Struggle in Russia

Chapter 956 A wise queen? (superior)

Instead, Alexander's expression was gloomy and uncertain. One moment his eyes showed a fierce look as if he was ready to kill him, and the other moment he hesitated as if he couldn't make up his mind. The repeated struggles were like changing faces in a Sichuan opera, making Pobedonostsev's heart feel like he was on a roller coaster. It was a thrill.

Pobedonostsev knew that the master's hesitancy syndrome had occurred again. If he didn't find a way to cheer him up quickly, he would probably give up the idea soon.

Not wanting to lose this opportunity, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, as the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Count Uvarov is already a rotten sore. The only way for now is to cut off the tangled knot with a sharp knife and clean it cleanly. The scars will only get worse and worse, and eventually they will be out of control!”

Alexander II seemed to be a little moved, but just as he was shaking violently, the chamberlain outside the door suddenly announced: "Your Majesty, the Queen please come over. Your Highness has important matters to discuss with you."

Alexander II frowned. To be honest, he was not happy that the queen suddenly came in to interrupt him, but considering that this was not a common occurrence, and he knew his wife, she would not be so reckless unless it was a special situation.

After thinking about it, he ordered Pobedonostsev: "Have your people keep an eye on Count Uvarov, and by the way, Nikolay Milyutin... Also, pay close attention to the trends of public opinion in St. Petersburg. , pay attention to all topics related to the Constitution, and report any situation to me as soon as possible!"

Pobedonostsev opened his mouth and wanted to ask what to do about Count Uvarov's affairs. But he finally endured it, even though the queen's interruption made him very depressed.

However, he also knew the relationship between the queen and Alexander II, and also knew that the queen was actually very smart and had contacts with many ministers, so blindly showing resentment towards the queen would only lead to frustration.

Queen Maria Alexandrovna was waiting for Alexander II in her palace, and then immediately turned away the female attendants. She asked softly: "Your Majesty, I heard that Count Uvarov went to see Nikolai Milyutin?"

Alexander II was stunned, because on the way he had thought about many reasons why the queen was looking for him, but he did not expect that the queen was looking for him because of Count Uvarov's actions. It can be seen that the earl really did something earth-shattering this time, and even his wife couldn't sit still!

Of course Queen Maria couldn't sit still. She paid a lot of attention to the political situation, so she naturally knew what Count Uvarov's action meant. To put it bluntly, if he really reaches a compromise with Nikolai Milyutin as the rumors say, it means that Russia's political situation will undergo earth-shaking changes.

And her family would be the first to be affected by this change, so how could she stand idly by?

Alexander II nodded slowly to her and confirmed the news. Queen Maria suddenly raised her eyebrows and asked incredulously: "Was there no sign before? Nothing was found in the third part? Constantine How can you watch this happen and remain indifferent?!"

These words spoke to Alexander II's heart. He wanted to ask Pobedonostsev this several times today, so when faced with his wife's question, he could only answer dumbfounded:

"He is completely incompetent in the work of the third part. I have to admit that it was a mistake to let him go to the third part!"...

"There is no definite news about this matter yet. He is still trying to find out. There should be results soon..."

Now it was Queen Maria's turn to be speechless, because she could hear the deep helplessness in her husband's tone. Indeed, the third part of Dangtang could not even get accurate information about such a big thing in the first time. You can only give vague guesses. Isn't this a dereliction of duty?

She said flatly: "I can't blame you. After all, Constantine's previous performance was pretty good. It's my suggestion to let him take care of the third part. I can only say that we all underestimated the complexity of the third part!"

Alexander II's expression improved a little, because he heard that Queen Maria was trying to save face for him. Because it was his own insistence to let Pobedosnosev take care of the third part. He remembered that Queen Maria reminded him at that time, but he did not take it seriously.

But now Queen Maria has taken the initiative to help him take responsibility. It is really his greatest luck to have such a reasonable wife.

"I can't blame you," Alexander II shook his head. "It was my decision to let Constantine take care of the third part, and I am responsible for it!"

After a pause, he immediately added: "And now is not the time to regret. After all, I don't have a more suitable candidate for the time being... The most important thing at the moment is to find out that Count Uvarov is using a false shot to force me to give in. I’m really ready to cooperate with Nikolai Milyutin!”

Queen Maria nodded: "Yes, you are very right, this is indeed a top priority... But from my point of view, I think the count is probably a false shot!"

Alexander II was stunned. Although he also believed that Count Uvarov's false shot was more likely, he did not dare to gamble on such a big thing. But Queen Maria dares to say so definitely. Does she know the inside story?

Queen Maria chuckled and said: "I don't have any inside information. I just made a judgment based on the count's past behavior... He is a cunning and cunning person, and he has always been intolerant of liberal elements before. I don't think so. Overnight he will suddenly realize and choose to cooperate with the liberal elements!"

She looked up at Alexander II and found that her husband was deep in thought, so she continued: "So it is very possible that he is taking the opportunity to threaten you and force you to give in!"

Alexander II smiled bitterly and said: "This is the truth, but I can't bet!"

Queen Maria nodded again and said: "Yes, you are right to be cautious. Let the news spread for a while, and time will make everything clear... But this is not why I asked you to come."

Alexander II was stunned. If it wasn't about Count Uvarov, why else? You can't just ask him to create villains, right?

Queen Maria replied very seriously: "I asked you to come here to remind you that the more unclear the news, the less hasty it is to make decisions, especially not to make decisions involving major matters... I am very worried about some people. Will encourage you to take action against Count Uvarov, I think this behavior is intolerable!"

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