Struggle in Russia

Chapter 968 Seeing Through (Part 1)

【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Nikolai Milyutin felt a little uneasy. It was not his first time coming to the Winter Palace and it was not his first time coming to the Imperial Study Room. He would come here almost every three to five days. Logically speaking, he should be used to it, but he didn't know whether it was because of Dmitri's warning or Count Uvarov's relationship, but this time he felt uneasy.

As the chamberlain walked into the imperial study, when the door behind him slowly closed, and when he saw the serious face of Alexander II, this uneasy feeling became more intense.

"Your Majesty?" he called tentatively.

Alexander II's mood on the other end was not much better than his own. He couldn't help but worry that Nikolay Milyutin had reached an agreement with Count Uvarov, and then he, the Tsar, would be sidelined. From now on, nothing will happen to him.

But he couldn't act too eager, as that would make him more passive. He could only endure the uneasiness in his heart and slowly deal with Nikolai Milyutin.

"Nothing, I thought of some irrelevant things." Alexander II laughed, forced a smile and asked: "Has the review of the third part not been completed yet? Constantine has complained to me several times, Said that you seriously interfered with his work..."

Nikolai Milyutin looked at Alexander II and felt that the tsar called him over in a hurry to talk about this matter. Why did it feel like something was wrong?

That's not to say that the third part is unimportant, on the contrary, this issue is very important, and it is not surprising that Alexander II paid attention to it.

But the strange thing is that there are clearly more important things now. At this time, he ignores the meeting with Count Uvarov and asks about the relatively minor third part. No matter how you look at it, this is a little bit Intentional feeling.

Nikolay Milyutin was not a newcomer to officialdom on his first day. Alexander II's little trick of pretending to be calm could not deceive him at all. On the contrary, it confirmed Dmitri's guess. Alexander II Pay special attention to it, as long as the pressure is applied appropriately, it will... ?

It is possible to make concessions.

This was the first time he felt this way, because Alexander II always gave him a feeling of being too calm and not afraid of anything. The tsar seemed to have everything under control. No matter how great the pressure from the outside world was, he would just let it go at his own pace. Otherwise, how could a reform issue have been entangled for so long?

But today Alexander II's pretended calmness was shattered. Although it was not completely broken, it was full of cracks.

Immediately, Nikolai Milyutin was no longer as nervous as he was when he entered. After seeing through Alexander II's falsehood, there was naturally nothing to be nervous about.

He calmed down and replied calmly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the review of the third department is still progressing steadily. Through the joint efforts of several departments, many problems have been discovered. I am planning to report the relevant issues to you. I I think it’s time for the third part to be seriously rectified!”

Alexander II stared closely at Nikolai Milyutin, and was extremely concerned about his every move and even the smallest movement. He clearly felt that when he mentioned the third part and Pobedonostsev After that, this person's energy and energy were different.

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

He didn't know the reason for this change, but he knew that he made a bad move and he shouldn't mention it.

But it was too late to regret it now. He could only bite the bullet and deal with it: "Really? Is the problem so serious? Why didn't Count Uvarov say so? He still appreciates Constantine's work... "

I have to say that this guy is quite capable. You see, he changed the topic to Count Uvarov without leaving any trace, which was both a test and a estrangement.

Didn't you secretly have a small meeting without me? Isn't it possible that you have reached an agreement? Then I have to mess with you too!

Nikolay Milutin's brows moved. He was a little shaken at that moment, but he calmed down immediately. Because he did have several encounters with Count Uvarov on the issue of the third part, and that count was not merciless at all to Pobedonostsev... ?

, as long as it can hit him personally, Count Uvarov will definitely use a full set of means.

The only problem is that these attacks are only directed at Pobedonostsev personally. On the other hand, he strives to maintain the tradition of the third part and strives to ensure that it continues to serve conservative forces.

So Alexander II said that Count Uvarov thought that the problems in the third part were not serious. Nikolai Milyutin believed it, but if you want to say that he also affirmed Pobedonostsev's work, it would be nonsense. Anyway, Nikolai Milyutin doesn’t believe it!

He immediately replied: "Really? But I feel that the count has a different opinion of Pobedonostsev. He thinks that his leadership is worrying and he is not suitable to be in charge of the third part at all!"

Alexander II suddenly felt embarrassed. The reason why he wanted to add the last sentence was actually to defend Pobedonostsev, so he couldn't really withdraw from him.

But he didn't expect Count Uvarov to have such a strong opinion of Pobedonostsev, and to make it so obvious in front of an outsider like Nikolai Milyutin. Isn't this a lie?

He could only laugh and said: "Maybe that's just the count's deep love for Constantine. It's one thing in private, but it's another thing in public!"

Nikolai Milyutin felt more and more ridiculous. He felt that Count Uvarov would not like Pobedonostsev privately or publicly, and he would probably be in the same position.

It's just that he is not the kind of person who doesn't save face for the monarch at all. He can feel that Alexander II is already very embarrassed. If he continues to criticize him, this person will really not be able to get off the stage, so he doesn't bother to continue to be serious, but says :

"Maybe, but we all feel that the current third part has big problems and changes must be made!"

Alexander II felt a little overwhelmed. He didn't want to continue talking about this topic. He forced a smile and said: "Really? Let me talk to the count again next time. I think the problems in the third part can be easily solved... Yes Now, is everything going well for you and the Earl when you work together? The Earl is also a stubborn person, and sometimes... ?

He likes to accept death, and he is a bit old-fashioned and not easy to deal with. If you take these aspects more seriously, it is all for the sake of the country, right? "

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【Struggle in Tsarist Russia】 【】

Nikolai Milyutin felt more and more that Alexander II was ridiculous. He obviously wanted to talk about today's affairs, but he had to force himself to go around in circles. Aren't you tired?

Well, even if you're not tired, the question is, can't you tell when others are fools? _\u0026 ?

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