have continued to absorb and introduce advanced technology and culture from Western Europe, but they have always only learned a superficial knowledge. Before the October Revolution, Russia generally tended to be particularly conservative and backward.

It is not that there are Russians like Alexei who have been influenced to see the world with open eyes, but these pioneers also have many problems, such as Herzen who fled abroad. These people's criticisms of Russia hardly touch on the backward nature of Russia. Most of them focus on attacking the Tsar and his family, as if Russia can change its appearance and become modernized overnight without the Romanov family.

However, if you look at it later, even after the October Revolution, the tradition of Russian society is still an authoritarian society, and it is still the words of a certain boss. Often the personal preferences of the big boss can decide everything, and this is obviously a big problem.

Therefore, Russia has always been in a strange circle. If the big boss is wise and powerful, then the national power will flourish in a short period of time, and it is possible to be arrogant among the others.

But once this wise king leaves, it will go to the other extreme. The national power will decline significantly in a short period of time, and it is normal to plummet.

Although national governance is ultimately a matter of managing people, a phenomenon like Russia's, where the fate of a country is always tied to a handful of individuals, is like riding a roller coaster and can always give you a heart attack.

Let's put it this way, even though more than a hundred years have passed, Russia was still playing this heartbeat game when Li Xiao traveled through it, and there was a trend of getting worse the more it played. If it weren't for the old foundation, this country would probably It’s already over.

Of course, even if you have a good background, you won't be able to live with it for a lifetime. For example, in the current era of Alexander II, Russia has basically eaten away the old foundations of the era of Alexander I. At least in terms of international prestige and strength, sincerity has basically bottomed out. If you don't work hard to become stronger, you will just be taking jujube pills!

Li Xiao told Alexei very frankly: "I can tell you without hesitation that your vision and vision have far surpassed those of your predecessors who you once needed to look up to... Their concepts and ideas have fallen behind and have caught up with them. It’s out of step with the times.”

"If we govern the country according to their ideas, I'm afraid there won't be much improvement. At least it will be impossible to catch up with the advanced countries of Britain and France!"

Alexey nodded thoughtfully. Since Li Xiao was so sure, there was no reason for him not to believe it. After all, he himself had already noticed that something was wrong. He was not a die-hard fan of some people, and he would not defend someone. The ideas of these predecessors categorically refused to accept more advanced thinking.

He sighed and said: "If only everyone was as aware of this problem as you are! Then the reform will be much simpler!"

Li Xiao just smiled. He wanted to tell Alexei that even if most people in Russia were aware of this problem, as long as the final decision-making power was still in the hands of a small group of people, the reform would not be simple. .

Because wanting to change has long been a consensus at the grassroots level in Russia. This consensus has existed for almost half a century and is not a rare thing that popped out of the cracks in the rocks.

Half a century later, some people are still indifferent. It is conceivable that whether to reform or not is not a question of consensus at all, but a question of categorical rejection by some people in order to safeguard their own interests.

However, he did not make this clear. He felt that with Alexei's wisdom, it would be more beneficial to wait for him to discover and understand this problem himself.

"How is the work of the reform committee chaired by Count Rostovtsev going?" Alexey asked with a smile.

Li Xiao curled his lips and said: "In my opinion, it's hard to explain. Every day, he spends time with a group of bastards who pretend to be stupid or deaf and dumb, just talking about meaningless things. Anyway, how to reform me? I don’t see any useful opinions.”

Alexey chuckled. He was not unfamiliar with this at all, because he had chaired a similar committee back then. At that time, he often complained about the problems of useless work and excessive bureaucracy.

In the end, of course no policy was implemented, but a large amount of the country's funds was wasted. Is the same mistake going to happen again now?

Li Xiao shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, because I think Count Rostovtsev seems to be very confident, and he is not a fool, he cannot be fooled by those guys, I think he seems to be waiting for the opportunity. "

"Waiting for the opportunity?"

Alexey was stunned because he didn't understand how long he still had to wait. Hasn't the reform already determined things? What are you waiting for? Waiting for spring to bloom?

Li Xiao smiled bitterly and said: "It's not like you don't know that that person has always been a nagging person. He will not reveal the answer to the mystery until the last moment!"

"That's right, I forgot about that person's evil intentions!" Alexey also smiled and asked, "Are you going to wait like this?"

Li Xiao sighed again: "Of course I don't want to wait, but the information I have learned now is really limited, and I can't do anything at all... Forget it, don't worry about that old fox. With his level, there won't be any problems. Yes! Let’s consider leaking the news. Vasily Konstantinovich alone is not enough. Do you have any similar reliable friends? "

Alexei smiled and said: "Yes, there is, but I think that's not what you really want to ask, right?"

Li Xiao was obviously taken aback. Indeed, he really didn't particularly care who spread the news. What he cared more about was whether Alexei had any similar friends. Because of Count Rostovtsev's advice he was indeed eager to expand his network of contacts.

Instead of muddle-headedly expanding your network, you might as well start with a reliable friend like Alexey and follow his network to develop and integrate. This is more efficient and more secure.

"Yes," Li Xiao nodded and said, "My relationship network is indeed too narrow, which has become the key to restricting my development, but it is unrealistic and a waste of time for me to develop my relationship network all over again. It is best The best way is to blend in with your friends..."

Alexei laughed and said: "Actually, I have wanted to ask you this question for a long time. If you want to gain a foothold in St. Petersburg, you will definitely not be able to do it without a few reliable friends. You didn't seem to care much about this before. I can't take the initiative to introduce people to you. Now that you are aware of this problem, I think you may have to accompany me to salons and dance parties? By the way, you need to practice your dancing skills. You are in Bucharest That level is really not good!"

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